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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, similar to hyperkinetic disorder in the ICD-10) is a psychiatric disorder[1][2] of the neurodevelopmental type[3][4] in which there are significant problems of attention, hyperactivity, or acting impulsively that are not appropriate for a person's age.[5] These symptoms must begin by age six to twelve and be present for more than six months for a diagnosis to be made.[6][7] In school-aged individuals the lack of focus may result in poor school performance. Despite being the most commonly studied and diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents, the cause in the majority of cases is unknown. ADHD management usually involves some combination of counseling, lifestyle changes, and medications. ADHD and its diagnosis and treatment have been considered controversial since the 1970s.[16] The controversies have involved clinicians, teachers, policymakers, parents and the media. Signs and symptoms Associated disorders Cause Genetics Related:  Quality of Life & WorkAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Bitcoin: the Berlin streets where you can shop with virtual money | Technology Nadim Chebli remembers well the first of his customers who decided to pay for the records they bought with virtual currency rather than cash or credit cards. "I'd only just agreed to accept Bitcoins," said the 36-year-old owner of the Long Player record shop, "and the first sales I made in it came pretty quickly, from a guy about my age who bought Tom Waits's The Big Time and a young woman who bought a Beatles compilation from 1967." In the few months since Chebli signed up to the peer-to-peer electronic cash system, he finds it hard to come up with definitive characteristics for the "typical" Bitcoin user who walks off the street into what he describes as his "vinyl living room". "There's no typical age group, or sex, just, well, regular folk," he said. Florentina Martens has had the same experience since opening her Parisian-style cafe Floor's two months ago just a couple of streets away. "There is not a prototype Bitcoin payer," she said.

Nonverbal Overload: A Theoretical Argument for the Causes of Zoom Fatigue · Volume 2, Issue 1 For decades, scholars have predicted that videoconference technology will disrupt the practice of commuting daily to and from work and will change the way people socialize. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic forced a drastic increase in the number of videoconference meetings, and Zoom became the leading software package because it was free, robust, and easy to use. While the software has been an essential tool for productivity, learning, and social interaction, something about being on videoconference all day seems particularly exhausting, and the term “Zoom Fatigue” caught on quickly. Keywords: videoconferencing, nonverbal behavior, mutual gaze, interpersonal distance, computer-mediated communication Conflict of interest: I have no conflicts of interest to report. Interactive Content: Juxtaposed frame comparison — eye gaze at close distance, conference room with nine face-to-face speakers (figure 2); BBC Podcast Interview with Jeremy Bailenson, Meeting in the virtual world.

Choosing Appropriate Assistive Technology for Students with ADHD Add to favorites By Nathalie Arbour, Remedial Teacher, Lanaudière Learning Support Services, and Adaptive Services Advisor, Collège de Saint-Jérôme Without appropriate accommodations, students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may find themselves at a disadvantage. If these students are then asked to “try harder”, despite making an effort that may already be above and beyond what is expected or necessary for their peers, they may develop anxiety and low self-esteem related to their difficulty in learning. The data and examples provided in this article on the manifestations of ADHD and its impact on learning are drawn from my private practice as a remedial teacher working with young clients. Needs Analysis and ADHD Depending on the needs that have been identified, some students will be able to improve their achievement with support and strategies for reading, writing, and organization. The Impact of ADHD on Learning Predominantly Inattentive ADHD Additional Resources

[Débat] C'est quoi la TV-connectée ? TV connectée, Smart TV, Social TV, tout autant d'expressions permettant de faire le lien entre télévision et Internet. Les modes de consommation de l’écran prennent un virage identique à celui que prend la technologie vidéo : ils évoluent en même temps que la multiplication des outils. Augmentant le nombre de possibilités de consommer l’information, les émissions et les films. Mais qu’est-ce que cela change en pratique ? Dernièrement une enquête Mediamétrie révélait que les tendances de l'année 2012 se composaient de deux principes : la "fragmentation des usages et la transversalité de ce mêmes usages sur les écrans (tablettes, ordinateurs, TV connectée, mobiles et tablettes)". D'autre part, avec 47% de foyers équipés de TV qui disposent d'un téléviseur connectable à Internet (Smart TV, TV par ADSL, console de jeu), la prochaine étape ne serait-elle pas une utilisation quasi systématique de deux écrans différents pour un même programme ? La télévision ? Rep a sa Inspecteur Derrick

