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Smallpdf Perform various functions with PDF files. Does WordPress Email Marketing Actually Work? Putting it to the Test Platforms come and go, sure. But one thing that’s stayed in use since the early Internet days is email. Email is here to stay and its continued relevance has allowed many businesses to use it for marketing purposes. The question is, however, does email marketing actually work? How many sites have you visited recently that have asked for your email address? Everyone has an email address and most people check it several times per day. General Statistics About Email Marketing There has been a lot of research done on the value of email marketing. Phrases like 40 times better, 4,300% ROI, 50% more leads, 33% lower cost etc. is nothing to sneeze at. “Marketers consistently ranked email as the single most effective tool for awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention.” – Gigaom Research This goes to show that email should be very high on your list of platforms for your marketing plan. Statistics for Mobile Devices All of this means your readers will almost always have access to their email.

#25 - Mon meilleur lancement de formation en ligne : les coulisses de notre stratégie avec Claire Gerbier Bienvenue dans le Rendez-vous Marketing, le podcast qui a pour mission de vous aider à développer votre acquisition de clients en ligne. J’y invite des experts du marketing digital, des entrepreneurs ou des CMOs pour décrypter avec eux les stratégies de marketing digital qu’ils ont employées pour leur entreprise et qui ont bien fonctionné, que ce soit des Facebook Ads, de la création de contenu, du SEO, de la vidéo et bien d’autres choses encore. 👉 Écoutez aussi l’épisode sur Apple Podcasts // Spotify // Google Podcasts Aujourd’hui, je vous ai préparé un épisode de podcast spécial dans lequel j’ai discuté avec Claire Gerbier qui est consultante en marketing pour des business de services et infoproduits notamment. Et Claire m’a énormément aidé pour le lancement de la V3 de Facebook Ads Academy. Si vous écoutez le podcast, vous savez que j’en parle depuis plusieurs mois. Pour ça, nous avons adopté une stratégie en 5 étapes : Retrouvez Claire sur : Ressources citées dans l’épisode :

10 Expert Tips For Creating Content People Will Love | Marketing Insider Group So you’ve just spent days researching and creating that blog, infographic or SlideShare. It may have gotten hundreds of shares after you’ve published it. Or, maybe it didn’t get a single response at all. You may be scratching your head and asking yourself, “What makes for good content?” To help you answer that question, Venngage asked 46 content marketing experts to share their tips for creating great content (in full disclosure, I am one of them!). Offer Real Value Many experts agree that good content should add real value to readers. Know Your Audience To create valuable content, you must have a solid understanding of your audience first. Conduct research and ask your customers what content they would like to see at each stage of the buyer’s journey. Write Long-form Content Top performing content on average is longer, ranging anywhere from 1000 to 3000 words. Repurpose Your Content Entertain Your Readers Build Influence Get Feedback Experiment Engage Your Community

Simplenote The simplest way to keep notes. Light, clean, and free. A Tactful Guide to Offering WordPress Website Redesign Services If you work in WordPress development, it’s your business to know good site design – how to identify it as well as how to create it. And because you’re the expert, it’s also your job to sell the idea of a site redesign to a potential client. Many business owners these days don’t understand the true value of a website for branding and marketing purposes. But upon closer inspection, the site hasn’t been updated since 2006, Flash is still running on some pages, and the site lives on Blogger. So what do you do? Whether you’re new to the website redesign pitch or you’re a seasoned veteran, the following step-by-step guide will provide you with helpful tips and tricks related to everything around the initial research, pitch, deal brokering, and website development involved in the process. Phase #1: Identifying a Site That Needs Help Step 1 As a web designer/developer, you understand how quickly design trends change. Tip: You’re a developer, not a salesperson, so work to your strengths. Step 2

Cours gratuit : Comment développer ses ventes durablement et transformer ses prospects en clients - Keep Calm And Grow Au programme : – Le seul objectif que vous devez viser au lieu de vous épuiser dans des actions marketing chronophages – Les 3 étapes exactes pour atteindre cet objectif et enfin vivre sereinement de votre activité – Pourquoi vos prospects vous disent aujourd’hui « je vais réfléchir » et comment vous pouvez les faire passer à l’action en 7 jours Ex-directrice marketing, co-fondatrice de startup, intervenante en growth hacking en écoles et incubateur, j’accompagne depuis 2018 les acteurs de la formation et du conseil à structurer leur prospection en mêlant tunnels de vente, stratégie de contenu et génération de trafic. J’ai développé une méthode de vente qui permet de vendre en douceur et ainsi pérenniser durablement votre activité. Je vous présente mon approche dans ce cours gratuit. Et en allant sur cette page, vous verrez les témoignages d’entrepreneurs qui appliquent déjà cette méthode. Suivez-moi pour être informé de mes prochains évènements et lancements.

Best tools for benchmarking competitor content marketing? Part of the process of defining a content marketing strategy for your business is to evaluate the performance of your competitors’ content marketing and SEO efforts. The insight you can glean from what both direct and indirect competitors are doing will allow you to build a picture of the type of content activity, strategies and tactics that are working for others in your industry and what, as a result, might best work for you. In short, a competitor analysis can tell you: The content types and ideas getting most traction measured by number of shares or backlinksContent gaps in your plans compared to competitors, evaluated using the Smart Insights content marketing matrix for examplesCompetitors’ strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats from the wider market - a content competitor analysis can be used as part of a wider competitive analysis and the various online competitor benchmarking tools available. Download free resource – Essential Digital Marketing Tools 1. 2.

Markdown New Tab Take down notes, save reminders, paste links, create checklists or tables, all using markdown... directly in your 'New Tab' page! Markdown New Tab is a replacement for the default 'New Tab' page on Google Chrome. How to Brag About Your Freelance Work Without Being a Jerk There’s a lot to love about making your living as a WordPress developer. You can set your own hours and work from just about anywhere. You can take on a variety of clients to keep your workload interesting. But you also have to market yourself if you want to drum up new work. And yet, you have to brag sometimes if you want people to know about what you’ve done to land more work. It’s a conundrum, to be sure. 1. This is the most obvious way to promote yourself without even having to open your mouth. Remember to follow the primary rules of building a good portfolio, however. A clean layout with plenty of whitespaceIntuitive navigationHigh resolution images of your projectsEasy to identify contact information 2. Talking about all the great things you’ve done is pretty boring to everyone except you, let’s be honest. If you want to let people know what you’ve accomplished, you can do so, but you need to make it interesting. A few ways to do this include: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
