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Beautiful Maps

Beautiful Maps
Related:  DisegnoGeografia

12 Stylized Maps That Express The Beauty Of Cities Charles Labanowski is into maps. Really into maps. He creates hundreds of stylized city maps, prints them out, puts them on his wall, and sells them on his website. He's even given up his day job—to make maps. Above, you can see just 12 of the 483 maps he's put together so far. "Maps are at the intersection of so many interesting things," he says. The choice of colors—Tehran is red and yellow, Tokyo is dark pink—comes from visiting the cities or studying photos. "As a canvas on which to experiment with color, maps are perfect because while all cities are different, they also all have the same general elements that can be styled in a limitless number of combinations," Labanowski says. Labanowski and his partner Michael Putterman sell prints of the maps through their website.

Experiment 5 - Diorama/depth Because I had enjoyed the process of papercutting and the effect I achieved with it, I decided I wanted to try and further my paper experiments by creating depth using layers of paper in a diorama. Diorama dictionary definition: "A model representing a scene with three-dimensional figures, either in miniature or as a large-scale museum exhibit". Instead of creating a 3D object which I could then put in a space, I decided to make something which has it's 'own' space. I used a website tutorial (link in my Bibliography) to create my first diorama. After I had made it (and tried out an incredibly simple bird-cut out of the month of October from my FMP) I realized it was too small (11x14cm) for me to create much detail in my layers. Using the same tutorial for my first Diorama, but increasing the size to A4 (21x29.7cm) I created a second diorama, knowing this would give me more space to play around with. I enjoy the simplicity of shadow shapes, so decided to try it with my own diorama.

WikiProject France/Osmecum Le Vademecum de l'OSMeur. Fiches “pense-bête” pdf et/ou odt A5 recto-verso, noir et blanc, pas chères, non exhaustif et comportant des doublons, à utiliser en complément des cartes “walking-papers” ( à diffuser dans les ”cartoparties”, ou à emporter partout avec soi pour savoir quoi noter et comment le noter. Les fiches OSMecum Quelques règles Format Les fiches OSMecum doivent être dans un format libre ou documenté. Contenu Le contenu doit être synthétique et adapté au niveau de la fiche (facile, moyen...). Notes Jump up ↑ format de documents Scribus

Raccolte cartografiche - Diacronie XIV-XX sec. » IEG-MAPS [DE]URL: Server per le carte storiche digitali: dodici raccolte di carte storiche, suddivise per periodo e area geografica, dal XIV al XX sec. XX Secolo » Historical Atlas of Twentieth Century [EN]URL: Una completa selezione di carte topografiche del 20°secolo. Europa: 1792 – XX sec. » European Maps – Europe 66 Introduction to Modern Europe [EN]URL: Carte storiche d’Europa, dal 1792 alla Guerra Fredda. Europa: VIII sec. a. » Historical Maps of Europa [EN]URL: Della Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, una vasta e completa raccolta on-line di mappe storiche di tutte le regioni europee. | The Perry-Castañeda Library map collection Carte tematiche XVIII – XIX sec. Portogallo: XIX sec. Portogallo: cartografia urbana Danimarca e area scandinava Nord America

Wilogo, Creads... la gangrène du créatif par le crowdsourcing | Les Graphisteries Comme vous devez le savoir maintenant, de nombreuses plateformes se sont développées ces dernières années sur la base du crowdsourcing. Wilogo, Creads, et j’en passe, sont toutes les porte-drapeaux de cette nouvelle génération « d’entreprises » qui sabotent les unes après les autres les valeurs de nos métiers. Je ne vais pas révolutionner le débat en la matière, alors je me contenterai d’en faire un résumé et de pousser mon petit coup de gueule syndical. La simple évocation de leurs noms me hérisse les poils des bras, et de grosses pulsions de violence s’emparent de moi. Explications ! Avant toute chose, petite précision sur ce qu’est le crowdsourcing ! Cette méthode offerte aux entreprises est LE parfait moyen pour obtenir de multiples créations dites « professionnelles » à un moindre coût. Je ne vais pas vous faire une liste complète de toutes les plateformes existantes, parce qu’il faudrait bien plus qu’un billet pour tout détailler. Tags

Geometria ed arte: il quadrato Cos’avrà mai il quadrato di tanto accattivante? Non lo so, ma di sicuro qualcosa ci sarà altrimenti Vitruvio non avrebbe cercato di inscrivervi dentro un uomo, nè Brunelleschi di usarlo come modulo per le sue architetture e neanche Mondrian di sceglierlo come formato per ogni sua opera! Tanto per cominciare il quadrato è il più regolare tra i quadrilateri: unico poligono che abbia contemporaneamente le caratteristiche del rombo e del rettangolo: quattro lati uguali e perpendicolari. Sempre restando all’ambito scientifico si può estrarre la radice quadrata di un numero o farne il quadrato: si può quindi ricondurre alle proprietà di questa figura piana alcuni procedimenti matematici. Per questo il quadrato è una figura che esprime perfezione numerica, razionalità, essenzialità. La perfetta regolarità geometrica del quadrato è stata sfruttata sin dai tempi più antichi per strutture murarie o rivestimenti modulari. Ma il quadrato può diventare anche qualcosa di molto più consistente.

Kimmy Design Blog One of my font families is part of an amazing font bundle, available for just a couple more hours. Get some of 2013’s best selling fonts for a fantastic deal of $28 (regular price is nearly $600!) Get these awesome fonts here! Basic Mapping Principles for Visualizing Cancer Data Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Maps and other data graphics may play a role in generating ideas and hypotheses at the beginning of a project. They are useful as part of analyses for evaluating model results and then at the end of a project when researchers present their results and conclusions to varied audiences, such as their local research group, decision makers, or a concerned public. Cancer researchers are gaining skill with geographic information system (GIS) mapping as one of their many tools and are broadening the symbolization approaches they use for investigating and illustrating their data. A single map is one of many possible representations of the data, so making multiple maps is often part of a complete mapping effort.
