The Art of Having an Informed Opinion
“What the pupil must learn, if he learns anything at all, is that the world will do most of the work for you, provided you cooperate with it by identifying how it really works and aligning with those realities. If we do not let the world teach us, it teaches us a lesson.” — Joseph Tussman The first thing they always do is tell you what they think. When someone has an opinion about everything, they want to share it with you. They often tout stats and research as if they had an imaginary checklist of facts they need to be able to rattle off to establish themselves as an expert in a field they actually know very little about.
How to Think: The Skill You've Never Been Taught
No skill is more valuable and harder to come by than the ability to critically think through problems. Schools don’t teach you a method of thinking. Thinking is one of those things that can be learned but can’t be taught. When it comes to thinking the mind has an optimal way to be operated.
The Critical Thinking Skills Cheatsheet [Infographic]
Critical thinking skills truly matter in learning. Why? Because they are life skills we use every day of our lives.
Overcoming Obstacles to Critical Thinking
The ability to think critically is one skill separating innovators from followers. It combats the power of advertisers, unmasks the unscrupulous and pretentious, and exposes unsupported arguments. Students enjoy learning the skill because they immediately see how it gives them more control. Yet critical thinking is simple: It is merely the ability to understand why things are they way they are and to understand the potential consequences of actions.
The Value of Grey Thinking
One of the most common questions we receive, unsurprisingly, is along the lines of What one piece of advice would you recommend to become a better thinker? The question is kind of cheating. There is, of course, no one thing, and if Farnam Street is a testament to any idea, it’s that you must pull from many disciplines to achieve overall wisdom.
249 Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs For Critical Thinking
Bloom’s Taxonomy’s verbs–also know as power verbs or thinking verbs–are extraordinarily powerful instructional planning tools. In fact, next to the concept of backwards-design and power standards, they are likely the most useful tool a teacher-as-learning-designer has access to. Why? They can be used for curriculum mapping, assessment design, lesson planning, personalizing and differentiating learning, and almost any other “thing” a teacher–or student–has to do. For example, if a standard asks students to infer and demonstrate an author’s position using evidence from the text, there’s a lot built into that kind of task.
Critical and Creative Thinking
The imparting of knowledge (content) and the development of thinking skills are accepted today as primary purposes of education. The explicit teaching and embedding of critical and creative thinking throughout the learning areas encourages students to engage in higher order thinking. By using logic and imagination, and by reflecting on how they best tackle issues, tasks and challenges, students are increasingly able to select from a range of thinking strategies and use them selectively and spontaneously in an increasing range of learning contexts. Activities that foster critical and creative thinking should include both independent and collaborative tasks, and entail some sort of transition or tension between ways of thinking. The learning area or subject with the highest proportion of content descriptions tagged with Critical and Creative Thinking is placed first in the list. F-6/7 Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
Méthode hypercritique
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La méthode hypercritique est une méthode d'argumentation, consistant en la critique systématique et excessive[1] des moindres détails d'une affirmation opposée ou de ses sources. Elle se distingue de la pensée critique qui, elle, est au contraire l'utilisation judicieuse de la raison[2]. Principe[modifier | modifier le code] Cette méthode revient généralement à une analyse suspicieuse et à charge de détails insignifiants ou connexes à un sujet, visant à disqualifier en bloc une thèse en la passant au crible, ou en faisant subir ce sort à ses sources[3], afin de repousser une théorie adverse, alors même que les preuves amenées par celle-ci ne sont, elles, pas négligeables :
Steven Pinker : "L'irrationalité actuelle ne signifie pas que notre espèce débloque"
Il est l'un des penseurs les plus influents de la planète. Psychologue cognitiviste et professeur à Harvard, Steven Pinker publie Rationalité (Les Arènes), un vibrant plaidoyer pour la raison dans une époque où la subjectivité est reine. En exclusivité pour L'Express, l'intellectuel préféré de Bill Gates, auteur des best-sellers La part d'ange en nous et Le triomphe des Lumières, explique comment la pensée critique a amené des progrès spectaculaires, pourquoi il ne faut pas désespérer de l'actuelle vague de complotisme et d'obscurantisme et de quelle manière, individuellement et collectivement, nous pouvons tous devenir plus rationnels. Entretien. L'Express : Selon vous, la rationalité est le principal moteur des progrès que vous avez illustrés dans vos livres Le Triomphe des Lumières et La Part d'ange en nous.
Yes, Your Opinion Can Be Wrong
Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 6 a.m. I have had so many conversations or email exchanges with students in the last few years wherein I anger them by indicating that simply saying, "This is my opinion" does not preclude a connected statement from being dead wrong. It still baffles me that some feel those four words somehow give them carte blanche to spout batshit oratory or prose. And it really scares me that some of those students think education that challenges their ideas is equivalent to an attack on their beliefs.
The Selective Laziness Of Human Reasoning : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture
Gary Waters/Getty Images/Ikon Images Democrat: "Those arguments by Republicans are preposterous!" Republican: "Those arguments by Democrats are absurd!" Sound familiar? There are plenty of reasons why political disputes can be divisive, and a host of psychological mechanisms that contribute to a preference for one's own views.
Guida pratica al pensiero – Hic Rhodus
Il quadro generale Qualunque cosa facciamo, dietro c’è un pensiero, più o meno consapevole. Qualunque cosa diciamo c’è dietro un pensiero, purtroppo anche qui: non sempre consapevole. La nostra vita è prima pensata poi agita. Limitandoci ai pensieri consapevoli: la nostra vita sociale (quella delle interazioni, del lavoro, della famiglia) è sempre pensata prima e agita poi.
The Information Literacy User’s Guide: An Open, Online Textbook
Introduction In 2010, a textbook being used in fourth grade classrooms in Virginia became big news for all the wrong reasons. The book, Our Virginia by Joy Masoff, had caught the attention of a parent who was helping her child do her homework, according to an article in The Washington Post. Carol Sheriff was a historian for the College of William and Mary and as she worked with her daughter, she began to notice some glaring historical errors, not the least of which was a passage which described how thousands of African Americans fought for the South during the Civil War.
How to improve your Critical Thinking skills: Interview with Dr. Gerald Nosich – Life Lessons
In this article I interview an expert on Critical Thinking, Dr. Gerald Nosich from the Foundation for Critical Thinking, who has been teaching Critical Thinking since 1977 to find out how we can improve our Critical Thinking skills. In this article you will learn: