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Related:  WebTools neutres Après DEMocratiques - after democracy

Etherpad Foundation › Live Document Collaboration Git tiki_toki_Beautiful web-based timeline software LaTeX - A document preparation system ->tools You are currently not logged in. | Login | Sign Up ParticipateDB Home | Tools | Projects | References | About | FAQ | Contact | Blog Tools This section provides a growing list of tools and services that have been used for web-based participation in the past (also referred to as e-consultations, e-participation or online public engagement). Are we missing anything?

CryptPad: Zero Knowledge, Collaborative Real Time Editing References You are currently not logged in. | Login | Sign Up ParticipateDB Home | Tools | Projects | References | About | FAQ | Contact | Blog References Here's where we collect any kind of related information on the web that can provide more context and detail to the tools and projects covered on ParticipateDB (e.g. product brochures, white papers, video tutorials, any kind of research, case studies, interviews etc.). « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

FreeMind download Ontology editor Decision criteria for software choice[edit] Example editors[edit] Ontology knowledge base example editors[edit] OBIS (Web based user interface that allows to input ontology instances in a user friendly way that can be accessed via SPARQL endpoint) External links[edit] Foam | A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode Foam is a personal knowledge management and sharing system inspired by Roam Research, built on Visual Studio Code and GitHub. You can use Foam for organising your research, keeping re-discoverable notes, writing long-form content and, optionally, publishing it to the web. Foam is free, open source, and extremely extensible to suit your personal workflow. You own the information you create with Foam, and you’re free to share it, and collaborate on it with anyone you want. New! Table of Contents How do I use Foam? Foam is a tool that supports creating relationships between thoughts and information to help you think better. Whether you want to build a Second Brain or a Zettelkasten, write a book, or just get better at long-term learning, Foam can help you organise your thoughts if you follow these simple rules: Create a single Foam workspace for all your knowledge and research following the Getting started guide. Foam is a like a bathtub: What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.

Online deliberation Online deliberation is the fostering of serious, purposive discussion over the Internet through research and the use of dedicated software. It has similar aims to e-democracy. Online deliberation is very interdisciplinary, and includes practices such as online consultation, e-participation, online deliberative polling, online facilitation, online research communities, interactive e-learning, civic dialogue in Internet forums and online chat, and group decision making that utilizes collaborative software and other forms of computer-mediated communication. Open international conferences on online deliberation have been held at Carnegie Mellon University in 2003, Stanford University in 2005, and the University of California, Berkeley in 2008. See also[edit] External links[edit]

Open Source ERP and CRM - Suite Web pour les entreprises La plateforme | Parlement et Citoyens La plateforme de Parlement & Citoyens, c'est l'outil web qui va permettre aux parlementaires et aux citoyens de co-construire pas à pas des propositions de lois solides, réfléchies, partagées et soutenues par le plus grand nombre. La plateforme sera accessible à partir du 13 février 2013, mais vous pouvez déjà vous en faire une idée ! Visite guidée Sur la plateforme web, chaque onglet correspond à une étape différente du processus de construction de la loi. La méthode Parlement & Citoyens repose sur une méthode de construction de la loi que nous avons élaborée patiemment. La charte Si la plateforme a été conçue pour éviter les principales dérives que nous avons constatées dans certains dispositifs participatifs, nous avons également prévue une charte afin que chacun sache à quoi il s’engage en participant au projet. Techno et licences Améliorer la plateforme Nous nous sommes beaucoup creusés la tête mais nous ne prétendons pas avoir trouvé la recette miracle !

Liferea - the Linux Feed Reader About Liferea Liferea is a web feed reader/news aggregator that brings together all of the content from your favorite subscriptions into a simple interface that makes it easy to organize and browse feeds. Its GUI is similar to a desktop mail/news client, with an embedded web browser. Distinguishing Features Read articles when offline. Source Download Get the Liferea source from Github! Development News Liferea 1.13.8 released4 Apr 2022Here comes a new development release in the 1.13 line.
