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- 8 Classic storytelling techniques for engaging presentations

- 8 Classic storytelling techniques for engaging presentations

Related:  speakingDIGITAL STORYTELLINGDigital Storytelling

If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking ... After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months of hard labour to reading six lines aloud, and we’ll be honest with you, we struggled with parts of it. Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse. I will keep you, Suzy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy. Tear in eye, your dress will tear.

8 Steps to Great Digital Storytelling Stories bring us together, encourage us to understand and empathize, and help us to communicate. Long before paper and books were common and affordable, information passed from generation to generation through this oral tradition of storytelling. Consider Digital Storytelling as the 21st Century version of the age-old art of storytelling with a twist: digital tools now make it possible for anyone to create a story and share it with the world. WHY Digital Storytelling? Digital stories push students to become creators of content, rather than just consumers. Weaving together images, music, text, and voice, digital stories can be created in all content areas and at all grade levels while incorporating the 21st century skills of creating, communicating, and collaborating.

Explain Yourself! The students try to give a reasonable explanation ​about a made up statement.​They can do this exercise in pairs or in a small group. The teacher can also let the students come up with their own statements. - You have a tiger in your bedroom. "The Periodic Table of Storytelling" Reveals the Elements of Telling a Good Story Dmitri Mendeleev might have designed the original periodic table – a graphic representation of all the basic building blocks of the universe – but artist James Harris has done something way cool with that template -- the Periodic Table of Storytelling. That’s right. Harris has taken all the tropes, archetypes and clichés found in movies (not to mention TV, comic books, literature, video and even professional wrestling) and synthesized them into an elegantly realized chart. Instead of grouping the elements by noble gases or metals, Harris has organized them by story elements -- structure, plot devices, hero archetypes. Each element is linked to a vast wiki that gives definitions and examples.

12 Ideas for Amplified Forms of Digital Storytelling Storytelling fascinates me… Digital storytelling even more. Over the years, I shared my thinking and experiments around digital storytelling here on Langwitches, to one post in particular, I keep coming back to: Digital Storytelling- What it is and What is isn’t. Storytelling is also directly related to Documenting Learning, a way to tell our own learning story. It is NOT about the tools… it is about the skills Digital storytelling is not about how to use VoiceThread or iMovie. It is not about the ability to create an MP3 recording and adding it to an XML file, so people can subscribe to a podcast channel. Digital storytelling is about different types of skills we are developing in the process, such as:* writing, speaking, communication skills* oral fluency* information literacy* visual literacy* media literacy* language skills* auditory skills* drama skills* presentation skills* listening skills* publishing skills

Storytelling infographic : What really makes a good story? In a recent post, I noted that the term ‘storytelling’ is being applied to more and more types of content, not all of them proper stories. On top of that, there’s often an over-emphasis on the channels and media used for storytelling at the expense of the stories themselves. But all that begs the question: what does make a good story? This post draws on academic research into political storytelling, and other sources, to argue that the most effective commercial stories share seven closely related characteristics: drama, familiarity, simplicity, immersion, relatability, agency and trust in the teller. (Discussion continues below infographic.) Drama

Welcome Back to School! Welcome back to school We will start with a short speaking activity! You will get a handout with a lot of different questions. 1. Walk around the classroom and try to find someone who is able to answer yes to the questions on your handout.

How to teach ... storytelling Once upon a time (16 years ago, to be precise), National Storytelling Week was born. The good folk of the Society for Storytelling were determined to spread a love of the art form throughout the nation – and so it came to pass, with theatres, museums, schools, hospitals, spoken-word venues and even care homes bringing the joy of a good yarn to people of all ages (and they all lived happily ever after). The festival is celebrated this year from 30 January to 6 February, and if you’d like to turn your class into a room full of raconteurs, we’ve got resources to help you do it. A good place to start is this guide, also from the Society for Storytelling, on the educational processes that take place as children learn from hearing and engaging with stories. This guide for parents can also be handed out to encourage storytelling at home.

ELF Battleships – printable game boards The game involves learners very carefully articulating words in minimal pairs so that their partner can understand precisely which word they’re saying. The idea is to include words in the game which contain sounds that are typically difficult for particular learners of English, depending on their first language background. The game board looks like this Of course, practising minimal pairs over and over and over again has the potential to be mind-numbingly repetitive – but when done in a competitive game format, it’s much more fun! Printable game boards

Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity By Maria Popova In May, I had the pleasure of speaking at the wonderful Creative Mornings free lecture series masterminded by my studiomate Tina of Swiss Miss fame. I spoke about Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity, something at the heart of Brain Pickings and of increasing importance as we face our present information reality.

Ringsjöskolan's radio show "Summer talk" The Swedish radio show "Sommar i P1" is very famous and has millions of listeners. We are going to create our own radio show and we will use the same concept as in the famous program. Before we start our work, you will listen to a talk given by Maher Zain, who is a global music superstar with over 26 million followers on Facebook. His music is a mix between modern music from the East and the West, often with a religious hint. His show is about his journey to stardom and what he has decided to do with it.

Ringsjöskolan's radio show Ringsjöskolan's radio show - "Summer talk" The Swedish radio show "Sommar i P1" is very famous and has millions of listeners. We are going to create our own radio show and we will use the same concept as in the famous program. Before we start our work, you will listen to a talk given by Maher Zain, who is a global music superstar with over 26 million followers on Facebook.
