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50 Web 2.0 Sites for Schools

Web 2.0 sites are built for interactivity and collaboration—two features essential to education. Web 2.0 sites are also ideal for teaching almost any subject, as a wide array of tools are available to create and manage learning materials. Students can actively and enthusiastically approach any subject, from creative writing to STEM explorations, on these sites. Moreover, Web 2.0 sites support robust teaching and learning—even when students and teachers are at home instead of the classroom. In alphabetical order, the following list includes established, tried-and-true sites, as well as the latest cutting-edge Web 2.0 sites for education. ACMI Generator - From Australia’s national museum of film, TV, video games, digital culture and art, this terrific free site lets students explore digital storytelling, video game building, the art of filmmaking, animation, and much more.Anchor - An all-in-one platform that allows users to create and distribute their own podcasts easily.

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18 herramientas para crear actividades educativas interactivas 1. EducaPlay: para crear actividades educativas online de todo tipo e incrustarlas en tu blog o web. 2. Teacher Gaming Network: para crear juegos y cuestionarios interactivos. 3. Stick Around: App para crear juegos educativos interactivos. 4. Kahoot! Teachers' Favored Web 2.0 Tools At 14.2 tweets/minute, #EdTechChat was moving on Monday, August 19. (When school’s in session, #EdTechChat can log up to 2,000 tweets during the hour with several hundred participants.) Susan Bearden, Sharon Plante, and I co-moderated this week’s discussion on Web 2.0 tools, asking tweeps to share the benefits and challenges of using Web 2.0 tools, which ones are their favorites, and where they go to find new resources. One of the most retweeted tweets captures why educators incorporate Web 2.0 tools into their classrooms: “@julnilsmith: Web 2.0 tools make students MAKERS - not just MEMORIZERS. “ Many other participants echoed that these kinds of tools can expand opportunities for students-- particularly by providing them with an authentic audience and allowing them to collaborate with peers worldwide. When choosing which tools to try, @MrStaubSTEM summed it up best: “The best edtech is the one you can use effectively that meets the needs in your classroom.”

Software educativo libre o gratuito para utilizar en el aula - Tengo claro que casi todo el software libre puede ser útil en educación, aunque no esté etiquetado como "educativo": tratamientos de texto, programas de presentaciones, de imagen, de audio, de vídeo, navegadores de internet, aplicaciones de correo,... Pero aquí voy a centrarme en el software creado específicamente para educación: conjuntos de actividades, juegos, entornos, herramientas de creación,... Un software "educativo" que, en determinadas edades y momentos del aula, puede constituir un recurso importante tanto para el acercamiento al uso de las TICs y la adquisición de competencias digitales como para el aprendizaje, repaso o refuerzo de determinados contenidos. Y en el mundo del software libre, o del gratuito (que no es lo mismo), tenemos a nuestra disposición para utilizar con GNU/Linux y distribuciones como Colebuntu, basada en Ubuntu, abundantes y diversas aplicaciones. Entre ellas quizás puedan servirte algunas de las siguientes: Conjuntos de actividades

101 Web 2.0 Teaching Tools Online tools and resources have made it easier for teachers to instruct students, and for students to collaborate with those teachers and with other students and parents. These "Web 2.0" teaching tools aren't magical, but they may seem to defy definition at times since they save time, help you to stay organized, and often take up little space on a computer. Some of these applications are Web-based, which means that they can be accessed from any computer. Webtools: No Registration Needed for Students Welcome to my list of webtools that don’t require student registration. This started off as a simple curation for myself and has ballooned into something that I never thought would get this big. And it is still growing. I started added comments to each link, but that is taking a long time to complete. Please bear with me as I update it. While I do try to verify each link on a regular basis, please be aware that websites do change and some of these sites may no longer be active or may have switched to a paid version.

The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2018 – So Far As regular readers know, it’s time for me to begin posting my mid-year “The Best….” lists. There are over 1,900 regularly updated lists now. You can see them all here. As usual, in order to make this list, a site had to be: 5 Quiz Tools For The Classroom : Professional Learning Board Online quiz tools help teachers to create customized assessments that are easy to implement and grade. Here are five tools teachers can use to create and administer quizzes. online. Quizlet Create flashcards and study games, and also download printable cards and edit them using this tool. Kahoot Set up and run multiple choice quizzes, surveys and access it with any device .

WriteDesign - Site Map Enjoy the resources on WriteDesignOnline and please visit us at Granada Treehouse Studio and share our joy. AP Studio Art - 2-D Design and Drawing AP Studio Art Summer Assignment - (in process) An assortment of assignments, tasks, and projects intended to help students prepare for this rigorous course. You will find a work flow-chart to help students track their progress in all three of the portfolio areas: quality, breadth, and concentration. Elements and Principles of Art and Design Andy Goldsworthy - Beneath the Surface Appearance - An overview of Andy Goldsworthy and how he creates works in nature that use line, shape, form, space, value, and texture to help focus our attention.

10 Herramientas para trabajar cómics en la clase. Enseñar con Cómics El uso de cómics en el aula es una excelente manera de llegar a los estudiantes y hacer que su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sea más entretenido. Echa un vistazo a sitios web de comics en el Aula donde puedes tener grandes ideas de cómo utilizar estas herramientas y crear clases atractivas. Comic Creator . Entregue la información que desea y esta herramienta te proporciona las personas, los animales, las burbujas de pensamiento y de expresión, la utilería y telones de fondo.Howtoons .

Best Websites for Teaching & Learning 2017 The 2017 Best Websites for Teaching & Learning foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. Gone but Not Forgotten The following sites have closed, reorganized, or become pay-based since being recognized as an AASL Best Website: The Learnia (Digital Storytelling)

10 herramientas para que los niños aprendan a programar Programar es, según la RAE, elaborar programas para la resolución de problemas mediante ordenadores. Donde programas son una serie de instrucciones debidamente elaboradas para dicho ordenador. Visto de otra manera, el programador escribe un mensaje, el código fuente, que el ordenador recibe, entiende y ejecuta luego de una serie de traducciones. Así se establece un tipo muy especial de interacción hombre-máquina, que comienza en la mente del programador y termina en los registros del CPU.

How to Differentiate Instruction How to Differentiate Instruction What's All the Hype? Unfortunately, our images of school are almost factory images, so school is very standardized. Printable Graphic Organizers General Graphic Organizers Worksheets Learning organization techniques should not be a chore, but rather a process that everyone should grasp, understand, and implement into their lives. For example, if you're someone who is unorganized when it comes to bills, more than likely you have a hard time getting them paid by the due date. Another example might be with school work.

Podcasting Legal Guide Colette Vogele, Esq. Vogele & Stanford Center for Internet And Mia Garlick Creative Stanford Center for Internet And The Berkman Center Clinical Program in
