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The ADDIE Design Phase

The ADDIE Design Phase
Related:  E learning

Reflections on the Knowledge Society » Intro to Pearson’s OpenClass Last night, I followed a short webinar by Pearson introducing their cloud-based OpenClass learning management system (LMS). At first sight it looked good, lean and easy. The webinar used Cisco’s webex, but was painful because audio could only be received via a telephone call-in, which, from countries other than the US frankly isn’t economic. Anyhow, back to OpenClass. In total, the platform looks and feels like a mix between Twitter and Google Docs, embedded in a Moodle-style organisation structure. However, I did not get a clear response on enterprise functionalities. My impression was that the tool, or at least the webinar demo, was very much geared toward individual teachers deciding to hop into the cloud with their classes. Another obstacle which only got mentioned at the sidelines, was that in order to use OpenClass, the institution would have to have a Google EduApps account. OpenClass could be a longer term game changer if hosting courses in the cloud becomes a trend.

Instructional Design Models & Theories | Instructional Design Central Instructional Design Models and Methods "Models, like myths and metaphors, help us to make sense of our world. Whether derived from whim or from serious research, a model offers its user a means of comprehending an otherwise incomprehensible problem. An instructional design model gives structure and meaning to an I.D. problem, enabling the would-be designer to negotiate her design task with a semblance of conscious understanding. Review and compare various instructional design models and methods below: Merrill's First Principles of Instruction ADDIE Model Dick and Carey Model Kemp's Instructional Design Model Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction Bloom's Learning Taxonomy Kirkpatrick's 4 Levels of Training Evaluation Cathy Moore's Action Mapping Merrill's First Principles of Instruction ADDIE Model The ADDIE instructional design model is the generic process traditionally used by instructional designers and training developers. Figure 2 ADDIE Model, Diagram by: Steven J. Dick and Carey Model 7.

untitled Learning Solutions Learning Solutions is a leading industry publication offering an insider’s perspective that is focused on supporting eLearning professionals. Our goal is to provide the greater learning and development community with relevant and timely information on the most critical and sought-out topics in eLearning. More Info > Research Library Guild Research delivers research reports and resources with the goal of helping you make sense of the depth of our field. More Info > Publications Library The Publications Library consists of eBooks, white papers, videos, and our annual eLearning Salary & Compensation Report. More Info > Sponsored Library The eLearning Guild community is filled with great content from both inside and outside of the Guild. More Info > Online Events Archive More Info > Conference Archive More Info > DemoFest Archive The DemoFest Archive provides a unique opportunity to see and learn from the work of your peers. More Info >

What Makes Effective eLearning? | Rob's Learning and Technology Blog There seems more interest than ever in elearning, but I worry that people will charge headlong for an author tool thinking it’s the answer to their prayers. The trouble is there’s more to creating good elearning than just using the author tool. Whatever we build it must be effective. We all know that, but what does ‘effective’ mean? Relevant – it must align to what I, the learner, want to achieve. It’s not easy, but ensuring that whatever you produce satisfies all five of these requirements will allow you to create a truly effective learning experience. Like this: Like Loading... Taxonomie de Bloom Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La roue de la taxonomie de Bloom. La taxonomie de Bloom est un modèle pédagogique proposant une classification des niveaux d'acquisition des connaissances[1]. Benjamin Bloom, bien qu'il n'en soit pas le seul créateur (34 universitaires américains participent aux conférences de 1949 à 1953), est souvent reconnu comme le « père » de cet outil[2],[3]. Description[modifier | modifier le code] La taxonomie organise l'information de façon hiérarchique, de la simple restitution de faits jusqu'à la manipulation complexe des concepts, qui est souvent mise en œuvre par les facultés cognitives dites supérieures[4]. Composition[modifier | modifier le code] La taxonomie des objectifs éducationnels selon Bloom. Elle peut être résumée en six niveaux, chaque niveau supérieur englobant les niveaux précédents. Révision[modifier | modifier le code] Ainsi en 2001 une taxonomie révisée de Bloom a été proposée par plusieurs auteurs dont Lorin W. Taxonomie de van Hiele

