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Gestures and Tools for Kinect - Eternal Coding - HTML5 / Windows / Kinect / 3D development

Gestures and Tools for Kinect - Eternal Coding - HTML5 / Windows / Kinect / 3D development
You have certainly not missed (as a regular reader of this blog ) that the Kinect for Windows SDK is out! For now, however, no gestures recognition services are available. So throughout this paper we will create our own library that will automatically detect simple movements such as swipe but also movements more complex such as drawing a circle with your hand. The detection of such gestures enable Powerpoint control the Jedi way ! If you are not familiar with the Kinect for Windows SDK, you should read a previous post that addressed the topic: There is an infinite number of solutions for detecting a gesture. Algorithmic search Template based search Note that these two techniques have many variants and refinements. You can find the code used in this article just here: GestureDetector class In the end, all the work is done in the Add method: Recording Replay Related:  Movement Analysis

Emptied Gestures: Physical Movement Translated into Symmetrical Charcoal Drawings by Heather Hansen Photo by Bryan Tarnowski Photo by Spencer Hansen at Ochi Gallery Splayed across a giant paper canvas with pieces of charcoal firmly grasped in each hand, Heather Hansen begins a grueling physical routine atop a sizeable paper canvas. Her body contorts into carefully choreographed gestures as her writing implements grate across the floor, the long trails resulting in a permanent recording of her physical movements. Hansen most recently had a group exhibition, The Value of a Line, at Ochi Gallery in Ketchum, Idaho which runs through March 31, 2014.

Blogs I was looking over the .net award nominees this week and stumbled across the website. I loved the scrolling navigation so much I just had to open up visual studio and try and recreate it myself. DemoView Demo The main thing flipboard do differently is to have the logo and logo background elements move at different animation speeds from each other and the main content. I’ve documented the main steps to recreate my demo below: Step 1 First we need to make reference to the jQuery Library as we are going to use it alot. Step 2 Next we will want to add our HTML to the page this HTML will hold all of the layers and links that we will need to get the example running. The background triangle moves at a slightly different speed to the logo and so needs it’s own <div>. By wrapping all the contentItems in a contentwrapper it will make it easier to scroll the contentItems into view using JQuery. Step 3 You will also need to setup the page layout when the website loads. Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Interpreted Languages: Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby (Sheet One) - Hyperpolyglot a side-by-side reference sheet sheet one: version | grammar and execution | variables and expressions | arithmetic and logic | strings | regexes | dates and time | arrays | dictionaries | functions | execution control | exceptions | threads sheet two: streams | asynchronous events | files | file formats | directories | processes and environment | option parsing | libraries and namespaces | objects | inheritance and polymorphism | reflection | net and web | gui | databases | unit tests | logging | debugging sheet two: streams | asynchronous events | files | directories | processes and environment | option parsing | libraries and namespaces | objects | inheritance and polymorphism | reflection | net and web | gui | databases | unit tests | logging | debugging version used The versions used for testing code in the reference sheet. show version How to get the version. php: The function phpversion() will return the version number as a string. python: import platform platform.python_version() ruby: <? pad

IIC_kinesthetic_cognition IIC. Kinesthetic Spatial Cognition “Kinesthetic spatial cognition” can be defined as referring to the perception, memory, and recall of spatial information via the kinesthetic perceptual-motor system. IIC.10 Spatial Cognition versus Verbal Cognition A great deal of research has demonstrated that spatial cognitive processes and verbal cognitive processes use separate cognitive resources. Other evidence for multi-channel models comes from studies of patients with neurological disease or injury. The right-brain spatial, left-brain verbal specialisation is not a fixed relationship but appears to be based on more fundamental differences in processing styles of the two cerebral hemispheres such as sequential processes of the left hemisphere versus holistic processes of the right hemisphere (Bradshaw and Nettleton, 1981; Luria, 1970; Trevarthen, 1978). However, in some cases when verbal labels are attached to stimuli the memory for those stimuli does not necessarily improve.

