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Four Inquiry Qualities At The Heart of Student-Centered Teaching

One powerful example of students taking on a different role in the classroom happens when teachers use the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development as a framework for inquiry. Students explore their passions, interests, and curiosities based on the 17 U.N. goals, identifying learning objectives connected to a particular goal where they’d like to focus. Teachers then co-design standards with learners, standards with language such as gaining a deeper understanding of "x" or inspiring an audience to “do y.” Students achieve a more genuine ownership over their learning as they grapple with these authentic problems -- ones that have troubled global leaders for decades. In these spaces students take on more of the heavy lifting of learning as they are actively involved in the construction of understanding. 2. Just as the role of the learner has shifted in these classrooms, so too has the role of the teacher. 3. 4.

Related:  Week 6: Managing Instruction (* = Key reading)Inquiry

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Make It Meaningful to Me: Authentic Learning for Students The picture purchased from Over the course of many years, I have learned that there are no two schools that are the same. Even within a city, you will find that there are significant differences between the resources that schools have and their cultures. How to Teach Students Historical Inquiry Through Media Literacy And Critical Thinking “I think that the lessons of history are exactly the kind of thing we should be talking about in history class,” Wineburg said. “But rather than teaching them as rules or things fixed in time or set in amber, these are precisely the kinds of things that are worthy of debate.” Today, most people look up information they don’t know on the internet, including students. So it’s even more important that students have tools they can use to make educated decisions about what they trust online. Will Colglazier, a U.S. history teacher in the San Mateo Union High School District, is taking this call to action to heart at Aragon High School.

The Rigor Relevance Framework The Rigor/Relevance Framework is a tool developed by the International Center to examine curriculum, instruction, and assessment along the two dimensions of higher standards and student achievement. It can be used in the development of both instruction and assessment. In addition, teachers can use it to monitor their own progress in adding rigor and relevance to their instruction, and to select appropriate instructional strategies for differentiating instruction and facilitating higher achievement goals. How Your Teacher-Librarian Can Be An Ally When Teaching With Inquiry Teacher-Librarians Have More Flexible Schedules The librarian’s schedule and workday provide more flexibility so they can be available to help teachers. The door is open, why not come in?

12 (mostly cheap) Teacher Tricks that Work in an Elementary Library Learning practical teaching tips and tricks is one of my favorite forms of professional development. I love when others share simple things that can be applied quickly and easily to my teaching and improve learning for my students. Here are twelve tips and tricks that work in my library: A Magic Wand – This can truly be magic! This wand is used to dismiss students from the rug to move to other activities. It prevents the mob mentality that happens when everyone goes at the same time. Getting Beyond the CRAAP Test: A Conversation with Mike Caulfield I have been a fan of Mike Caulfield's work in developing new tools for helping students learn the skills of digital literacy and fact checking for quite some time. I even put an exercise in The Writer's Practice built on Caulfield's "four moves." When I found out he has a new project that is freely available to instructors and highly adaptable to any course, I wanted to do what I can to get the word out. We talked about both the new project in specific and his bigger project in general. - JW Q&A with Mike Caulfield on Check, Please! John Warner: Why should we be worried about the issue of online information literacy?

Assessing Maker Education Projects Institutionalized education has given assessment a bad reputation; often leaves a sour taste in the mouths of many teachers, students, and laypeople. This is primarily due to the testing movement, the push towards using student assessment in the form of tests as a measure of student, teacher, principal, and school accountability. Educators should be clear about why they include assessment in their instruction; be strategic and intentional in its use. For me, assessment really should be about informing the learner about his or her performance so that increased learning and future improvement result for that learner. Assessment is the process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experiences; the process culminates when assessment results are used to improve subsequent learning. Maker Education and Assessment

Helping students develop better web-based research skills — EducationHQ Australia It is often claimed that young people are “digital natives”, naturally and effortlessly moving around their virtual world and using technology with great expertise. While this may be the case in young people’s social networking, gaming and the like, it is not necessarily the case in their academic lives. In fact, when it comes to using technology for academic tasks, it appears that lots of students display all the hallmarks of a novice. For example, when I look at how students go about internet-based research for schoolwork tasks, it is not uncommon to find them using poor search terms and struggling to identify quality websites or information for a given task. The teacher’s mission therefore, is to help move them from novice to expert. This is where “load reduction instruction (LRI)” comes in (

Is a School-wide Research Model for You? Recognizing the Need for a Research Model Fall is in the air and so is a new Research Road Map at Highland School of Technology in Gastonia, North Carolina. The journey to create a school-wide research model began during the 2017-18 school year. I noticed the need for school-wide consistency after a few semesters of observing our 11th grade English students writing research papers.
