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Enseigner avec la Pédagogie 3.0 inShare14 Intrinsèquement la Pédagogie 3.0 n’est pas une méthode, mais une approche globale de gestion d’une classe et de planification des activités pédagogiques. Elle a pour finalité d’accroître la motivation des élèves en les aidants à progresser individuellement dans leurs résultats. Cette approche a été mise au point par Stéphane Côté, conseiller pédagogique en TIC, qui à travers un processus de recherche, de découverte, d’évaluation, de mesure d’impact, teste un ensemble d’idées, qu’il décide d’englober dans une nouvelle approche d’apprentissage, qu’il intitule la Pédagogie 3.0. A force de persévérance et bien qu’il soit confronté à de nombreuses difficultés, notamment induites par la pression du temps, Stéphane Côté réussit néanmoins à mener une expérience intéressante dans l’application de sa démarche de Pédagogie 3.0. La Pédagogie 3.0, une approche complète Comparaison de 3 types de pédagogies en relation avec les TIC il faut que : Commentaires commentaires

Current Issues in Emerging eLearning | University of Massachusetts Boston Current Issues in Emerging eLearning (CIEE) is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal of research and critical thought on eLearning practice and emerging pedagogical methods. The journal is published by the Center for Innovation and Excellence in eLearning, and sponsored by the College of Advancing and Professional Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. This special edition of Current Issues in Emerging eLearning comprises new empirical research focused on strategies for implementing and scaling personalized and adaptive courseware solutions. A special call for studies related to adaptive courseware implementation was announced broadly. The Personalized Learning Consortium (PLC) at the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) was solicited for research originating from institutions who participated in a postsecondary success initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Web e Musei: dal progetto MINERVA al Web 2.0 Online Educa Berlin ha aperto i battenti all' Hotel InterContinental Berlin! Già centinaia di partecipanti hanno affollato l'Hotel, per partecipare a workshop, forum e vagare per l'area espositiva - un vasto spazio, completo di display vivaci, presentazioni strane e meravigliose e molto, molto di più per stupire e coinvolgere. Ed è solo l'inizio, ad ogni ora il convegno si presenta più affollato. Secondo gli ultimi dati, abbiamo più di 2000 partecipanti provenienti da oltre 90 paesi, 361 relatori e 84 espositori. Con così tante cose, sarebbe impossibile poter cogliere l'intera conferenza in una sola volta - ma qui con le news in tempo reale di iGeL - Il Giornale dell'eLearning, vi presenteremo una selezione giornaliera degli eventi più importanti, riportando le idee più provocatorie derivanti dalle sessioni, le tendenze che scopriamo di volta in volta, le interviste ai personaggi chiave. [vg]

Vacuum - Edward Vielmetti in Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104: Cornell notes style lab book and Moleskine This is going to be a bit of a difficult post to write since I don't have the appropriate graphics tools (and I'm missing a scanner), but bear with me. I've been using the Cornell Notes system over the last couple of days to help me write longer and more interesting pages in my lab notebooks. The part of me that holds frugality dear wants to use the $1.59 8x10 cheap big quadrille lab books whenever possible in preference to the $10 3x5 Moleskine, especially when I'm writing somewhere that space is not at a premium. The style is as follows: Top right corner: date, time, location, meal and cost if I'm out writing, weather if it's notable, any other quick reminder of where I was at the time. Right column (10%): just enough of a margin to write marginal notes in of anything that's distracting me at the moment, but not enough to get involved in it. Top: title of the page, for the index. Left column (25%): leave it blank for now. Bottom (15%): leave it blank for now.

E-learning para empresas: ¿Cuándo comienza el E-learning 3.0? (White Paper) | Actívica El E-learning evoluciona de acuerdo con la tecnología que lo posibilita. Por eso es que es su desarrollo está emparentado directamente con el de los avances tecnológicos. En los comienzos de la web, en la cual el usuario se enfrentaba a un entorno estático que brindaba muy pocas posibilidades de interacción, podemos ubicar al E-learning 1.0. Esta versión primera incluiría cursos para auto-estudio que contaban o no con contenidos subidos a páginas web y con la posibilidad de utilizar capacitación guiada por tutores. Entre las tecnologías disponibles podemos incluir los diskettes y CD ROMs. Actualmente podríamos decir que nos encontramos en el segundo estadío de la web. Stephen Downes, quien es investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigación de Canadá, identificó al E-learning 2.0 como un tipo de enseñanza y aprendizaje que empleaba las herramientas de la web 2.0 para crear un entorno más social y dinámico. ¿En qué consistiría entonces el E-learning 3.0?

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) aims to promote research and scholarship on the integration of technology in tertiary education, promote effective practice, and inform policy. The journal is Open Access and is published by ASCILITE, the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. Please see About-Focus and Scope for a more detailed description of the scope of the journal. AJET is indexed in Scopus, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, EDITLib, the ACER Blended Online Learning and Distance Education research bank and EBSCOhost Electronic Journals Service. AJET citation statistics appear within the Thomson Reuters ISI Journal Citation Reports (Social Science Citation Index), the Google Scholar Metrics and the Scopus SCImago journal rankings. Prior to Volume 20, 2004, AJET was published under the title Australian Journal of Educational Technology. AJET is open access, double blind peer reviewed, and has no publication charges.

