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“Getting Things Done” - GTD-cognition.pdf

“Getting Things Done” - GTD-cognition.pdf
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« Hearthstone » contre « Magic Duels », le match des jeux de cartes en ligne Loin des blisters et du carton des années 1990, les cartes à collectionner s'abattent aussi en ligne. Un nouveau terrain de jeu où s'affrontent deux mastodontes du secteur, Blizzard et Wizards of the Coast. D'un côté, Magic Duels, sorti ce 11 août sur PC, iOS et Xbox One (avec une version PS4 à venir). De l'autre, Hearthstone, dont la dernière extension sort ce 24 août, sur PC, iOS et Android. Ces deux jeux font partie de la même famille : les jeux de cartes à collectionner, ou trading card games (TCG). Depuis peu, ces jeux se sont adaptés en version numérique et free-to-play – le jeu est gratuit, mais des bonus sont payants. Au-delà des deux jeux, ce sont aussi deux entreprises très différentes qui s'affrontent. Hearthstone Comment ça marche : Dans Hearthstone, chaque joueur incarne un héros, parmi neuf au choix. Les bons points : Simple à prendre en main, avec un tutoriel très bien conçu, Hearthstone est adapté aux nouveaux venus dans l'univers des jeux de cartes. Les moins bons points :

Next Action Analysis Next Action Analysis(TM) is a new approach for assessing the state of your projects and next actions. It reviews your ResultsManager Daily Action dashboard and scores the state of your system on five dimensions (5 F's). Installing and running the software The fastest way to get rolling is to run the Setup Program. Scoring The overall "NAA" score is an average of assessments across the five dimensions. Maximum score at goal level and then 50% reduction for each additional "-50%" amount. To improve your score see Next Action Analysis Advice. Software Output The ao_next_action_analysis.mmbas macro calculates the metrics above on your next action dashboard and adds a branch to it with the reports output. In additional to the scoring the report includes advice on how to best improve your score and also includes several metrics and lists extracted from your dashboard including: Note if you have "Map Centrals" or "Ongoing Projects" you can remove them from the lists by adding a "mc*" category code.

Getting Things Done: How to Take Control of Life Taking control of your finances is easier when the rest of your life is in order. If your mind is swamped with worries about work, or home improvement projects, or obligations to friends and family, personal finance can become a low priority. You have other Stuff to worry about. David Allen’s Getting Things Done provides a system for tackling all of the Stuff in your life. I’ve avoided mentioning Getting Things Done before today. Introduction Getting Things Done (GTD) is about productivity. How ‘Getting Things Done’ Works Our lives, says Allen, are filled with too much Stuff: we think about Stuff, we worry about Stuff, we never get all the Stuff done that we need to do. Whenever an item is taken from the Collection Bucket, ask yourself: “Is this actionable?” If the item is not actionable: toss it in the trash,file it for future reference, orplace it in a regularly-reviewed tickler file for possible future action. If the item is actionable: Here’s a graphical representation:

乡下-campagnes chinoises 1Au début du mois d’octobre 2005, lors de la cinquième session plénière du XVIe Comité central, le Parti communiste chinois a officiellement adopté le 11e plan quinquennal (2006-2010) au cours duquel il appelle à l’« édification de nouvelles campagnes socialistes (jianshe shehui zhuyi xin nongcun) ». Cette nouvelle politique à destination des campagnes, où vivent encore 750 millions de Chinois, a pour objectif principal de résoudre les différents maux qui accablent une grande partie du monde rural depuis maintenant près d’une quinzaine d’années. Après avoir placé les campagnes au centre des premières réformes, les autorités chinoises se sont ensuite penchées sur le développement des villes, reléguant les questions rurales au second plan. 3Cet article n’a pas pour objectif d’esquisser un portrait de l’agriculture chinoise. 1 On trouvera des descriptions et des analyses détaillées de ces épisodes de l’histoire rurale chin (...) 3 Ibid. 4 Thierry Sanjuan, op. cit., p. 144. Carte 1 Carte 2

