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(37) What is Inquiry-Based Learning?

(37) What is Inquiry-Based Learning?

Related:  PedagogyTheories, approaches and methodsInquiry

The Jigsaw Classroom Elliot Aronson is currently Professor Emeritus at the University of California in Santa Cruz. He has long-standing research interests in social influence and attitude change, cognitive dissonance, research methodology, and interpersonal attraction. Professor Aronson's experiments are aimed both at testing theory and at improving the human condition by influencing people to change dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors. Professor Aronson received his B.A. from Brandeis University in 1954, his M.A. from Wesleyan University in 1956, and his Ph.D. in psychology from Stanford University in 1959. He has taught at Harvard University, the University of Minnesota, the University of Texas, and the University of California.

Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains: The Cognitive Domain Bloom's Taxonomy was created in 1956 under the leadership of educational psychologist Dr Benjamin Bloom in order to promote higher forms of thinking in education, such as analyzing and evaluating concepts, processes, procedures, and principles, rather than just remembering facts (rote learning). It is most often used when designing educational, training, and learning processes. The Three Domains of Learning

Using Concept Routines to Drive Inquiries Exploring concepts through inquiry can be a tricky area of teaching and learning to navigate. But it doesn’t have to be as complex as most people think. Concept routines are effective tools to help make students’ thinking visible and gather the data you need to set-up future investigations. A meaningful inquiry can be well-planned and structured without stifling creativity or giving too much away. These concept routines will help you to assess your students’ level of understanding, while giving you the data you need to drive your inquiries forward. TEXT: Changing Your Instructional Mindset Dylan O’Connor, Nyree Smith, and Tobi E. Afolayan are teacher leaders at the Lilla G. Frederick Pilot Middle School in Boston. Listen & Learn Audio interviews ASCD Author Jill Harrison Berg on How Instructional Mindsets Evolved During a Year of Pandemic Teaching and Learning (Powered by BAM Radio)

20 Observable Characteristics Of Effective Teaching - 20 Observable Characteristics Of Effective Teaching by TeachThought Staff What makes an effective teacher? Or more specifically, what observable characteristics might you see and hear? The University of Minnesota offered some observable characteristics of effective teaching which, while focused on teacher actions rather than student learning, had some useful tips–not so much how to teach generally, but specific actions that you can use tomorrow. Transactional vs Transformational Relationships - Alignment Rockford A transactional relationship is a relationship that will use people for their gifts or talent. Your needs come first ahead of anyone else. This isn’t necessarily a negative thing. 50 Questions To Help Students Think About What They Think - TeachThought contributed by Lisa Chesser Using the right questions creates powerful, sometimes multiple answers and discussions. Aristotle said that he asked questions in response to other people’s views, while Socrates focused on disciplined questioning to get to the truth of the matter. Ultimately questions spark imagination, conjure emotions, and create more questions.

TEXT: A Beginner's Guide to Flipped Classroom The Flipped Classroom is a blended learning model in which traditional ideas about classroom activities and homework are reversed, or "flipped." In this model, instructors have students interact with new material for homework first. They then use class time to discuss the new information and put those ideas into practice. But don't be fooled. Merely flipping your homework and lecture doesn't mean you're unlocking all the benefits of flipped learning. The Memory Code: how oral cultures memorise so much information Ancient Celtic bards were famous for the sheer quantity of information they could memorise. This included thousands of songs, stories, chants and poems that could take hours to recite in full. Today we are pretty spoiled.

Anderson & Anderson's Change Model Anderson & Anderson’s model of change provides a comprehensive coverage of the entire process of change and equally explains the whole process of change as a cyclical process (Anderson and Anderson, 2001, p. 13). This model briefly views change from three perspectives: Content: It analyzes the technical as well as the organizational factors which require change; People: This analyzes the subjective factors such as the mindset, changes in the behavioral patterns of people as well as the cultural changes; Process: This stage is related with the possible action plans or strategies that can be crafted and implemented for driving the change initaitive successfully across the organziation. All the three processes are integrated and interdependent on each other.

Lesson Plans/ Activities Here are some lesson plans that demonstrate Inquiry-based learning. Inquiry-Based Learning Activity: Prezi Kindergarten Science Kindergarten Language Arts Kindergarten Mathematics Kindergarten You and Your World TEXT: What Is a Flipped Classroom? And What Are Its Learning Benefits? Even before the pandemic, the idea of the “flipped classroom” was a trend with staying power because of the way in which it enhances students’ learning experience. Student-led active learning, peer-to-peer collaboration, and individualized guidance enable educators to adapt each lesson to the individual needs of their students while encouraging connection and critical thinking. Using flipped videos to explain core concepts and introduce complicated topics also frees up valuable in-person class time for more interactive discussion between teachers and students.

edutopia How long do you think teachers pause, on average, after asking a question? Several studies from the 1970s on have looked into the effect that the amount of time teachers pause after asking a question has on learners. In visiting many classrooms in the United States and other parts of the world, I’ve found that, with few exceptions, these studies are still accurate. For example, according to work done by Mary Budd Rowe in 1972 and Robert J. What Is Restorative Practices? The science of relationships and community. All humans are hardwired to connect. Just as we need food, shelter and clothing, human beings also need strong and meaningful relationships to thrive. Restorative practices is an emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities. The IIRP Graduate School is devoted to scholarship and research, graduate education, professional development, world conferences and innovative civil society projects around the world. Learn more
