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Pigpen Cipher - Crypto Corner

The Pigpen Cipher is another example of a substitution cipher, but rather than replacing each letter with another letter, the letters are replaced by symbols. The cipher has an interesting history: although its true origins are unknown, it has been used by many groups. Most notoriously, it was the cipher of choice for use by the Freemasons, a secret society in the 18th Century. In fact, they used it so much, that it is often referred to as the Freemasons Cipher. However, it was not exclusively used by them, with Union prisoners in Confederate camps using it to communicate in the American Civil War. EncryptionThe encryption process is fairly straightforward, replacing each occurence of a letter with the designated symbol. DecryptionThe decryption process is just the reverse of the encryption process. DiscussionThe Pigpen Cipher was used by the Freemasons in many aspects of their lives, and one of the most common still seen today is on gravestones.

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