What happened when one company switched to a four-day workweek The software and data engineering company, headquartered in New York City, started testing a four-day workweek in August to help prevent employee burnout and maintain work-life balance during the pandemic. The company went full remote in March 2020, and will likely stay that way for the foreseeable future. The plan was to try out 10-hour days Monday through Thursday for two months. "You have to really focus on empowering the team and make the decision together because everyone has to make modifications to their life," said Art Shectman, founder and president. It took employees about three to four weeks to adjust, he said. "By the third week, it was more routine. Ultimately, the compressed workweek was well received, so much so that the company adopted the schedule permanently. More flexibility led to more worker satisfaction While most employees now start their days at 7:00 am and go offline at 6:00 pm with an hour-long lunch break, schedules are somewhat flexible. Making the shift

www.businessinsider Irina Smirnova Peter Shankman is the author of the new book "Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity, and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain." I’ve seen my future. Honestly, I have. It has me doing virtually no work of any value, while sinking further and further into a spiral of depression, sadness, shame, and anger. It involves fattening food, increasingly high blood sugar, elevated blood pressure, and more than likely issues with my liver thanks to drowning all of my feelings in alcohol, but at the same time, simultaneously smiling and not showing a hint of trouble to anyone on the outside. I’ve seen my future, and it ends with a whimper, not with a bang. Now, thanks to Doc Brown, we all know that anything we do in the past (now) can have tremendous effects on what happens in the future. So while I’ve seen my future, I know that every day, I have the opportunity to make sure it’s not the future with which I’ll end up. How do I know what I’m wearing?

Managers : 12 conseils pour reprendre le contrôle de votre temps 1. Ne prenez pas d'appels professionnels le soir, le week-end et durant vos vacances. Demandez à votre entreprise de vous joindre uniquement en cas de force majeure. On a souvent tendance à penser, « si on m'appelle, cela signifie que je suis important ». Mais cet asservissement permanent au travail empêche de profiter de son temps personnel pour se ressourcer. Ce n'est pas en étant toujours disponible que l'on se fait apprécier, mais en proposant de bonnes idées. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Dans son ouvrage « Apprivoisez le temps.

The Symbol of Bessemer Bessemer — the Alabama city where Amazon warehouse workers recently voted not to join a union — is named for Henry Bessemer, a British inventor who revolutionized steelmaking. When an Alabama businessman founded the city in 1887, he called it Bessemer in the hope that it would become a steel-industry center. It did. Today, those steel jobs are long gone, done in by technology and global competition. Amazon soundly defeated the union’s organizing effort by emphasizing that it already paid well above the federal minimum wage of $7.25. That is not the kind of pay that seems likely to help the country again build a growing, thriving middle class. Amazon is the country’s fastest-growing company by many measures. Alec MacGillis, the author of an excellent new book about Amazon, called “Fulfillment,” points out that Amazon’s warehouse jobs have a lot in common with the industrial jobs of the past. But for all of the similarities to factory work, Amazon jobs also have crucial differences.

Improving Your Working Memory: Executive Function and ADHD Many experts today argue that attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is not, at its core, an attention problem, but rather a self-regulation problem exacerbated by weak working memory. Our brains comprise two systems: the automatic and the executive. The automatic system guides 80 to 90% of our activities every single day; the executive system guides the remaining 10 to 20% and requires purposeful, regulatory effort. As many with ADHD know, this system of executive functioning can be exhausting; it requires frequent mental pauses and ceaseless self-regulation. Executive function is so taxing, in part, because it comprises seven distinct brain activities — two of which are verbal working memory and non-verbal working memory (which hinges on visual and spatial acumen). The importance of working memory is growing within the study ADHD, according to Dr. How Working Memory Powers Executive Function [Take This Test: Do You Have a Working Memory Deficit?] Digital isn’t always the best solution.

How To Mine Bitcoins Mining bitcoins – a process that helps manage bitcoin transactions as well as create new “wealth” – is the new Beanie Babies. Luckily for us, however, bitcoins seem to be going up in value and should maintain their value over time, unlike your mint condition Tiny the stuffed Chihuahua. But how do you get bitcoins? You can begin by buying them outright, but the market is currently wild. At $188 per coin, the direction of the bitcoin is anyone’s guess right now and, unlike equities, these things don’t split. Think of it as work done by groups of people to find large prime numbers or trying keys to decrypt a file. As it stands, mining solo is very nearly deprecated. Pooled mining, however, is far more lucrative. (25 BTC + block fees – 2% fee) * (shares found by user’s workers) / (total shares in current round) While this is simplified, it is basically how the system works. Being a neophile, I’m surprised it took me so long to start mining. 1. 2. You must create workers to mine. 3. . 4.
