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Est-ce que c'est bientôt le week-end ?

Est-ce que c'est bientôt le week-end ?

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The Deep Sea Manatee Bottlenose Dolphin Dive Green Sea Turtle Beluga Whale Sea Lion Je suis une vraie fille Quand après m'avoir larguée comme une merde, il tente de prendre de mes nouvelles. When, after dumping me like shit, he wants to catch up for some news. (Source: whatshouldbetchescallme) Quand on me dit: “ C’est que tu dois les effrayer” When someone says: “Maybe you frighten them, no?” (Source: hollywoodassistants) Votre stage vous a déçu ? enragé ? étonné ? Partagez-le ! 40 Maps They Didn't Teach You In School By the time we graduate high school, we learn that they never taught us the most exciting things there. Sure, you might be able to name the European countries or point New York on the map, but does that give you a real understanding of how the world functions? We have gathered a tremendous and informative selection of infographic maps that they should’ve shown us at school to fill this gap.

Barbouillages 13th Feb 2013 thx @TheAmnesic 28th Jan 2013 23rd Sep 2012 cyprien Scale of the Universe 2 This resource can be used to help enhance any unit on the universe or the structure of matter. This resource is so simple to use and understand that it could work well in a variety of settings. You can use it as a starting point to talk about the structure of matter and the building blocks of matter—atoms. Journal des étudiants en médecine. Amazing Street Art That Cleverly Interact With Their Surroundings We all know that street art can be controversial, political and beautiful, but it takes an extra spark of creativity (or luck) to create the sort of street art that can cleverly make use of its surroundings and location to give it extra depth. These clever site-specific arrangements take these pieces of street art above and beyond. Rather than just painting a preconceived painting on a public canvas, these artists found locations that work together with their artwork.

15 Famous Landmarks Zoomed Out To Show Their Surroundings This collection of photographs of majestic landmarks around the world do a great job of just how important framing, perspective and lighting are to a photograph. All of these photo pairs are of the same object, but the changes in perspective can make them seem more or less grand. Show Full Text A change of perspective can change a lot, which applies just as much to photography as it does to anything else in life.

