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Facing Elderly Depression: Linda's Mother

Facing Elderly Depression: Linda's Mother
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'Like a knife poking my heart': Loss, loneliness and the killing pain of elderly depression SINGAPORE: Linda Loh remembers a time when her 85-year-old mother used to be a “very nice person”. As the tantrums began, at first the family put this down to Mdm Lee Sui Yee’s old age – but then, nothing seemed acceptable to her. “I’d talk to her, but she’d say that I never listen to her,” said her daughter. “I’d try to cool myself down … just walk into the kitchen and stay away from her. An irritable Mdm Lee would especially be worked up about noise, such as a child crying or anybody talking loudly. When she had a fall and was admitted to hospital in July 2016, the family found out the truth. After she shouted at the nurses, struggled with them and, at one stage, talked about committing suicide – which she nearly did by trying to strangle herself – she was diagnosed with an episode of Major Depressive Disorder. And her recovery has been slow. “Last time, she liked to listen to music – her operas. WATCH: One family's struggle (5:23) There can be a physical impact too. Where to find help:

Health, psychological and socio-emotional needs in ageing With age comes wisdom, but it also comes with a bunch of problems. In this lesson, we'll look at some psychological problems that can plague older adults, including depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and psychosis. Geriatric Psychology Edna just celebrated her 90th birthday. Aging comes with a new set of issues. Like Edna, many older patients find themselves feeling depressed and anxious. Age and Depression Edna's feeling really down in the dumps. People over age 65 can experience depression that is triggered by life changes. Depression can be treated with drugs and therapy. Age and Anxiety Depression isn't the only mental health problem that is common with the elderly. As with depression, anxiety is often triggered in older adults because of life changes. Depression and anxiety often go hand in hand. Age and Substance Abuse Aging comes with many physical changes. Unlock Content Over 79,000 lessons in all major subjects Get access risk-free for 30 days, just create an account.

Pasir Ris deaths: In life as in death, father and daughter were inseparable, Singapore News They were inseparable in life, as they were in death. For years, neighbours saw Mr Tang Soh Ha and his daughter Tang Hui Yee walking together in the Pasir Ris neighbourhood where they lived. The 70-year-old was an attentive father and never allowed his daughter, the younger of two girls, out of his sight. On Sunday afternoon, Mr Tang was found dead at the foot of Block 560, Pasir Ris Street 51, where he and Ms Tang, 27, lived. Ms Tang was a client of the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore and is believed to have lived in the flat with her parents, two siblings, brother-in-law, and her sister's two children. On Sunday, police cordoned off a section of the corridor on the eighth storey. The father and daughter had a loving relationship, said neighbours as they tried to make sense of the double tragedy. SAD NEWSWe were very sad... because Mr Tang was always a very nice man, and the main caregiver of his daughter.MR CHEAH, 66, a neighbour of the Tangs.

Depression and Bipolar Disorder | Singapore Association for Mental Health : Mental Wellness for All Major depressive disorder, also called major depression and clinical depression, is characterised by a combination of symptoms that interfere with a person’s cognition, behaviours and emotions. Some people may experience only an episode in their lifetime, while and others may have multiple episodes. In the Singapore Mental Health Survey conducted in 2010, it was found that MDD was the most common mental illness in Singapore and that one in 16 Singapore residents (aged 18 and above) had MDD at some point in their life. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is characterised by periods of mania and depression. During a manic episode, a person might react impulsively, such as quitting a job, squander away money, max up credit cards or engage in reckless driving. During a depressive episode, the same person might be experiencing symptoms similar to MDD.

Singapore’s elderly and their desperate battle with isolation, loneliness and depression – The Independent News - Advertisement - Singapore’s elderly citizens may no longer be worrying about raising families and career advancement, but they have difficult battles of their own. It is no secret that they are often beset with illness and pain; however, there is more to their plight than what meets the eye. Along with old age come the challenges of isolation, loneliness and depression. Singapore, one of the most rapidly aging countries in Asia, needs to place more importance to the predicament of its elderly citizens. According to the Singapore Longitudinal Ageing Study in 2012 by the National University of Singapore’s Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, one in five elderly persons in Singapore aged 75 and above show signs of depression. Depression in the elderly are often related to other health issues, such as senile dementia and limited mobility. Dr. “All the brain functions are somewhat linked … Emotion will affect memory; memory itself will affect emotion. Dr.

7 Tips to Improve Cognition & Emotion in the Elderly's Mental health Common mental health issues like anxiety and depression can have a negative impact on physical health and wellness for seniors. From memory problems and cognitive decline to a growing loneliness epidemic, seniors are especially vulnerable to mental health issues. In many cases, sadness and social isolation can have additional negative side effects and increase the risk of serious health problems. The good news about Senior Mental Health The good news about Senior Mental Health is that there are a number of activities and resources available to help keep the older adults close to you engaged and in good mental health and spirits. Staying connected and maintaining strong, meaningful social connections with friends and family goes a long way towards preventing mental health issues in seniors. 7 Ways to Improve Mental Health in Seniors With that in mind, here is our Seniors' guide to improving and maintaining good mental health and wellbeing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Contact Us

Caregiver Stress Syndrome - What is Caregiver Stress Syndrome? Caregiver stress syndrome is a condition characterized by physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. It typically results from a person neglecting their own physical and emotional health because they are focused on caring for an ill, injured or disabled loved one. There are a number of factors that can play a role in caregiver stress syndrome. For some caregivers, the constant demands of caring for a person who has a serious illness can result in burnout. For others, the lack of boundaries between their roles as a caregiver and a spouse, child, or other loved one can be challenging. Caregiver stress syndrome is strongly associated with negative health outcomes. The Facts about Caregiver Stress Syndrome Caregiver stress syndrome has a significant impact on the lives of those who take care of their loved ones. Depression and mental health problems are consistently higher among caregivers than among their non-caregiving peers.

Schizophrenia | Singapore Association for Mental Health : Mental Wellness for All Schizophrenia is a widely misunderstood illness. As a result, people with schizophrenia are often discriminated against. This can greatly discourage persons with schizophrenia to seek help, thus lengthening unnecessarily suffering on the individual and his/her families. Myth Schizophrenia refers to a “split personality” or multiple personalities. Fact Schizophrenia came from the Greek words meaning “split” and “mind”, where persons with schizophrenia have difficulties differentiating what’s real or not when they are unwell. Myth Schizophrenia is a rare condition. Fact Schizophrenia is not rare; it affects about 1% of the population globally. Myth People with schizophrenia are dangerous. Fact Most people with schizophrenia are not violent or dangerous to others. Myth People with schizophrenia cannot be helped. Fact On the contrary, persons with schizophrenia can recover and resume meaningful roles within their families and communities.
