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Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans
Chapter 1: Matter—Solids, Liquids, and Gases Students are introduced to the idea that matter is composed of atoms and molecules that are attracted to each other and in constant motion. Students explore the attractions and motion of atoms and molecules as they experiment with and observe the heating and cooling of a solid, liquid, and gas. Chapter 2: Changes of State Students help design experiments to test whether the temperature of water affects the rate of evaporation and whether the temperature of water vapor affects the rate of condensation. Chapter 3: Density Students experiment with objects that have the same volume but different mass and other objects that have the same mass but different volume to develop a meaning of density. Chapter 4: The Periodic Table & Bonding Students look more deeply into the structure of the atom and play a game to better understand the relationship between protons, neutrons, electrons, and energy levels in atoms and their location in the periodic table. Related:  MatterScience Course

States of Matter ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. Apple, The New York Times, USA Today, Parents Magazine and Scholastic, to name just a few, have featured ABCya’s popular educational games. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Our educational games are easy to use and classroom friendly, with a focus on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, storybooks, art, music, holidays and much more!

Local Support - Gifted Homeschoolers Forum Because sometimes what you need most is the support of others near you (or sharing your beliefs)… Regional Mailing Lists and Social Media Groups - Faith-Based Groups - Individual Contacts by Region/Faith/OtherQuestions? Our Regional Contacts Coordinator is Carissa Leventis-Cox. Regional Mailing Lists and Social Media Groups AZ - Palo Verde Homeschoolers — Online secular community for Arizona parents with inquisitive and imaginative children. Share local event information, organize outings, and discuss gifted/spirited-child issues.AZ - Gifted Homeschoolers of Central Phoenix — Social group only, (no classes or co-ops) getting together for field trips, travel, adventures, holiday celebrations, community service, and spending time together.CA - Asynchronous Minds — Local support group for families of gifted children, many of whom have chosen alternative educational options. International Faith-Based Groups Individual Contacts — When you need an individual to answer your questions. United States

home No Opt Out | Questioning Techniques for the Classroom No opt out is an all or nothing strategy that requires the students to answer questions that are asked of them correctly. Incorrect or partially answered questions should be corrected by other students who have their hands raised, continuing until the right answer is given. If an incorrect answer is given then that student will continue to be asked questions until a correct answer is given. Student Who Refuses to Try – If a student replies I don’t know or I don’t want to answer, turn to another student and ask them the same question, once you achieve the correct answer from another student, turn back to the first student who could not answer the question and ask them if they can answer now. Important Point – To ensure students confidence, make sure that you as a teacher approach this strategy in a cheerful and positive manner, also having this attitude makes them know that you believe that they can do it. No Opt Out Guide Like this: Like Loading...

Solid State of Matter These crystals of the mineral pyrite are a good example of a solid. Click on image for full size Courtesy of Corel Solid is one of the four common states of matter. The three others are gas, liquid, and plasma. There are also some other exotic states of matter that have been discovered in recent years. Unlike liquids and gases, solids have definite shapes. The atoms or molecules in a solid are packed together much more tightly in a solid than in a gas or a liquid. Solids are usually much more dense than liquids and gases, but not always. Many solid materials will melt when heated. Crystals, wood, rocks, most metals, and glass are all examples of common solids. Shop Windows to the Universe Science Store! Learn about Earth and space science, and have fun while doing it! You might also be interested in: The Plasma State Plasma is known as the fourth state of matter. Molecules Most things around us are made of groups of atoms bonded together into packages called molecules. Carbon Dioxide - CO2

Course Descriptions Courses All courses include a weekly live webinar component. The current webinar schedule is available on the enrollment page. Literature 7th grade Lightning Literature from Hewitt Homeschooling, adapted to fit the needs of young, gifted 21st-century learners. Lessons include: plotintroduction to poetrydialogueautobiographycharacterization Learning activities include regular writing to communicate ideas, videos and multimedia, web 2.0 tools to synthesize new concepts, and live webinars. Year-long course condensed into a single semester. Required books: Lightning Lit 7 Student Guide by Elizabeth KamathStories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages by Harold BloomThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark TwainAlice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis CarrollThe Story of My Life by Helen KellerAll Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot Most books are readily available at your local library, or can be purchased from our resources page. Grammar/Vocabulary Students will:

