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Internet History Sourcebooks Project

Internet History Sourcebooks Project
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Les génocides et crimes de masse depuis la fin du XIXe siècle Les génocides et crimes de masse restent difficiles à étudier et définir, tout en étant au centre d'enjeux mémoriels et politiques qui complexifient la tâche de l'historien. Cet entretien a été publié pour la première fois en 2019. La compréhension des génocides des Herero et Nama, des Arméniens, des Juifs et des Tutsi, ainsi que des crimes de masse, est nécessaire à la prévention de nouveaux cas de violence extrême bien que cela paraisse parfois utopique. : En tant qu’inspecteur général de l’éducation nationale, que représente pour vous la Documentation photographique et sa reprise par CNRS Éditions ? En tant qu’inspecteur général, je constatais aussi la place singulière de la « Doc Photo » dans les classes, autant auprès des professeurs pour le secondaire que pour les étudiants du premier cycle universitaire et des classes préparatoires. À partir de deux exemples concrets, pourriez-vous expliquer ce qui définit ou non un génocide ? Sur Nonfiction :

Dangers of Mining in the Black Country - Black Country Living Museum Please note that some images/videos used to make this video depict mines outside of the Black Country for illustrative purposes. The UK has a rich history of mining, but no industry quite exploded like coal mining in the Black Country during the industrial revolution. It completely changed the landscape. It wasn’t long before the Black Country, with its wealth of easily accessible coal, was turned “inside out”. But what kind of impact did this have on the people living there? And was it safe? Download our interactive PowerPoint Accident Investigators: The Dangers of Coal Mining in the 19th Century Doe forget, you'll need to click 'slide show' in the top navigation bar, and then 'from beginning' to get it gooin'. Gospel Oak Colliery, Tipton, 1913 Oldnall Colliery, Cradley Heath, circa early 1900s Pit Bonk Wenches at Blue Fly Colliery in Wednesbury, circa 1900 Gospel Oak Colliery, Tipton, 1913 Oldnall Colliery, Cradley Heath, circa early 1900s Donate Donate now

Dave's Short Trig Course Table of Contents Who should take this course? Trigonometry for you Your background How to learn trigonometry Applications of trigonometry Astronomy and geography Engineering and physics Mathematics and its applications What is trigonometry? Trigonometry as computational geometry Angle measurement and tables Background on geometry The Pythagorean theorem An explanation of the Pythagorean theorem Similar triangles Angle measurement The concept of angle Radians and arc length Exercises, hints, and answers About digits of accuracy Chords What is a chord? Ptolemy’s sum and difference formulas Ptolemy’s theorem The sum formula for sines The other sum and difference formulas Summary of trigonometric formulas Formulas for arcs and sectors of circles Formulas for right triangles Formulas for oblique triangles Formulas for areas of triangles Summary of trigonometric identities More important identities Less important identities Truly obscure identities About the Java applet.

Penser les génocides, d'un continent à l'autre Ce nouveau numéro de la Documentation photographique livre une approche globale des phénomènes génocidaires. « Commis en cent jours au vu et au su du monde entier, le génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda interroge sur l’usage des savoirs, sur l’échec de la connaissance, sur la faillite des organisations internationales » . Par ce constat sans concession, Vincent Duclert montre que malgré tous les travaux existant sur les différents génocides, nos sociétés demeurent incapables d’empêcher ou de stopper des violences similaires. Pour leur reprise de la Documentation photographique, CNRS Éditions ont confié à l’historien de l’EHESS leur premier numéro. Créer, attiser la haine de l’Autre Ces génocides n’ont pas été perpétrés au hasard dans le cadre de guerres totales. Commettre le génocide La mise en œuvre de l’extermination profita soit du contexte des guerres mondiales, soit de la répression d’une rébellion dans le cas des Hereros et Namas. Occulter, nier le génocide Définir et anticiper

Famous People of World War Two Influential people who caused, influenced and fought during the Second World War. Adolf Hitler (1889 – 1945) Dictator of Nazi Germany from 1933-45. During the 1930s, Hitler sought to gain ‘lebensraum’ for Germany – claiming Austria, Czechoslovakia and finally invading Poland. Hitler’s initial success encouraged him to invade Russia, which ultimately would over-stretch his war-machine. The Big Three The Big Three were the Allied leaders of Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt, who represented Great Britain, Soviet Union and the United States in the alliance against Germany and Japan. Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965) – Churchill was elected Prime Minister of the UK in May 1940, when Britain and her Empire stood alone against Hitler. Franklin D. (1882 – 1945) – US President 1932 – 1945. Joseph Stalin (1879 – 1953) Leader and dictator of the Soviet Union. Other leaders of WWII Harry Truman (1884 – 1972) American President from January 1945. Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) Fascist dictator of Italy. J.

