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21 Digital Tools To Build Vocabulary -

21 Digital Tools To Build Vocabulary -
21 Digital Tools To Build Vocabulary by Kimberly Tyson, Ph.D If you follow this blog, you know that I believe effective vocabulary instruction is just about the most important instructional activity for teachers to get right. For lots of reasons. In addition, a broad vocabulary is important for effective speaking, listening, reading and writing. I write frequently about the importance of effective vocabulary instruction and my recent infographic – the 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Vocabulary Instruction – has proved very popular having been Pinned over 31,000 times. In today’s 21st century classrooms, digital tools must coexist alongside more traditional tools. Digital tools have advantages. The following digital tools show promise to support word learning, review, and playing with language. 21 Digital Tools to Build Vocabulary Reference Tools 1. Lingro is a cool tool for both the “wow” factor and for its usefulness. 2. Looking for a visual thesaurus? Shahi “Jetty” as defined by Shahi 3. Related:  ACTIVITES COURS ANGLAISWords

Activités de rupture : comment être mieux concentré pour mieux apprendre Ce sont des activités qui permettent aux élèves : d’améliorer leur concentration et leur coordinationd’utiliser les mouvements pour stimuler les cheminements neurologiques et aider les deux côtés du cerveau à travaillerde se calmer, d’être en alerte et prêt à apprendre. Les « pauses cerveau » sont une façon rapide et efficace de changer l’état physique et mental de vos élèves. Ils peuvent les appliquer lors des révisions pour activer et stimuler leur cerveau. Les pauses cerveau idéalement devraient être réparties tout au long de la journée pour avoir un meilleur effet. Nous devrions demander à nos élèves de se lever et de bouger toutes les 25 minutes. Voici quelques activités faciles à mettre en œuvre tout au long de l’année dans vos classes: Le jeu de l’alphabet Le jeu alphabet représente un vrai défi. G : lever le bras GaucheD : lever le bras DroitE : lever les deux bras Ensemble. Vous pouvez le faire aussi vite ou aussi lentement que vous le désirez et dire l’alphabet à l’envers! Le hibou

41 things Americans say wrong There are a number of theories that try to explain the reason Britons and Americans speak English so differently. One such theory blames Noah Webster who, following independence, created the Webster Dictionary to reform the language in America. Expert Market created a video, below, which shows just how different the same language can sound with just a matter of distance. Here are 40 words that Americans say 'wrong' and their 'proper' British English equivalent: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. More: The reading test that shows you what it''s like to be dyslexic More: The 11 most wonderfully British headlines of all time

A Short Guide to Taking Screenshots on Your Laptop and Tablet Visual aids can be very helpful when you're introducing a new website, app, or software to students or colleagues. Being able to take and send a screenshot is also helpful when you're trying to explain a problem to your tech support person. Here's a short guide to taking screenshots on your iPad, Android tablet, Windows computer, Mac, or Chromebook. Chromebook: A quick search in the Chrome store will return a bunch of options for taking screenshots on a Chromebook. Macbook and Windows laptops: On a Mac you can use the keyboard combination of "Command+shift+4" to take a screenshot of a portion of your screen. On a Windows computer you can use the Snipping tool to capture all or part of your screen. For years I have used Jing to take screenshots on my Mac and on my Windows laptop. Skitch is another screenshot tool that I have used over the years.

Play Scrabble Online free - Scrabble Sprint game This Scrabble online free game is great practice for the real thing. Combine the letters into high-value words on a timer for the most points. To begin, click the Small, Medium, or Large link under the picture at left. Scrabble Tools: Scrabble Word Checker and 2-Letter Scrabble Words <i><span><br />The games on this site require Javascript. Scrabble Online Free - Scrabble Sprint Instructions Click or type a word with 2 or more letters. Sharpen your vocabulary and memory skills with this fun, fast-paced word game! If you like this Scrabble Sprint game, you might enjoy the other free online word games on this site, such as Spiderman Web of Words and Cryptoquote Challenge. To start the game, click the "PLAY NOW" tiles on the opening screen. Score points to get more time on your timer, and Bonus points for time left over at the end. Scrabble is one of my all-time favorite board games, and I've played it for years. HOW TO PLAY. To start, click "Play Now" on the main screen EXCHANGE.