Mandala et sagesse boudhiste "Un mandala est une carte d'anatomie spirituelle de l'homme expliquant comment pénétrer à l'intérieur de ses centres d'énergie chakra. La méditation sur sa forme en répétant les mantras et effectuant les mudras permet de se connecter avec le cœur des bouddhas et du maître qui a initié le pratiquant. Les deux grands mandalas du Shingon, le Kongôkaï et le Taïzôkaï regroupent ainsi de nombreuses divinités bouddhiques symbolisant différents niveaux de conscience. Disposées en plusieurs quartiers, expriment la compassion, douceur, d'autres l'intelligence, le discernement, d'autres encore l'énergie, la force pour vaincre tous les aspects négatifs du subconscient." Wikipédia l'encyclopédie libre Les mandalas de sable sont une démonstration de l'impermanence de toute choses "Les jeunes qui paraissent solides et en bonne santé mais qui meurent tôt sont des maîtres qui nous enseignent l'impermanence. Le VII Dalai Lama Gungthang Tenpai Dronme Boudha La Rochefoucauld Le 14e Dalaï Lama Bouddha Bouddha

GTD Cheatsheet – An Intro on the GTD system The system created by David Allen in his popular book Getting Things Done focuses on freeing up your mind’s RAM (or resources). The GTD system simply takes all or our mental and physical “stuff” in our lives and organizes it into a system where we can easily: 1) Act on it or 2) Store it and retrieve it later. The GTD Cheatsheet is a small, condensed version of GTD. 1. 2. 3. WWW.SINA.COM Templeton Prize | The John Templeton Foundation What is the best way to live? How large is God? How are finite beings related to the infinite? What was God's purpose in creating the universe? How can we be helpful? Purpose The Templeton Prize honors a living person who has made an exceptional contribution to affirming life's spiritual dimension, whether through insight, discovery, or practical works. Men and women of any creed, profession, or national origin may be nominated for the Templeton Prize. What these remarkable people have shared is a commitment to exploring one or more of the Big Questions at the core of the John Templeton Foundation's mandate. Criteria The qualities sought in a Templeton Prize nominee include creativity and innovation, rigor and impact. These fields do not exhaust the areas in which achievement might qualify for the Templeton Prize, nor is it necessary for a nominee's work to be confined to just one field.

Getting started with "Getting Things Done" This article was originally posted during the first week of 43 Folders' existence, and, pound for pound, it remains our most popular page on the site. Please be sure to also visit related pages, browse our GTD topic area, plus, of course you can search on GTD across our family of sites. I’ll be talking a lot here in coming weeks about Getting Things Done, a book by David Allen whose apt subtitle is “The Art of Stress-Free Productivity.” You’ve probably heard about it around the Global Interweb or have been buttonholed by somebody in your office who swears by GTD. (It probably takes a backseat only to the Atkins Diet in terms of the number of enthusiastic evangelists: sorry about that.) Like I did the other day with Quicksilver, I wanted to provide a gentle, geek-centric introduction to Getting Things Done, so that you can think about whether it might be right for you. The Problem with “stuff” Stuff is bouncing around in our heads and causing untold stress and anxiety. GTD is geek-friendly

What is a Subnet Mask? An IP address has two components, the network address and the host address. A subnet mask separates the IP address into the network and host addresses (<network><host>). Subnetting further divides the host part of an IP address into a subnet and host address (<network><subnet><host>) if additional subnetwork is needed. Use the Subnet Calculator to retrieve subnetwork information from IP address and Subnet Mask. It is called a subnet mask because it is used to identify network address of an IP address by perfoming a bitwise AND operation on the netmask. A Subnet mask is a 32-bit number that masks an IP address, and divides the IP address into network address and host address. Examples of commonly used netmasks for classed networks are 8-bits (Class A), 16-bits (Class B) and 24-bits (Class C), and classless networks are as follows: Subnetting an IP network is to separate a big network into smaller multiple networks for reorganization and security purposes. Subnetting Network

5 serious business alternatives to Dropbox The word "breach" can send shivers down your spine. When it comes to data storage in the cloud, it's even more worrisome. Several weeks ago, Dropbox announced that the passwords for thousands of users had been stolen, leading some business executives to mandate that employees stop using the service. But the reality of doing business in a mobile-dominated world is that users will find a way to sync their files, one way or another. Commentary: SpiderBox Also a Viable Dropbox Alterative (For those who want to stick with Dropbox, consider the slightly more enterprise-focused Dropbox for Teams, which does have an admin console. Syncplicity Recently acquired by EMC, Syncplicity offers the same sync and share features of Dropbox with a decided enterprise slant. In a nod to the existing data protection measures in a large enterprise that allows an admin to wipe the data on connected laptop, Syncplicity also provides a way to wipe a user account for computers and mobile devices. Cubby Huddle Egnyte
