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22 Maps That Show The Deepest Linguistic Conflicts In America. 347I01E.pdf. 347I01E.pdf. 5 serious business alternatives to Dropbox. The word "breach" can send shivers down your spine. When it comes to data storage in the cloud, it's even more worrisome. Several weeks ago, Dropbox announced that the passwords for thousands of users had been stolen, leading some business executives to mandate that employees stop using the service. But the reality of doing business in a mobile-dominated world is that users will find a way to sync their files, one way or another. These top enterprise-grade cloud storage options offer admin consoles, standard file encryption and more peace of mind. Commentary: SpiderBox Also a Viable Dropbox Alterative (For those who want to stick with Dropbox, consider the slightly more enterprise-focused Dropbox for Teams, which does have an admin console. Syncplicity Recently acquired by EMC, Syncplicity offers the same sync and share features of Dropbox with a decided enterprise slant.

Cubby Huddle Huddle is more than just a place to keep files. Egnyte ShareFile. A to Z Kids Stuff | China. Do not want others to know what you have done? Better not have done it anyways. -Chinese Proverb Ch'in (Qin) (221BCE-206BCE) During the Qin dynasty, all of China was united and the Great Wall of China was begun. Qin Shihuangti was the first emperor of China. In 1974, Emperor Qin Shihuang's tomb was discovered, it included 6,000 terra cotta army figures. Genghis Khan The achievements of Genghis Khan were grandiose. Allemand ¤ Backpfeifengesicht. Allemand ¤ Extrawunsch. Allemand ¤ Schadenfreude. Allemand ¤ Schilderwald. Allemand ¤ Torchlusspanik. Allemand ¤ Waldeinsamkeit. Basic Emotions.

Explanations > Emotions > Basic Emotions List of emotions | So what List of emotions What are the basic emotions? As ever, theorists disagree. Here is a deeper list of emotions as described in Shaver et al. (2001), where emotions were categorised into a short tree structure. There are also moves to minimize the number of basic emotions. Learn to recognise emotions at increasing levels of detail. See also Plutchik's Ten Postulates Ekman, P. (1972). Ekman, P., Friesen, W. Frijda, N. Gray, J. Izard, C. Jack, R.E., Garrod, O.G.B and Schyns, P.G.

James, W. (1884). McDougall, W. (1926). Oatley, K., & Johnson-Laird, P. Ortony, A., & Turner, T. Panksepp, J. (1982). Parrott, W. (2001), Emotions in Social Psychology, Psychology Press, Philadelphia Plutchik, R. (1980). Shaver, P., Schwartz, J., Kirson, D., & O'Connor, C. (2001). Blog. Computing the optimal road trip across South America By popular request, I’ve created another follow-up to my posts about computing optimal road trips across the U.S. and Europe. This time, I made an optimal road trip around South America. If you’d like to get into the nitty-gritty of… Computing the optimal road trip across Europe As a follow-up to my post about computing optimal road trips across the U.S., I thought it’d be fun to make a road trip map for Europe as well.

If you’d like to get into the nitty-gritty of how these… Computing the optimal road trip across the U.S. Last week, Tracy Staedter from Discovery News proposed an interesting idea to me: Why not use the same algorithm from my Where’s Waldo article to compute the optimal road trip across every state in the U.S.? Top 25 richest living comedians It’s fairly common knowledge that comedy isn’t a terribly lucrative career. Revisiting the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Design critique: Putting Big Pharma spending in perspective. Body Language ⭐ Bretagne des légendes: Sur les traces de Merlin, en forêt de Brocéliande. Le Graal apparaît pour la première fois au XIIe siècle dans un roman de Chrétien de Troyes. Objet légendaire de tous les fantasmes, coupe de la Cène qui a recueilli le sang du Christ ou pierre précieuse tombée du Ciel, il donne la Vie, l'immortalité, il est source de tous les bienfaits.