Chronological Biographies Index - MacTutor History of Mathematics Mathematicians are listed according to their birthdate and then alphabetically inside each year. Jump to year: 500, 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1750, 1775, 1800, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1865, 1870, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1890, 1895, 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1950 500 (Back to top) 1000 (Back to top) 1500 (Back to top) 1600 (Back to top) 1700 (Back to top) 1750 (Back to top) 1775 (Back to top) 1800 (Back to top) 1820 (Back to top) 1830 (Back to top) 1840 (Back to top) 4 | 2009 Les « religions orientales » dans le monde grec et romain La catégorie des "religions orientales" appartient au contexte épistémologique et culturel du début du XXe siècle. Aujourd'hui, l'étude de la diffusion des cultes étrangers et de leur insertion dans le tissu cultuel grec et romain doit plutôt se faire en termes d'intégration et d'interaction, en rapport avec la question des identités culturelles et religieuses dans un monde multiethnique et multiculturel. Le regard se porte sur divers niveaux de pénétration et de visibilité de ces cultes, sur diverses stratégies d'appropriation, ainsi que sur les deux directions des échanges culturels – d'Est en Ouest, et d'Ouest en Est. Ce numéro a été réalisé avec le soutien de l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), de la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), de la DGLFLF ainsi que de la DVA-Stiftung. Der Begriff der "orientalischen Religionen" entstammt dem kulturellen Milieu und dem Erkenntnisinteresse der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert.

Historical Maps - Perry-Castañeda Map Collection - UT Library Online My accounts | Give Home > Finding Information > PCL Map Collection > Historical MapsMaps FAQ Map Room Guide World Africa Americas Asia Australia/Pacific Europe Middle East Polar/Oceans Russia/Republics Texas Historical Thematic Topographic Other Map SitesMap Sites Map Dealers Cartographic Reference City Map Sites Country Map Sites Historical Map Sites Outline Map Sites Route Planning Sites State Map Sites Topical Map Sites Weather Map Sites Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Historical Maps Historical Maps of The World Historical Maps of Africa Historical Maps of The Americas Historical Maps of Asia Historical Maps of Australia and the Pacific Historical Maps of Europe Historical Maps of The Middle East Historical Maps of Polar Regions and Oceans Historical Maps of Russia and the Former Soviet Republics Historical Maps of The United States Historical Maps of Texas Historical Maps on Other Web Sites Perry-Castañeda Library 101 East 21st St. Other Libraries, Centers and Museums Connect with UT Libraries

Gutenberg Change and Continuity History is the study of change over time. All sorts of things change over time: empires, languages, ideas, technology, attitudes, etc. Historians study different types of events through time and group these events based upon topics or themes. Breaking historical events up based upon categories makes it easier for people to identify changes and study the effects on people over time. Some general categories of events include: Political - To do with war, power, governments and legal rights Economic - How people earn and spend money Social - The everyday lives of people at work and home Technology - To do with developments in technology and medicine ‘Change’ refers to something that is obviously different from what occurred previously. Change in history usually occurs over a long period of time and it is often hard to pin-point an exact moment of change. Not all things change over time, some things remain the same across long periods in time, sometimes lasting into the modern world.

Maps to be Used for the History of Europe Euratlas Periodis Web shows the history of Europe through a sequence of 21 historical maps, every map depicting the political situation at the end of each century. Here, on the left, are 21 mini-maps giving access to 21 full maps and to 84 quarters of maps with more detailed views of the states, provinces and main cities.Moreover, each map offers a historical gazetteer. Thus you can highlight in red each sovereign state and in green each dependent entity. Navigation through the atlas is easy: on the left side of the pages, you simply need to choose a century for temporal navigation. Periodis is a historical atlas of a new kind. History by Periods History is a continuous string of events among which prominent facts sometimes emerge: wars, conquests, revolutions etc. Names Names of entities mentioned in the Periodis Historical Atlas are those officially used at the considered time.

Internet History Sourcebooks Project Protect Your Library the Medieval Way, With Horrifying Book Curses In the Middle Ages, creating a book could take years. A scribe would bend over his copy table, illuminated only by natural light—candles were too big a risk to the books—and spend hours each day forming letters, by hand, careful never to make an error. To be a copyist, wrote one scribe, was painful: “It extinguishes the light from the eyes, it bends the back, it crushes the viscera and the ribs, it brings forth pain to the kidneys, and weariness to the whole body.” Given the extreme effort that went into creating books, scribes and book owners had a real incentive to protect their work. They used the only power they had: words. At the beginning or the end of books, scribes and book owners would write dramatic curses threatening thieves with pain and suffering if they were to steal or damage these treasures. They did not hesitate to use the worst punishments they knew—excommunication from the church and horrible, painful death. The curse of excommunication—anathema—could be simple.

Historiebruk - Företagskällan Historiebruk är ett nytt område i ämnesplanen för Historia. Begreppet syftar på hur historia används av olika aktörer och i olika sammanhang. En sammanfattande text av Benito Peix Geldart, fil. dr., arkivarie och forskningssekreterare på Centrum för Näringslivshistoria. Historia kan brukas på olika sätt: historiker ägnar sig åt historia som vetenskap, men det finns många andra sätt att använda den, till exempel i politiskt eller kommersiellt syfte. Historiebruk handlar alltså om att analysera och förstå hur och i vilket syfte människor och grupper använder historia. Vetenskapligt historiebruk: Detta sätt att använda historia är det som akademiska historiker ska eftersträva. Ideologiskt historiebruk: Historia används ofta för att främja eller legitimera de egna åsikterna eller ideologin, eller för att kritisera andras. Existentiellt historiebruk: Man pratar om existentiellt historiebruk när historia används i identitetsskapande eller -förstärkande syfte. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
