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Social Media Statistics For 2012 

Social Media Statistics For 2012 
It was a huge year for Social Media and here is a great infographic that rounds up the key Social Media Statistics to kickoff 2012. It’s pretty impressive to see that Facebook has grown to more than 800 million active users, adding more than 200 million in a single year. Twitter now has 100 million active users and LinkedIn has over 64 million users in North America alone. A few interesting take outs for social media statistics in 2012: Facebook Statistics 2012: An average Facebook user has 130 friends and likes 80 pages56% of consumer say that they are more likely recommend a brand after becoming a fanEach week on Facebook more than 3.5 billion pieces of content are shared Twitter Statistics 2012: 34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter55% of Twitter users access the platform via their mobile General Social Media Statistics 2012: Check out more social media statistics for 2012 below in the full infographic, via Mediabistro. Be Sociable, Share! Related:  Twitter

Social Media Statistiken | Studien, Slides, Infografiken und Videos Top 11 Social Media Presentations 2010 Presentations are a great way to consume information and learn about new topics. Unfortunately, we don't all have the time and money to spend traveling to conferences to see them in person. Fortunately, the web has helped solve this problem by making it easier to share and watch presentations . Slideshare has become a powerful resource for discovering new ideas. Social Media Marketing Presentations 1.The 25 Basic Styles of Blogging ... 2.Basics Of Social Media Roi by Olivier Blanchard 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Stunning Business and Personal Brands by Jay Baer 8. 9. 10. 11. 8 Digital Trends That Will Change Everything by Josh Martin Have you seen other presentations that should be on this list?

• Twitter accounts with the most followers worldwide in October 2012 | Ranking Reading support This statistic presents a ranking of the most popular Twitter accounts as of March 2014, sorted by the highest numbers of followers. During that month, singer Katy Perry's account @katyperry had 51.83 million followers. In comparison, US President Barack Obama's account was followed by 41.85 million people. Celebrities and Twitter Founded in 2006, Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that allows users to post text-based status updates and messages of up to 140 characters in length. In order to establish authenticity of identity on Twitter, accounts of people from high-interest areas such as music, fashion, entertainment, politics, media, business or other areas as well as individuals at high risk of impersonation are verified by Twitter. Twitter provides a near-instant access channel to celebrities. Major sporting events and industry award shows such as the Grammy or Academy Awards generate lots of online buzz on Twitter.

» MPFS - Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest : 2011 Auch im Multimediazeitalter hat das Fernsehen unter Jugendlichen Informationskompetenz. Fast jeder Zweite (46 %) zwischen 12 und 19 Jahren sieht sich regelmäßig Nachrichten im Fernsehen an. Am häufigsten informieren sich Jugendliche mit der „Tagesschau“. Weitere häufig von Jugendlichen genutzte Nachrichtenformate sind „RTL Aktuell“ und „ProSieben Newstime“. Fernsehnachrichten werden meist über das klassische, stationäre Fernsehgerät gesehen. Jugendliche nutzen Fernsehen natürlich auch zur Unterhaltung. Trotz der großen Auswahl an Medienangeboten und der Präferenz für elektronische Medien wissen Jugendliche auch „alte“ Medien zu schätzen: 44 Prozent der Jugendlichen lesen regelmäßig Bücher und 42 Prozent Tageszeitungen. Download der Studie (pdf)

10 Research Tools for Social Media Strategies Liana Evans | February 23, 2011 | 5 Comments inShare287 Before you start engaging in social media, you have to know where the conversations are going on, what are the trends, who are the influencers, and who are the evangelists. Before you decide to implement any tactic in social media, the first question you should ask is "Why?" Why should I have a Facebook page? Research is the foundation to any social media or integrated marketing strategy. Research however goes beyond just "keyword research" using the Google AdWords tool and discovering seasonal trends. Research tools are indispensible and can take many forms for different companies depending on resources, capabilities, and budgets. Buzz Monitoring Tools Google Alerts (free): You can use Google Alerts as a rudimentary buzz monitoring tool now that Google is including conversations in its index. Research Tools Google Trends (free): This is a free tool from Google that you can use to spot trends happening currently in the world.