elaz - 5. Выбор платформы. Педагогическое проектирование Get your brand new Wikispaces Classroom now and do "back to school" in style. guest Join | Help | Sign In elaz Home guest| Join | Help | Sign In Turn off "Getting Started" Loading... The eLearning Guild: Community & Resources for eLearning Professionals Analysis For eLearning Projects SumoMe When you are hit with a new training or eLearning project or even an idea for a project, you need the facts before you can proceed. You can usually gather the facts by conducting one or more forms of analysis, of which there are many flavors. You’ll find that the amount of effort required for an analysis varies. In some cases, it involves no more than interviewing several key people. Here are some of the most common forms of analysis that I use. Needs Analysis or Assessment There are several types of needs assessments. How to get the information: Interviews with stakeholders and managersInterviews with target audience membersInterviews with other relevant staff, e.g., Information Technology and Human ResourcesProvide surveys and questionnaires to the target audience to assess knowledgeObservation of target audience members performing relevant tasks Audience Analysis Try to identify the following: How to get the information: Task Analysis Instructional Analysis . Environment Analysis

L'humour pour apprendre Lorsque toute une classe rit à gorge déployée, c'est rarement du à une intention de l'enseignant. L'humour est chose difficile à manipuler en classe, car il faut savoir en maîtriser les effets. Les élèves pour leur part, utilisent le rire comme une parade devant des cours trop ennuyeux, ou trop compliqués. Il faut bien plus que quelques blagues à un enseignant aujourd'hui pour être populaire. Certains n'hésitent pas à affronter les jeunes sur leur propre terrain. Ainsi le prof britannique à découvrir cette semaine est-il un redoutable rappeur qui, au passage, transmet des messages bien sentis sur l'inutilité des paroles racistes, vulgaires ou homophobes dans le rap. L'humour crée de la proximité entre les protagonistes et, quand ses effets sont maîtrisés, un climat propice à l'apprentissage. Cette semaine, Thot Cursus observe les manifestations de l'humour sur la toile et s'intéresse à l'usage de l'humour pour apprendre. photo : ehpien via photopin cc La pédagogie des morts-vivants

Authoring Tools- The DevLearn Experience Last week, I attended DevLearn. I readily admit that I was unsure what to expect. I knew that its core audience would be instructional designers and e-learning developers. I suspected that the expo would feature a large quantity of rapid content authoring tools. I wasn’t disappointed. From products that ranged from the latest versions of RCATs to new vendors in the space, including text to speech. I was enthralled. Anyone for Avatars? Everywhere you looked, someone was incorporating avatar characters. While most people were oohing and awwing over Articulate’s Storyline, virtually no one was checking out Sh! Not only was it doing the new “avatar” experience, similar to Storyline, but when you recorded your audio, they claimed it would synch up to the character’s lips – that is right, real synchronization. In the demo at their booth, they readily showed numerous avatars, and it would have been very cool to see the true synch experience – something that Storyline cannot do. Collaborative Review

An Outline For Creating An Instructional Design Document An eLearning course is developed through the combined efforts of Instructional Designers, learning designers, multimedia developers, technology experts, Subject Matter Experts, and project managers. When you have so many stakeholders involved, how do you ensure that the project stays on course and does not lose its focus? What is the single document that binds all the people involved to work toward a common goal? That document is called the Instructional Design Document (IDD). The Instructional Design Document functions as a single reference point that guides multiple stakeholders as they perform their individual tasks related to developing an eLearning course. What Does An Instructional Design Document Do? The Instructional Design Document provides a framework that guides all key individuals involved in the eLearning development process. An Instructional Design Document answers questions such as: What is the purpose of the course? Why Is The Instructional Design Document Important? 1. 2. 3.

Guide pédagogique : courants, démarches, méthodes, types de savoir et exercices Comprendre les modèles pédagogiques est essentiel pour toute personne exerçant bénévolement ou professionnellement dans les domaines de la sensibilisation, de l’apprentissage ou de la formation au numérique (ou à d’autres sujets). Le portail FOAD Spirit propose un dossier de 25 pages, gracieusement téléchargeable (en pdf) : le mini-guide pédagogique qui propose une présentation des différents courants, méthodes et démarches pédagogiques ainsi que les types de savoirs. Exploration de la pédagogie avec exercices Ces connaissances concentrées en un document unique de synthèse donnent à voir les différentes approches pédagogiques et présentent une démarche active avec un exercice à penser en continu et à compléter en fin de dossier pour aider à réaliser le jeu du mot mystère. Sommaire du mini-guide pédagogique 3 courants pédagogiques Le behavorisme Le constructivisme Le socio-constructivisme Les démarches pédagogiques La démarche déductive La démarche inductive La démarche dialectique Annexes