Dossier spécial jeux Les membres de la liste e-teach ont échangé des adresses et des idées pour organiser des jeux en classe. Voici leurs suggestions : si vous souhaitez les contacter pour recevoir les planches de jeu ou les exercices, inscrivez-vous sur e-teach. Je vous propose ensuite une sélection de quelques jeux éducatifs en ligne pour élèves de primaire et de collège, classés par ordre de complexité linguistique, du plus facile pour des débutants, à des jeux plus complexes pour des élèves de quatrième minimum. Les idées des collègues Une compil de jeux Pauline Giroud a mis en ligne sur son site une compilation de jeux et activités ludiques à organiser en classe : faites votre choix! elle a particulièrement aimé cette page de jeux de mots et de lettres: Online snake and ladders Ask and tell/ Talking Cards Jeux et révisions

The 58 most commonly misused words and phrases | Lifestyle | The Independent Whether you're trying to sound sophisticated or simply repeating what you've heard, word fails are all too common and can make smart people sound dumb. In his latest book, "The Sense of Style," Harvard cognitive scientist and linguist Steven Pinker explores the most common words and phrases that people stumble over. The book is like a modern version of Strunk and White's classic "The Elements of Style," but one based on linguistics and updated for the 21st century. Since there is no definitive body governing the rules of the English language like there is for the French language, for example, matters of style and grammar have always remained relatively debatable. Pinker's rules and preferences are no different, but the majority of the words and phrases he identifies are agreed upon and can help your writing and speaking. We've highlighted the most common mistakes according to Pinker using examples directly from his book along with some of our own. Here are the main ones to look out for:

25 Fun Ways to use QR Codes for Teaching and Learning I’ve culled a bunch of ideas from different teachers who have shared their approaches to using this simple but powerful construct in the classroom. Once your students are equipped with a device that can read QR codes and they know how to scan them, you’re ready to use ideas like these in your classroom! If you’re not already familiar with it, scroll down to the bottom of the article to learn how to easily create QR codes, and find QR Code readers. Ideas, Ideas, and More Ideas! The article, Ways to use QR Codes in the Elementary Classroom and Using Google Docs to Create Them, by Jill Thompson, offers these uses: Library Book Add-On: Put QR codes on classroom library books, linking out to information about the author and or book. These ideas come from the web page QR Codes – What are they and how can I use them in my classroom? Assistive Technology: “Provide an alternative access format for students who need additional support in reading and writing.” Creating and Reading QR Codes

12 Of The Best Vocabulary Apps For Middle & High School Students - 12 Of The Best Vocabulary Apps For Middle & High School Students by TeachThought Staff Many of the most successful apps–in any category–are characterized by their ability to adapt to a variety of user and user goals. Minecraft is a perfect example of this–a game that the player can use as they wish to create what they want. But due to the inherent nature of language, vocabulary apps are different. With that in mind is a list of 12 of the best vocabulary apps for middle and high school students. Also included are apps that, like Knowji’s offerings, depend highly on visual representation of ideas. 12 Of The Best Vocabulary Apps For Middle & High School Students

No-prep warm up activities Warm-up activities play a crucial role in the English language classroom. Students often arrive to class feeling tired or preoccupied, making it important to gently transition them into the learning environment rather than diving straight into challenging grammar or vocabulary tasks. A well-designed warm-up can engage students, sparking their interest and encouraging active participation. It can also serve as a review of previously taught material or as an introduction to a new topic. Additionally, these warm-up activities can double as go-to fillers for those moments when your lesson plan wraps up early or unexpected issues arise, ensuring a seamless classroom experience for both you and your adult learners. The great thing about the activities on this page is that they all require no preparation at all. Teaching Online We have an accompanying online-focused website LearnHip where you will discover lots more online activities which work well as warmers and fillers. Quick questions Hangman
