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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Lumière sur… [ modifier ] Le Bodhisattva Le Bodhisattva, l'« être d'Éveil » désigne un futur Bouddha à partir du moment où il engendre et actualise la Bodhicitta, c'est-à-dire l'« esprit d'Éveil » par le vœu de l'accomplir afin d'enseigner à tous les êtres sensibles la voie de la Libération. Portail des religions et croyances Related:  Buddhism

The Sangha Kommune. | An Exploration of Marxist-Leninism, Buddhism, Hakka Ethnography, and Philosophy that Strives to Expose and Uproot Bourgeois Lies & Deception… le portail du bouddhisme dans le monde Lama Thubten Yeshe — Tourner la Roue Le 23 avril 2014, par Buddhachannel Fr. LAMA THUBTEN YESHE : TOURNER LA ROUE[1] Ceci nous amène au moment de la vie du Bouddha où celui-ci est prêt à commencer l’enseignement aux autres, du chemin spirituel Le Bouddha Sakyamuni réalisa ensuite l’action suprême d’une créature illuminée. Le mois de mai au centre Kalachakra La méditation Mercredi 7, 14, 21 et 28 (19h30-21h) : Méditation guidée. Rigpa RIGPA a pour but de présenter la tradition bouddhiste du Tibet d’une façon à la fois authentique et aussi adaptée que possible au mode de vie et aux besoins de notre monde contemporain. Le Mahayana et le Hinayana Le Mahayana exprime très bien l’esprit de tout le processus et le fait que ce processus prenne place dans un contexte bien plus grand, cosmique même. Le Sûtra du Diamant Introduction 1. "Chrétiens et Bouddhistes : Un même regard vers les enfants" "Chrétiens et Bouddhistes. Tsai Ming-liang veut « ré-inspirer la vie » avec une nouvelle pièce

ILTK | Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa | Sito Ufficiale Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa L'Almanach Thinking – Secret Oral Teaching in Tibetan Buddhist Sects | The Tree of Life Following Alexandra David Neel in Tibetan Oral Teachings the Tibetan Masters defined three main groups of people from their thinking capabilities: “In general,” continued the Master, “we distinguish three kinds of individuals: those whose intelligence is completely dull : those whose intelligence is of average quality, able to understand some Truths which are specially evident; those endowed with an intelligence better equipped for acute perceptions, who are fit to penetrate below the surface of the world of physical phenomena and grasp the causes which are at work there.’ The last group is not bound by opinions, their mind is free to work with ideas presented to them: “It is enough to direct the attention to these last, to say to them: ‘Look from this point of view, consider that’ and they perceive what is to be perceived there where they have been told to look; they understand what is really the thing which one has pointed out to them. This is the illusion we live in. Like this:

Le Macroscope Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le Macroscope est un des principaux ouvrages français d'initiation à l'analyse systémique. Il a fait découvrir à beaucoup les systèmes à causalité circulaire (et non plus seulement linéaire) et l'importance du rôle de la rétro-action (feed-back). L'auteur, Joël de Rosnay, présente dans cet ouvrage de 1975 l'outil virtuel du même nom qu'il a inventé et qui permet d'observer (skopein) en grand et de manière synthétique (macro) un système complexe. « Les rôles sont inversés : ce n'est plus le biologiste qui regarde au microscope une cellule vivante ; c'est la cellule qui regarde au macroscope l'organisme qui l'abrite. » Ce néologisme, qui n'est pas (encore ?) Probablement rattaché à la cybernétique aux États-Unis dans les années 1950, cet ouvrage serait aujourd'hui qualifié d'approche systémique (ou par l'analyse systémique) à la réunion des sciences. « Macroscope » est un jeu de mots se référant à la théorie des trois infinis :

Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia Two people from Buddhism & Australia, Vello Vaartnou and Marju Broder represented Australia at the UC Berkeley PNC conference that was held on 16-18 August, 2016 in Los Angeles. The PNC was founded at the University of California, Berkeley and it encourages scholars, academic institutions, and universities to collaborate and exchange their academic resources and research expertise. It is really wonderful, that Western Australia which is usually known for the mining boom, was represented by two people who deal with the academic aspect of Buddhism on international level. Until today, Western Australian universities do not have Buddhist studies at all. Prof. Already in 2012, Vello Vaartnou represented Australia at the UC Berkeley and introduced his century project, an online Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia to the international audience. Two research papers on Buddhist history was presented at the PNC 2016 in Los Angeles this year.