E-learning in Africa: una proposta di metodo Online Educa Berlin ha aperto i battenti all' Hotel InterContinental Berlin! Già centinaia di partecipanti hanno affollato l'Hotel, per partecipare a workshop, forum e vagare per l'area espositiva - un vasto spazio, completo di display vivaci, presentazioni strane e meravigliose e molto, molto di più per stupire e coinvolgere. Ed è solo l'inizio, ad ogni ora il convegno si presenta più affollato. Con così tante cose, sarebbe impossibile poter cogliere l'intera conferenza in una sola volta - ma qui con le news in tempo reale di iGeL - Il Giornale dell'eLearning, vi presenteremo una selezione giornaliera degli eventi più importanti, riportando le idee più provocatorie derivanti dalle sessioni, le tendenze che scopriamo di volta in volta, le interviste ai personaggi chiave. [vg]

Subscription to RESEARCH IN COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Symposium Journals PERSONAL ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION 4 issues per calendar year, constituting one volume To purchase a Personal online subscription (or to renew an existing but expired subscription) to this journal please select the volume (year) you require, then click the Continue button above to commence your transaction. Until you provide your payment details and confirm your order on the next page, you have no commitment to purchase the subscription. Upon completing your purchase we will provide (1) a username/password that will allow you, both in this and later sessions, immediate and permanent online access to the journal so you can read/download/print the full texts of material in all current and PAST issues, and (2) by immediate email, confirmation of the username/password and a receipt for the transaction, (3) advance news, by email, of each issue as soon as it is published. If you have any problems or questions about your purchase, please contact

E-Learning 3.0: Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime, and AI The concept of e-Learning 2.0 has become well established and widely accepted. Just like how e-Learning 2.0 replaced its predecessor, we are again on the verge of a transformation. Both previous generations of e-Learning (1.0 and 2.0) closely parody the prevalent technologies available in their kin Web versions (1.0 and 2.0, respectively). In order to acquire a better perspective to assess what technologies will be available in the Web 3.0 and therefore e-Learning 3.0, we take a historical glance at the previous generations of e-Learning and theWeb. We then survey some existing predictions for e-Learning 3.0 and finally provide our own. Previous surveys tend to identify educational needs for e-Learning, and then discuss what technologies are required to satisfy these needs.

Journal of Interactive Media in Education Form@re Scientific Journals Informations Version du programme - Program version : 3.4.0 Version de la base de données - Database version : 7.0.3 To see the impact factor, you need to download the Mac software. Pour voir les facteurs d'impact, vous devez charger le programme pour Mac. This program lets you rapidly search for information about a scientific journal: Impact factor [(c) ISI], name, ISO abbreviated name, web site. Simply copy the program file and open it. Download the PPC version, Carbon compliant (run natively in OS X) For any bug report, contact Marc Girondot, University Paris Sud-Orsay Ce programme permet de rechercher rapidement des informations sur un journal scientifique: nom, nom abrégé norme ISO, facteurs d'impacts [(c) ISI] et site Web. Pour avoir le droit d'utiliser les valeur de facteur d'impact, vous devez posséder une licence de l'ISI, par exemple par votre bibliothèque. Copier le fichier o bon vous semble et lancez le. Charger la version PPC Carbon (tourne en mode natif sur Mac OS X)

LEARNING 3.0: una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender ~ Emprende Tu Marca Darse cuenta de que muchas personas odian su trabajo fue el punto de partida para que JURGEN APPELO comenzara a analizar el management actual buscando la forma de vincular de forma directa la FELICIDAD a la PRODUCTIVIDAD. Con la vida de Melly, una mujer que no era feliz con su trabajo, como hilo conductor revisó e innovó en diferentes estrategias creando el concepto de MANAGEMENT 3.0. Cuando el mundo se vuelve cada vez más complejo, crece la incertidumbre y cambian los flujos de valor es necesario cambiar el paradigma. En AGILE hablamos de COMUNIDADES, de organismos con vida propia y que son capaces de crecer y autogestionarse, que así garantizan su gestión del cambio y su escalabilidad. Para ello, usamos una mezcla de herramientas como el Lean, Design Thinking, Kaizen, Kanban, Scrum... Hablar de COMUNIDAD significa hablar de APRENDIZAJE COLABORATIVO, de compartir conocimiento con otros para crecer. El LEARNING 3.0. habla de un nuevo modo de aprendizaje: ¡QUIERO SABER MÁS!

Evaluating retrieval practice in a MOOC Videos are often the core content in open online education, such as in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Students spend most of their time in a MOOC on watching educational videos. However, merely watching a video is a relatively passive learning activity.