Twitter Study Reveals the Secret to Getting More Followers After analyzing the Twitter profiles of 36 million users who have generated more than 28 billion tweets (that's 794 tweets per person in three years on average), Beevolve's social analytics research reveals user follower bases directly correlate with how much they tweet. A Twitter user who has written 1 to 1000 tweets has an average of 51 to 100 followers, whereas users who have tweeted more than 10,000 times tend to be followed by 1,001 to 5000 individuals. It's estimated that a person with more than 15,000 tweets has between 100,001 to 1 million followers. Beevolve's report, called "An Exhaustive Study of Twitter Users Around the World," takes a look at users' demographics, follower stats, gender preferences, favorite keywords and smartphone/app preferences. SEE ALSO: 15 Twitter Accounts Every Space Lover Should Follow It turns out the average Twitter user is an English-speaking 28-year-old woman with about 208 followers. What's the most surprising thing this study reveals?

• Mitglieder des Social Network Xing 2011 <div class="alert alert-error"><b>Javascript deaktiviert</b><br />Die Statistiken können nicht richtig dargestellt werden. Aktivieren Sie Javascript, um vollständige Graphen zu sehen oder laden Sie sich die Statistik als PNG, PPT oder XLS herunter. </div> Es werden die Daten 1 bis 10 angezeigt von insgesamt 29 Lesehilfe Diese Statistik zeigt die Mitgliederentwicklung des Karrierenetzwerks Xing. Need a Social Media Strategy? Start Thinking Community… In the race to social media influence, brands, professionals, and organisations have been tripping over themselves to ‘get social’. It is now fairly uncommon to find a brand that does not have at least one social media profile or what I like to call branded social space. The trouble with some branded social spaces is that, in many cases, they are branded spaces. The social is missing. The motivation has been to collect fans and followers, which have resulted in many branded social spaces not actually providing any entertainment or value. Back in the day, before social media was the social media we see today, virtual communities facilitated the two-way interaction. The communities were run by the community members and grew from their participation. To me, social media or branded social spaces are the next evolution of the virtual community. To develop an effective social media strategy, it would be recommended to think about the reason for doing so. The Reason for Community Purpose

Twitter Hacking Victims Find Stolen Accounts Sold On Black Market Eric Weaver tried logging in to his Twitter account this summer, but he was locked out. A hacker had broken into his account and changed the password. But it didn't end there. With a little digging, Weaver found that his Twitter handle -- @weave -- was being sold in an online forum at "I was surprised this was all happening so openly," said Weaver, an advertising executive in Seattle. Weaver's experience is not unique. This week, Twitter user Daniel Dennis Jones detailed in a Storify post how his Twitter account -- @blanket -- was hacked, stolen and put up for sale on the black market. Experts say the underground market for Twitter accounts and the apparent ease with which they are stolen raises questions about security at the popular micro-blogging site. “Why is Twitter not doing that?” Twitter did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Such software -- known as a “Twitter cracker" -- can be easily purchased online. “They’re just bored kids,” he said.

SchülerVZ beliebteste Community bei Teenagern Berlin, 24. Januar 2011 - SchülerVZ ist bei deutschen Teenagern die beliebteste Internet-Gemeinschaft. Die weltweite Nummer 1, Facebook, steht bei Kindern und Jugendlichen hierzulande auf Rang 2. Das geht aus einer aktuellen repräsentativen Umfrage im Auftrag des Hightech-Verbandes BITKOM hervor. Demnach ist unter den 10- bis 18-Jährigen jeder Zweite (49 Prozent) bei SchülerVZ angemeldet, 40 Prozent nutzen das Netzwerk aktiv. „Eltern sollten mit ihren Kindern über die Erfahrungen im Netz sprechen“, betont Scheer. Am 26. Zur Methodik: Die Angaben gehen aus einer Studie hervor, bei der mehr als 700 10- bis 18-Jährige befragt wurden.