La révolte du pronetariat Dharma Wheel - A Buddhist discussion forum on Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism Joël de Rosnay : À la découverte du Web 5.0 Joël de Rosnay est un biologiste français, d’abord spécialiste des origines du vivant et des nouvelles technologies, puis en systémique et en prospective. Après trois ans de recherche et d’enseignement au MIT, il fut directeur des applications de la recherche à l’Institut Pasteur, puis directeur de la prospective et de l’évaluation de la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie de La Villette. Il a créé AgoraVox en mai 2005 et préside actuellement une société de conseil. Joël de Rosnay, Docteur en Sciences, est Directeur de la Prospective et de l’Evaluation de la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie de la Villette. > Retrouvez le programme et les vidéos de TEDx PARIS 2010

Buddhism's Diamond Sutra: The Extraordinary Discovery Of The World's Oldest Book Ask people to name the world’s oldest printed book and the common reply is Gutenberg’s Bible. Few venture that the answer is a revered Buddhist text called the Diamond Sutra, printed in 868 A.D. Or that by the time Gutenberg got ink on his fingers nearly 600 years later — and his revolutionary technology helped usher in the Enlightenment — this copy of the Diamond Sutra had been hidden for several centuries in a sacred cave on the edge of the Gobi Desert and would remain there for several more. Its discovery is the result of a series of accidents and its significance realized belatedly. The book unwittingly came to light when a Chinese monk clearing sand from a Buddhist meditation cave in 1900 noticed a crack in a wall. It suggested the outline of a doorway. The monk, Abbot Wang Yuanlu, broke in and discovered a small chamber, about nine feet square and full from floor to ceiling with scrolls. Unable to interest authorities in his find, Abbot Wang was ordered to seal the chamber.

Bob Thurman | Darwin, Marx, Freud & Buddha – Ep 56 In this podcast Professor Thurman discusses how the ideas of Darwin, Marx and Freud, although brilliant, are based on a rather despondent bottom line assessment: that we as humans are a bunch of helpless robots. But is it true that we can never understand our unconscious? Are we helpless victims of our genes? Professor Thurman then engages his listeners into an interesting discussion of whether there is evidence or lack thereof for former and future lives. This episode was recorded on February 26, 2015 at the “Living the Evolutionary Life” workshop at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, taught by Robert Thurman. Podcast: Download | Embed

On Tulpas, Tulpamancers and Alexandra David-Néel Yesterday, Chris Bell’s Facebook feed alerted me to an article by Vice, describing the phenomena of ‘tulpas’ and the ‘tulpamancers’ who create and nurture them. For those of you who may not be familiar (as I was not), tulpas are beings created in the imagination of the tulpamaner, but which acquire their own sentience. According to Vice, tulpamancers spend some 200 to 500 hours in intense focus ‘forcing’ their tulpas to appear. Once that happens, though, tulpamancers are convinced that their creations have independent mental lives of their own. They can hold conversations with their host, dictate letters and even fall in love. Really, there’s too much to describe. I’m going to refrain from commenting on wether this is weird or not (Vice certainly thinks it is). Needless to say, I have never heard of anything like this from any Tibetan. So what to make of all of this? Like this: Like Loading...

Buddhist Economics: How to Start Prioritizing People Over Products and Creativity Over Consumption By Maria Popova Much has been said about the difference between money and wealth and how we, as individuals, can make more of the latter, but the divergence between the two is arguably even more important the larger scale of nations and the global economy. What does it really mean to create wealth for people — for humanity — as opposed to money for governments and corporations? That’s precisely what the influential German-born British economist, statistician, Rhodes Scholar, and economic theorist E. F. Schumacher explores in his seminal 1973 book Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered (public library) — a magnificent collection of essays at the intersection of economics, ethics, and environmental awareness, which earned Schumacher the prestigious Prix Européen de l’Essai Charles Veillon award and was deemed by The Times Literary Supplement one of the 100 most important books published since WWII. Schumacher contrasts this with the Buddhist perspective: Thanks, Jocelyn