Son mythe est intemporel et sujet à toutes les interprétations. Il est au cœur de la légende arthurienne, celle des Chevaliers de la Table Ronde, des amours coupables de Lancelot et de Guenièvre, magnifiées par la présence d'un être surnaturel: l'enchanteur Merlin. Brocéliande, la forêt enchanteresse Dans la cartographie administrative, Brocéliande n’existe pas. C’est la «forêt du rêve et de l’enchantement», la porte de l’Autre Monde, royaume du surnaturel chez les Celtes, monde des fées et des esprits. Pays des arbres, châtaigniers, hêtres, bouleaux et résineux… 90% des 7.000 hectares de la forêt sont domaine privé. A la fontaine de Barenton, Merlin a croisé le regard de Viviane pour la première fois.

Centre Régional de Formation aux Carrières des Bibliothèques. Chinese characters, dictionary and Wieger tables. Chinois (traditionnel) Vocabulaire - Liste de Mots et Jeu de Lettres : SALLE DE CLASSE - ACTIVITÉ. Page D'Accueil > Jeux de traduction > Vocabulaire > Chinois (traditionnel) Vocabulaire - Liste de Mots et Jeu de LettresSALLE DE CLASSE - ACTIVITÉ : 教室-活動 Quiz : Traduisez les mot(s) suivant(s) du FrançaisQuiz : 翻譯以下詞成英語 Choix multiple | Remplir le blanc | Les Cartes Instantanées | Assortir colonnes Votre Performance Créer votre propres jeux fr.syvum - chat.

Chinois (traditionnel) Vocabulaire - Liste de Mots et Jeu de Lettres : SALLE DE CLASSE - ACTIVITÉ. Contrasting and categorization of emotions. The contrasting and categorisation of emotions describes how emotions are thought to relate to each other. Various recent proposals of such groupings are described in the following sections. Contrasting basic emotions[edit] The following table,[1] based on a wide review of current theories, identifies and contrasts the fundamental emotions according to a set of definite criteria.

The three key criteria used include mental experiences that: have a strongly motivating subjective quality like pleasure or pain;are in response to some event or object that is either real or imagined;motivate particular kinds of behaviour. The combination of these attributes distinguish the emotions from sensations, feelings and moods. HUMAINE's proposal for EARL (Emotion Annotation and Representation Language)[edit] The emotion annotation and representation language (EARL) proposed by the Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion (HUMAINE) classifies 48 emotions.[2] Parrott's emotions by groups[edit] Coréen ¤ Dapjeongneo. Coréen ¤ Eomchina. Coréen ¤ Won. Cours de chinois - Lycée Boisjoly Potier 我学汉语. Dharma-wheel. Electronic Interfaces: Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds. EE40LX teaches the fundamentals of engineering electronic interfaces between the physical world and digital devices. Students can expect to cover the material of a traditional first circuits course with a project-based approach.

We start with essential theory and develop an understanding of the building blocks of electronics as we analyze, design, and build different parts of a robot from scratch around a microcontroller. This course uses the Texas Instruments MSP430G2 LaunchPad, but you are welcome to bring whichever development board or microcontroller you like! Useful mathematics will be discussed where appropriate, but only a working knowledge of high school algebra is required to follow along for most of the course. Additionally, a kit of electronic components will be available from Newark element14 starting June 12. Creativity is encouraged! What is the format of the class? Is this class taught at UC Berkeley?

What will the robot do? How much does the kit cost? Emotion. Emotional Intelligence theories. This webpage is a new format for mobile/small screens. Please send your feedback if it fails to operate well. Thanks. emotional intelligence theory (EQ - Emotional Quotient) Emotional Intelligence - EQ - is a relatively recent behavioural model, rising to prominence with Daniel Goleman's 1995 Book called 'Emotional Intelligence'. Emotional Intelligence links strongly with concepts of love and spirituality: bringing compassion and humanity to work, and also to 'Multiple Intelligence' theory which illustrates and measures the range of capabilities people possess, and the fact that everybody has a value.

