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Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise

Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise
Related:  Brain Benefits Of Physical Activity

Dan Gartenberg: The brain benefits of deep sleep -- and how to get more of it Aerobic Exercise May Be Key to Better Neurocognition Source: Pixabay/Creative Commons Duke University researchers recently reported that just six months of aerobic exercise—for 35 minutes, three times a week—may improve executive function in older adults who have cognitive impairments. Before they began doing aerobic exercise, the previously sedentary study participants had difficulty concentrating, making decisions, and remembering. The good news: “These preliminary findings show that aerobic exercise promotes improved executive functioning in adults at risk for cognitive decline," the authors said. article continues after advertisement This paper, “Lifestyle and Neurocognition in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairments: A Randomized Trial,” was published online ahead of print December 19 in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. At the beginning and end of this six-month study, the Duke researchers evaluated participants' thinking and memory abilities using standardized cognitive testing.

What Is Health? “He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.” Health is more than just a good or bad feeling, an external aesthetic look, or numbers on a medical chart. Health is the all-encompassing state of who we are as individuals. Unfortunately, health has been misconstrued in our society, misrepresented by the media, and warped to be used synonymously with things like thinness or physical strength. In reality, true health is the intersection of our physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual state of being at any one time. Today I’m going to share with you details about the four areas that define health and my interpretation of them. Health is the most important aspect of our existence. Health is defined by wellness in the following areas... Physical health is the state that your bodily structures and systems are in at any given time. Mental & Emotional Health Mental health refers to the condition of your mind and your ability to balance your emotions. Social Health

More Evidence That Physical Activity Keeps Depression at Bay Source: Song_about_summer/Shutterstock In my mind, aerobic exercise is an antidepressant. Every day, when I lace up my sneakers to go for a jog, I visualize a cascade of feel-good neurotransmitters (e.g., endocannabinoids, dopamine) along with a smorgasbord of mood-boosting endogenous hormones such as adrenaline and endorphin flooding my body and brain. As someone who has been prone to major depressive disorder (MDD) since adolescence, I stumbled on the ability of regular physical activity to keep my depression at bay in 1983. Over the past four decades, I've fine-tuned "prescriptive doses” of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) combined with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that effectively lower my odds of having another major depressive episode. article continues after advertisement The paper, “Assessment of Bidirectional Relationships Between Physical Activity and Depression Among Adults,” was published January 23 in the journal JAMA Psychiatry.

Hard Exercise Can Boost Brain Chemicals Sapped by Depression A new imaging study shows that intense exercise boosts two critical neurotransmitters — glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) — resulting in better mental fitness. Published in The Journal of Neuroscience, the study’s findings offer new insights into why exercise could become an important part of treating depression and other neuropsychiatric disorders linked with deficiencies in neurotransmitters, which drive communications between the brain cells that regulate physical and emotional health. “Major depressive disorder is often characterized by depleted glutamate and GABA, which return to normal when mental health is restored,” said lead author Dr. Richard Maddock, a professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of California Davis Health System. “Our study shows that exercise activates the metabolic pathway that replenishes these neurotransmitters.” To understand how exercise affects the brain, the team studied 38 healthy volunteers.

When These Muscles Are Fitter Your Brain Is Also Fitter The brains and bodies of identical twins were compared over ten years. Stronger leg muscles are linked to better brain ageing, a new study finds. It’s the first time a connection has been found between power in the lower limbs and healthy ageing in normal people. The study suggests that increasing levels of simple exercises like walking or even standing for longer may lead to healthy cognitive ageing. The study followed 324 identical female twins over a ten-year period. Fitness and lifestyle habits were measured by researchers. They also gave the twins tests of memory, learning and thinking at the start and end of the study. Genetic factors were controlled for because identical twins have identical genes. Leg power was the best predictor of healthy cognitive ageing out of all the factors the researchers measured. In general, the twin which had the strongest leg power at the start of the study maintained stronger mental abilities ten years later. Dr Claire Steves, who led the research said:

The Brain-Boosting Benefits of Exercise and Cerebral Blood Flow Source: Viktoriya/Shutterstock Last week, researchers from the University of Calgary in Canada reported that older adults who started an aerobic exercise program and stuck with it for six months boosted cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocity, improved cerebrovascular regulation, and enhanced their cognition. The exercise-induced uptick in blood flow to the brain was associated with better executive functions and more robust verbal fluency. article continues after advertisement These findings (Guadagni et al., 2020) were published on May 13 in the journal Neurology. This week, more state-of-the-art research (Thomas et al., 2020) puts the brain-boosting power of aerobic exercise and CBF in the spotlight. During this one-year study, the researchers found that sticking with an aerobic exercise program for 12 months boosts blood flow to the brain and can significantly improve neurocognitive functions in older adults at risk of dementia. How much exercise did they do? Source: Image credited to UTSW

More Proof That “Sound Mind, Sound Body” Is Timeless Wisdom Marble statue of a youthful Hercules (A.D. 69-96) on display at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 162. Source: The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Public Domain Recently published findings of a decades-long study (Sui et al., 2020) corroborate that the ancient Roman poet Juvenal (c. 55-127 A.D.) got it right when he identified the bidirectional feedback loop between a healthy mind in a healthy body as summed up in the classic phrase "mens sana in corpore sano." This Scientific Reports paper by Sophia Sui and colleagues at the Deakin School of Medicine in Australia was published on June 25. article continues after advertisement Long before modern-day public health advocates (like me) started blogging about science-based evidence that might motivate people to "sit less and move more," Juvenal used poetry to communicate his enduring insights about the power of exercise to improve both mind and body. Flash forward to the 21st century. "This is still an evolving picture.

Can You Make Movement More Joyful? Are you struggling to keep up with the number of steps you need to get each day to stay healthy? Are you dragging yourself out of bed each morning to run or cycle? Are you finding it hard to maintain your motivation to lift heavy weights, do more sit-ups, or complete your yoga routine? Do you need to find ways to bring joy back into getting enough daily physical movement? “People who are physically active tend to be happier and more satisfied with their lives,” explained Dr. “Unfortunately, people often give up on exercise, not because it’s too hard, but because it’s not meaningful,” said Kelly. “In addition, the social connections you can form with others through movement communities such as a running group, a dance class, or a recreational sports team, can give you a sense of belonging, sometimes with others of very different ages and backgrounds,” explained Kelly. So, what can you try to make your daily need for movement more joyful? Kelly suggests trying the following:

Exercise and the Brain: The Neuroscience of Fitness Explored Summary: The neuroscience of fitness explores how regular exercise profoundly impacts our brain and nervous system. Exercise stimulates neurogenesis – the creation of new neurons – primarily in the hippocampus, influencing memory and learning while increasing key mood-regulating neurotransmitters. It also enhances brain plasticity, essential for recovery from injury and aging, and improves cognitive functions such as attention and memory. Despite ongoing research, the current evidence underscores the powerful role of physical activity in promoting brain health and cognitive function, emphasizing the importance of integrating regular exercise into our lifestyles. Key Facts: Source: Neuroscience News The neuroscience of fitness, a fascinating intersection of physical activity and brain health, is a rapidly developing area of research. One key discovery is the relationship between exercise and neurogenesis – the creation of new brain cells. The benefits of fitness extend beyond the brain.
