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Spice Up Your Slides with 600+ Free Design Templates

Spice Up Your Slides with 600+ Free Design Templates
Google Slides is an excellent tool not just for creating presentations, but for making eBooks, stop-motion animation, Choose Your Own Adventure stories, comic strips, and much more. However, one aspect that is a little lacking in Slides is the amount of design themes available by default. When you create a Google slideshow you are given a simple list of 23 basic design themes to choose from. These control the colors, font choice, and overall style of the presentation. Although these are a great place to start, and work well for most presentations, what if you want a different look and feel. However as educators, the one thing we have less of than default design themes is time. In this blog post we will look at a wide range of online resources that provide over 600 design theme templates (as of last count) for you and your students to use in your creations. 1) Slides Car Over 130 design theme templates. Related:  Google SlidesWebové aplikace v informačním vzděláváníPresentation tools

SlidesCarnival - Free Powerpoint templates for presentations, Google Slides themes and Canva templates Miloslav Khas: Aplikace na podporu formativního hodnocení O problematiku formativního hodnocení se zajímám již několik let, a tak jsem se domníval, že vybrat několik aplikací, které mohou sloužit jako podpora učiteli při vedení výuky, nebude nic tak náročného. Netušil jsem, jak složité to nakonec může být. Aplikací, které jsou primárně určené pro podporu formativního hodnocení, není příliš mnoho. Za to aplikací, které pro tento účel primárně určené nejsou, ale dají se skvěle využít, je naopak velké množství. Aplikace jsem vybíral dle následujících kritérií: ● podporují metody a techniky formativního hodnocení, ● podporují aktivizaci žáků, ● slouží jako zdroje učení pro žáky a jejich vrstevníky, ● jsou zdarma nebo skoro zdarma, ● žáci a učitelé mohou převzít aktivní roli při jejich používání. Animoto - studenti mohou natočit krátká, 30 sekundová videa o tom, co se v dané lekci naučili.AnswerGarden - pedagogové mohou nástroj využít například pro on-line brainstorming nebo anketu. Zjišťování aktuálního stavu porozumění žáků Sebehodnocení

Free PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes - PresentationGO "Google Slides interactive notebooks + 20 activities to fill them" is locked Google Slides interactive notebooks + 20 activities to fill them There are TONS of awesome multimedia activities you can do with interactive notebooks. They’re easy and free! Get the how-to’s and a downloadable template to get started! Interactive notebooks have taken lots of classrooms everywhere by storm. When they’re done well, students get that spark of excitement. When they’re done poorly, it becomes worksheets glued to pages. Interactive notebooks don’t have to go in paper notebooks, though. In fact, they can go in “digital notebooks”, and one option for those is Google Slides! Why use Google Slides for interactive notebooks If you think about it, a digital slide presentation is a lot like a notebook. It has multiple pages (the slides).You can even resize its pages to the size of a standard sheet of paper. Google Slides is free. You can rearrange them easily, adding new pages wherever you’d like. And since they’re stored in the cloud (Google Drive), you can access them anywhere you have an Internet connection. Of course you do! 1. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to Create a Presentation in Google Slides About a year ago I was informed by an acquaintance that Google Slides—the free-to-use, online, collaborative presentation app—was the poor man’s version of PowerPoint. This observation took me back a bit because I couldn’t understand where the animosity was coming from. I also found the critique unfair. Google Slides is a great program that allows you to create everything from workplace presentations to cookbooks. The only requirement is that you have a Google account. However, this critique got me wondering about how many people are unfamiliar with Google Slides. The first thing you’ll want to do is open up the Google Slides application. The Beginner's Guide to Gmail The Beginner's Guide to Gmail You may already have a Gmail account. If you’re in Google Drive, click New > Google Slides > From a template. You can use a blank presentation if you want, but for this tutorial, we’re just going to tweak a pre-existing design. Like Canva, Google groups templates according to the purpose.

Databanka vzdělávacích knihovnických programů Kopia av Novel Study Tic-Tac-Toe Menu Choice Board by Kasey Bell - Google Dokument Đăng nhập một lần. Truy cập tất cả. Đăng nhập để tiếp tục đến Tài liệu Tìm tài khoản của tôi Bạn quên mật khẩu? Đăng nhập bằng tài khoản khác Tạo tài khoản Một tài khoản Google để truy cập mọi sản phẩm của Google Three Ways to Add Audio to Google Slides One of the questions that new Google Slides users often ask me is, "how do I add music to the slides?" In the early days of Google Slides that wasn't possible at all. Today, there are three methods that you can use to add music to Google Slides. AudioPlayer for Google Slides is a free Add-on that will let you add music to the background of a presentation created with Google Slides. The only problem with the AudioPlayer for Google Slides Add-on is that your music plays over all of the slides. To add music to Google Slides you should find a YouTube video that contains music that is Creative Commons licensed. You can use the same basic process as is outlined above to add spoken audio to your Google Slides. Learn more about Google Slides in lesson 3 of G Suite for Teachers.

Insert a Table of Contents in Google Sites Quick Launch Summary Inserting a table of contents into a page makes the navigation of text-focused content like FAQs, documentation, or wikis easy. Editors can insert a table of contents into a page with a simple click — headings and subheadings will automatically update as content is added to the page. A table of contents also helps guide editors to organize their content in a structure that is easier for readers to understand. Availability Rollout detailsRapid Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on February 26, 2019.Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on February 26, 2019.G Suite editions Available to G Suite Editions. On/off by default?

Proč a k čemu taxonomie vzdělávacích cílů? K čemu jsou dobré taxonomie vzdělávacích cílů (educational objectives)? Lze je využít pro vlastní práci učitele? Jsou užitečné pro vytváření standardů? Jednoduchá a stručná odpověď by byla: taxonomie jsou užitečné všude tam, kde potřebujeme rozlišovat obtížnost učiva (diferenciaci) a kde plánujeme a kontrolujeme dosažené výsledky výuky, například standardy vzdělávacích cílů. V tomto příspěvku se budeme zabývat především Bloomovou taxonomií kognitivních cílů (Bloom et al., 1956) a Andersonovou a Krathwohlovou (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001) revidovanou Bloomovou taxonomií (dále RBT), avšak není možné zcela pominout i vzdělávací afektivní cíle (Krathwohl et al., 1964) a psychomotorické (Simpson, 1972, In Fontana, 2003) a také Novou taxonomii, se kterou přicházejí Marzano & Kendall (2007). V českém vzdělávání Hudecová (2003) reaguje na revizi Bloomovy taxonomie Andersona a Krathwohla (2001) a informuje o ní odbornou veřejnost. K čemu jsou taxonomie vzdělávacích cílů? Závěr