The EQ concept argues that IQ, or conventional intelligence, is too narrow; that there are wider areas of Emotional Intelligence that dictate and enable how successful we are. Different approaches and theoretical models have been developed for Emotional Intelligence. Emotional intelligence - two aspects Understanding yourself, your goals, intentions, responses, behaviour and all.

Emotional Intelligence: The Social Skills You Weren't Taught in School. Emotional Intensity. Do you consider yourself an emotional person? If a potential friend candidly described you that way to your face, would you be flattered or disturbed? Compared to most people you know, are you stronger in the intensity and range of your feelings, milder, or somewhere in between? Whereas for centuries astute observers of the human condition have noted that people vary remarkably in this dimension — it's been the theme of many great novels — only recently have psychologists come to understand that this difference is already apparent on our first day of postnatal existence — and continues strikingly unchanged ever after.

Emotional Intensity clearly plays a major role in love relationships, yet has oddly been all but ignored professionally. The vast realm of our feelings is clearly experienced differently by people across cultures. Emotional intensity is among our most basic personality traits. It's common to confuse Emotional Intensity with warmth, friendliness, and likability. ____ 1. Emotional vs Intellectual Words. I have written about persuasive writing in an article where I discuss Ethos, Logos, Pathos. Persuasive writers use words to convince the reader to listen or to act. I found this useful list of words in an interesting article called Common words that suck emotional power out of your content by John Gregory Olson. He explains how words have emotions attached to them, and that you should choose the correct ones for the response you want to elicit from your reader.

Use these words if you want to get an emotional, rather than an intellectual, response from your readers. Click on the link to read the full article. by Amanda Patterson © Amanda Patterson. Emotions. ENSSIB. La formation initiale des bibliothécaires stagiaires d'État ainsi que, par convention, des fonctionnaires de la Ville de Paris, est assurée par l'Enssib. Elle est régie par le décret n° 92-29 du 9 janvier 1992 et par l'arrêté du 11 mai 2010 qui en fixent le contenu et les modalités. Objectifs Les enseignements visent l'acquisition de compétences professionnelles et managériales applicables à l'ensemble des situations que peuvent rencontrer les futurs bibliothécaires au cours de leur carrière. Il ne s'agit pas d'une formation répondant spécifiquement aux postes d'affectation des lauréats. Publics visés La formation s'adresse aux lauréats du concours de bibliothécaire d'État. Débouchés Généralement sous l’autorité d’un conservateur, les bibliothécaires sont amenés à exercer des fonctions diverses.Ils peuvent gérer des services.

Équipe pédagogique Conditions d'admission La formation s’adresse exclusivement aux lauréats du concours de recrutement. Organisation de la formation A. B. C. Espagnol ¤ Duende. Espagnol ¤ Friolero. Espagnol ¤ Sobremesa. eStroke Animated Chinese Characters. eStroke on Linux now available. Tested on Fedora A video on YouTube made by one of our user for eStroke on the iphone/ipod touch. 3 year old Audrey learning to write Chinese using eStroke on iPhone Mac OS X Intel version now available Click here if want to provide CHINESE CHARACTER ANIMATION on your website FREE OF CHARGE. You may want to compare our features and prices against other Chinese products in the following links. Site License available, minimum 30 users. License Manager runs on Windows. Stroke order is a very important component of Chinese writing. eStroke has all the tools necessary for you to learn Chinese. Entering Pinyin or Zhuyin can present a great challenge without the necessary tools. eStroke do that easily for you, just enter any text passage and obtain pinyin or zhuyin as the result.

eStroke can also create worksheets, export to animated gif and flash video and many more. eStrokeV2.0x Video Features (any key to hide pop up) eVa's anti-track. eVa's target. eVa's version 3. Feeling Words. Finnois ¤ Tokka. Français ¤ Dépaysement. Français ¤ L'appel du Vide. Gallois ¤ Hiraeth. Go home card you're drunk...