Cinematics case study: Mass Effect 3 Earlier this year, Budapest studio Digic Pictures produced a stunning three minute trailer for the Bioware game Mass Effect 3. The trailer, dubbed 'Take Earth Back', tells the story of an alien invasion as Earth is attacked by the game's Reapers. We go in-depth with Digic to show how the cinematic was made - in stereo - featuring behind the scenes video breakdowns, images and commentary from several of the artists involved. Above: watch 'Take the Earth Back' Motion capture Artists: Csaba Kovari (Mocap TD), Istvan Gindele (Mocap TD), Gyorgy Toth (animator) We used Vicon’s T160 camera system to record all motion for this piece. In general we capture 2-3 or sometimes even 4 actors’ movements at once together with their props (swords, shields etc). Usually the mocap shooting days are preceded by rehearsal days, for example if we have a two day mocap shooting session then the actors need at least two-three days rehearsal with the director. Character animation Earth shot Blood effects 1.

How to write a 32bit screen saver © 1997-1999 Lucian Wischik. This article describes the fundamental nuts and bolts of writing a saver. I have also written a second article with a more useful higher-level overview, and full source code for several example savers. Overview Screen savers start when the mouse and keyboard have been left idle for some time. To avoid phosphor burn caused by static images left on the screen. What a saver is A saver is a straightforward executable that has been renamed with the extension .scr, and which responds to particular command-line arguments in particular ways as detailed in the rest of this document. Version differences between '95, Plus! Windows NT does all saver password management itself, and closes savers automatically in response to keyboard or mouse events. Creating a saver This chapter describes the behaviour expected of a saver. How and when saver is executed The following list gives all the situations in which a saver will be launched. Command-line arguments Configuration dialog

6 Books Every Programmer Should Own I’ve seen many lists about the best programming books and I am sure there are a lot of books that are specific to a programming knowledge or technology – that I have not included in my list. The books I have chosen are those that are meant to inspire, increase productivity and improve your programming design skills. Note: This list has no particular order. Code Complete 2 Steve McConnell The main focus of this book to help you improve your programming design skills. The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master Andrew Hunt and David Thomas This book focuses on the best practices of programming (i.e. what you should and should not do). Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware Andy Hunt From the author of The Pragmatic Programmer, this book takes one-step back from programming and focuses on your everyday thinking and problem solving skills. The Productive Programmer Neal Ford and David Bock Algorithms in a Nutshell George T Heineman, Gary Pollice and Stanley Selkow Thomas H.

Laban 1926 Choreographie Analysis of Movement Photography. Else Ernestine Neulander-Simon (A.k.a. YVA) Else Ernestine Neulander-Simon (Aka YVA) was a german photographer. Yva came from a Jewish middle-class family. She worked for many of the illustrated magazines and periodicals of the time. Towards the end of the 1920s, Yva began focusing on the commercial aspect of photography, specializing in advertising and photography. Yva’s innovative, and experimental work with multiple exposures became a hallmark of her work. More images>>>

Beginning Game Development: Part VIII - DirectSound | Coding4Fun Articles Welcome to the eighth article on beginning game development. We have spent a lot of time working with the graphics capabilities of DirectX. We also covered how the DirectX API allows us to control input devices. Now we are going to look at another facet of DirectX, the ability to control sound devices. Sound in Games Sound creates an ambiance in a game that provides for a more immersive game experience. Sound effects also provide the same audible cues we expect in real life, such as the direction and speed of a person approaching us based on the volume, direction, and frequency of the footsteps. In BattleTank2005 I want to integrate sound in the following way. Secondly, I want to be able to play background music during game play and I want to control what music plays when in the game. I am going to cover the first requirement in this article, and then cover sound effects and playing MP3 and WMA files with the AudioVideo namespace in the next article. DirectSound Device Buffers 3D Sound