150 herramientas gratuitas para crear materiales educativos con tics más de 150 sitios con herramientas didácticas gratuitas para crear materiales educativos online Generadores de cuadernos, libros y publicaciones digitales Cuadernia online(Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de Castilla-La Mancha). Herramienta fácil y funcional para la creación y difusión de materiales educativos digitales. Permite crear de forma dinámica y visual cuadernos digitales que pueden contener información y actividades multimedia. Tal vez también te interese visitar el portal de recursos de Cuadernia donde encontrarás diversas versiones de esta herramienta para descargar tutoriales, un foro, novedades, actividades, etc. Generadores de webquest y cazas del tesoro 1,2,3 tu WebQuest generador de webquest de Aula 21. Generadores de cuestionarios y ejercicios Generadores de cuestionarios de autoevaluación (4Teachers). Generadores de hojas de caligrafía y papel pautado Ver también la sección Lectoescritura, grafomotricidad y alfabetización Generadores de mapas conceptuales y mentales Baco.

Validity vs Reliability vs Accuracy in Physics Experiments Introduction to Validity, Reliability, and Accuracy of Experiments Practical assessments are designed to test your practical skills: how well you can design and carry out an experiment and analyse results, but also your understanding of the purpose of the experiment and its limitations. One aspect of this is the reliability, validity, and accuracy of the experiment. In this article we discuss: What is an experiment? An experiment is a set of measurements that are analysed to test a link or relationship between different things. When writing the method of an experiment, you must ensure that each step of the method incorporates reliability, accuracy or validity. Validity What is validity? Validity relates to the experimental method and how appropriate it is in addressing the aim of the experiment: “Is my experiment suitable?” Several aspects of the experiment can contribute to validity: the equipment, the experimental method, and the analysis of the results. How do you improve validity? Accuracy

A Matter of State A plastic bottle is compressed following a flight Photo Credit: Korte Purpose To help students understand that particle movement changes as a substance changes from one phase to another phase. Context This lesson is designed to give students the opportunity to observe a phenomenon created by particle movement. Prior to this lesson, students should have been introduced to the notion that matter may go through different phase changes. This particular benchmark may be difficult for students to grasp because middle-school and high-school students are deeply committed to a theory of continuous matter. Additionally, many students do not understand that all substances undergo some type of movement. Emphasis needs to be placed on helping students understand that there are different motions exhibited by substances in their respective phases. Motivation Ask students to write descriptions of the three common states of matter. Development Break the class into lab groups of four to five students.

Home Page Revolució Russa | Ciències Socials, Geografia i Història 1. Conèixer les característiques de l’Imperi tsarista a principi del segle XX. 2. Identificar les causes que van desencadenar la revolució de 1905. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Esquema 1. Un imperi immens i endarrerit. L’oposició tsarista. 2. Agitació social i política durant el regnat de Nicolau II. Guerra russojaponesa (1904). Diumenge sagnant. Motí de la tripulació del cuirassat Potiomkin. 3. Convocatòria d’una Duma El ministre Stolipin i la reforma agrària. La conjuntura de la Primera Guerra mundial. 4. Els soviets. Vaga general a Petrograd. Abdicació del tsar Nicolau II Govern provisional. Lenin i les tesis d’abril. Aleksandr Kerenski i la constitució d’una Assemblea Constituent. El cop d’Estat del general Kornilov. El partit bolxevic i la seva popularitat entre les masses. 5. Tropes lleials als bolxevics i la Guàrdia Roja ocupen bancs, centrals telèfoniques i estacions de ferrocarril [la nit del 24 al 25 d’octubre]. Assalt al Palau d’hivern [25 d’octubre]. Tractat de Brest-Litovsk. 6. 7.

Catapult by Kyla Rudd on Prezi States of Matter States of Matter Barbara Pawela May School 512 S. Lavergne Chicago IL 60644 312-534-6140 Objectives: Grades 4-6 The students will be able to: A. Materials needed: a variety of solids Ziplock plastic bags hot plate a variety of liquids clear plastic glasses 2 beakers spray perfume 2 Erlanmeyer flasks electric fan or 2Tbs. powdered Sulfur 2 L Erlanmeyer flask hair dryer 2Tbs. iron filings 1 L beaker pre 1982 penny 20 ml nitric acid bent glass tubing one- hole rubber baking soda round balloons stopper Iodine gas tube food coloring vinegar acetate fabric ice ping pong balls 50 ml acetone 4 cans gas model container 1/2 tsp. salt watch glass crucible clear container Bromine gas tubeStrategies: Activity I: 1. Activity II: 1. Activity III: 1. Activity IV: (Optional) Teacher demonstration. 1. Activity V: 1. Activity VI: 1. Activity VII: PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT 1.

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