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Autistic Girl Expresses Unimaginable Intelligence

Autistic Girl Expresses Unimaginable Intelligence
Related:  GENERAL PIX 2

World’s Largest Rope Swing | LOKOIWORLD Enquête 2014 sur l'utilisation de 51c4d6f847d00c23480295b9 - Mardi, 08 Avril 2014 Question : 1 sur 4 Comment évalueriez-vous 51c4d6f847d00c23480295b9 sur une échelle de 1 à 5 (1 étant la meilleure note) ? Question : 2 sur 4 À partir d'où utilisez-vous 51c4d6f847d00c23480295b9 ? Question : 3 sur 4 Combien de fois utilisez-vous 51c4d6f847d00c23480295b9 ? Question : 4 sur 4 Naviguez-vous sur 51c4d6f847d00c23480295b9 sur ​​votre téléphone mobile ? Envoi de réponses ... ©2014 All Rights Reserved. Your privacy is important to us. 15 Amazing Animated Short films We all love short animated films, but creating short film is very hard task. Putting whole story in 5 to 10 minutes is not easy. Can you imagine? Few films produced after working hard more than 6 years! Here we collected 15 dazzling animated short films for your inspiration. You can find different genres in these movies like heart-touching film One life, frightening film The Passenger. I bet you will love these short animated movies, do let us know your favorite one, also feel free to share your favorite short film if it’s not present in the list. Granny O’Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty Oscar-nominated film of ‘Granny O’Grimm’, directed by Nicky Phelan, produced by Brown Bag Films, and written/voiced by Kathleen O’Rourke. Oktapodi (2007) In Oktapodi, these two cuties help each other escape the clutches of a tyrannical restaurant cook. This Side Up – A Short Animation by Liron Topaz Oxygen Oxygen tries to make friends on the playground. “Heavenly Appeals” a short film by David Lisbe Bunny Animation

Cradle Chair: Big Basket Seat Rocks Adults Gently to Sleep | Designs &Ideas on Dornob - StumbleUpon There is no escaping those innate and early-learned associations – for some, it means sleeping to gentle noises on planes, and for others, the act of rocking tilts us softly into a deep slumber. Richard Clarkson and company wanted to create a kind of low-tech, sensory-deprivation, sofa-style seat where one can curl up and forget the workaday worries of ordinary life … and perhaps even doze over before you notice you are slowly falling asleep. While there is art and craft in this object, there is science that went into its design as well. Specifically, research into autistic children and those who suffer from RMD (rhythmic moving disorder) played a crucial role in the shape and structure of the result. For all its theoretical complexity, the final form looks quite simple (and extremely comfortable).

23 Photos That Will Restore Your Faith In Mankind Sometimes you need a reminder that people can do wonderful things. These Amazing photos will melt your heart. Good people exist and what they do for others will definitely Restore Your Faith In Mankind.People are kind and compassionate. 1. via godvine 2. via dump a day 3. via imgur / whatotternonsense

les différences invisibles » 2013 » février TALENTS CACHES 12 février, 2013 Posté par céline dans : Non classé , Aujourd’hui, je voulai vous présenter les enfants sous un autre jour. Pour Yoan, nous avons découvert son « don », juste après son 11ème anniversaire, soit il y a 3 mois. Et pour Kenzo : cet été, principal occupation de Kenzo au camping, la fabrication de radeau a l’aide bout de bois et de ficelle (celui-là avec un un peu d’aide de son papa..pour faire tenir le mat et attacher les ficelles pour que le radeau soit plat). les chateaux de sables, qui ont valu à Kenzo de nombreux copains de sables, car à chaque jour, une nouvelle oeuvre, dont il était l’architecte ! images séquentielles 9 février, 2013 Je tenais à partager une petite trouvaille faite sur le net, dont je vais me servir pour Yoan. sur ce site il y a une partie réservée aux images séquentielles. Quant à Kenzo, tout va bien en ce moment.

7 zakona Седемте Закона (ConditioSineQuaNon) на Сугестопедията/ Р е з е р в о п е д и я Като се има предвид нашата концепция за сугестията, която се основава на съзнателното- несъзнателно, свободно, спонтанно възприемане на информацията чрез периферни перцепции в един целенасочен, неманипулативен комуникативен учебен процес, и която е в противовес на диктуващата хипнотична и клинична сугестия, можем да кажем, че резервопедията е система на обучение, която използува всички възможности, които нашия тип сугестия би могъл да предложи.Нейното приложение в педагогиката ни доведе до формулирането на следните седем закона – conditio sine qua non – на резервопедията. Те стоят в основата на всяко резервопедично общуване. Те са така тясно свързани, че трябва да бъдат спазвани едновременно във всеки един момент на учебния процес. Трябва да се знае, обаче, че тези условия може да доведат до скритите резерви на психиката, само когато преподавателят – резервопед има висок личен и професионален престиж.

23 Photos That Will Restore Your Faith In Mankind Sometimes you need a reminder that people can do wonderful things. These Amazing photos will melt your heart. Good people exist and what they do for others will definitely Restore Your Faith In Mankind.People are kind and compassionate. 1. via godvine 2. via dump a day 3. via imgur / whatotternonsense

Sans raison apparente Worlds Biggest Pumpkin Carved as Zombies | Oddity Central - Collecting Oddities - StumbleUpon Life-size zombies crawling out of a 1,800-pound giant pumpkin? You have to face it, Halloween carved pumpkins don’t get a lot cooler than that. A crowd of Halloween fans gathered at the New York Botanical Garden, the other day, to see pumpkin-carving master Ray Villafane work his magic on the world’s biggest pumpkin. Photo by Ivo M. Ray Villafane used Brant and Eleanor Bordsen’s 1,693 pound pumpkin to create the zombies, while Kelsey and Jim Bryson’s 1,818.5 pound orange monster was used as the base they’re crawling out of. Photo by Ivo M. Photo by Ivo M. Photo by Ivo M. via Daily Picks and Flicks Reddit Stumble