Grille d'écriture de caractères chinois. Guinéen ¤ Mokita. Hawaïen ¤ Panapa po'o. Hindi ¤ Chai-pani. Hongrois ¤ Szimpatikus. Indonésien ¤ Jayus. Information Graphics. Inuit ¤ Iktsuarpok. IP address classes. Is Emotional Intelligence Overrated? Forget IQ versus EQSix Seconds. After 100 years of research, there’s little agreement on the definition of intelligence or how to measure IQ. Yet Adam Grant insists cognitive skill trumps all, and “Emotional Intelligence Is Overrated.” His critique is wrong, but important. His latest post on LinkedIN is a follow up to his Atlantic piece on “The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence,” where he warns it’s risky to develop emotional competence.

For example, he even speculates that Hitler used emotional intelligence to manipulate people into a frenzy of mindless loyalty. Framing this as “IQ versus EQ” demonstrates neither. At any meeting, any dinner table conversation, it’s obvious that these aspects of intelligence need to work together. Traditional psychological research has treated emotion and cognition as separate, even competitive. Emotions Drive People That said, in the human brain, no signal is more powerful than emotion. Science is a process of mounting evidence. The Evidence for Emotional Intelligence Related. Italien ¤ Abbiocco. Italien ¤ Culaccino. Italien ¤ Gattara.

Japonais ¤ Age Otori. Japonais ¤ Aware. Japonais ¤ Baku Shan. Japonais ¤ Komorebi. Japonais ¤ Kyoikumama. Japonais ¤ Tsundoku. Japonais ¤ Wabi-Sabi. Jeu de go interactif. Kakooma - Greg Tang Math. About Kakooma starts with a deceptively simple idea: in a group of numbers, find the number that is the sum of two others. Sounds easy, right? Sometimes it is, but other times the answer is right in front of you and you just can’t see it. To solve a single puzzle, you often end up doing dozens of calculations in your head, sometimes more than a hundred! Before you know it, your mind is sharper and your math skills are better. Kakooma makes you smarter. Playing KAKOOMA Kakooma is great for people of all ages. Start with the mini-puzzle at the top. Difficulty levels The size of the puzzle and the size of the puzzle’s numbers determine its difficulty. Here is an example of a more difficult puzzle with 9 numbers and sums up to 25.

Kakooma Negatives Kakooma can also be played with negative numbers. Starting with the top left mini-puzzle, the answer is 2 since -4 + 6 = 2. Kakooma Fractions Ready for a new challenge? Kakooma Times. La Chine et ses campagnes. La pyramide des besoins de Maslow d’un point de vue pédagogique | madamemarieeve. Le cognitivisme. Le cognitivisme. Le vide. Learn Chinese Characters. Légendes de Midi-Pyrénées. Légendes du Languedoc: Les vieilles légendes occitanes sont encore célébrées aujourd'hui. Légendes du Languedoc: Les vieilles légendes occitanes sont encore célébrées aujourd'hui. Malais ¤ Pisan Zapra.

Mandala et sagesse boudhiste. Many Psychology Findings Not as Strong as Claimed, Study Says. Maori ¤ Papakata. Mapping Segregation. Mars As Art - Mars Exploration Program. MindMapPedia - Mind Map Encyclopedia. Mundaneum | Mundaneum. Mundaneum | Mundaneum. Munich Day Trips - Best Munich Day Trips. Next Action Analysis. Norvégien ¤ Palegg. Norvégien ¤ Utepils. Not All Passports Are Created Equal, As This Map Will Tell You (INFOGRAPHIC)

Ourdou ¤ Goya. Pascuan ¤ Tingo. Portugais (Brésil) ¤ Cafuné. Portugais ¤ Saudade. Releasing Unexpressed Emotion. Repressed Emotions. Rukwangali ¤ Hanyauku. Russe ¤ Pochemuchka. Sphère de Dyson.