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About Me - Sara A. Carter Sara is a thespian who studied with the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) and practices foreign accents to embarrass her family in public settings. Sara A. Carter is a national and international award-winning investigative reporter whose stories have ranged from national security, terrorism, immigration and front line coverage of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

82 Earth-Shattering ZBrush Tutorials This is my most epic CGtuts+ Roundup to date! I got 82 ZBrush tutorials for all you Pixologic fanatics out there, so get ready and noobs and experts alike, cuz there is something for each and every one of you today! ZBrush Basics Series (30 Tutorials) In this HUGE 30 tutorial series, you will be able to get yourself up to speed in ZBrush.... and then you can think about tackling what is to come in the rest of this roundup. Making of Matrouk In this eleven page tutorial, Yousef Ikhreis shares his knowledge and experience through the process of making his character, Matrouk.

Cookies must be enabled. You have cookies turned off To use this website, cookies must be enabled in your browser. To enable cookies, follow the instructions for your browser below. Facebook App: Open links in External Browser There is a specific issue with the Facebook in-app browser intermittently making requests to websites without cookies that had previously been set. Senator Durbin and the Corruption of the English Language Some choice nonsense from Senator Durbin: Sen. Durbin on “chain migration”:“I said to the president, ‘Do you realize how painful that term is to so many people?

McNaughton Fine Art I would like to take a minute to explain some of the points of confusion for those who wish to interpret my picture. Each figure including Christ represents a symbol. Everything about the painting is . I don't pretend to know what Christ looks like. As I stated in my interview, I wanted to create an image that would instantly be recognizable as Jesus. I am not painting an anthropological Jesus. Supreme Court Allows Texas To Enforce The Most Draconian Voter ID Law in The U.S.A. By a vote of 6-3 The Supreme Court is allowing Texas’ draconian voter ID law to be enforced for this year’s election. According to Scotusblog, this is the first time since 1982, the Supreme Court allowed enforcement of a restrictive voting law after a Federal Court ruled the law is unconstitutional. In a blistering six page dissent Justice Ginsberg, joined by Justices Kagan and Sotomayor said, “The greatest threat to public confidence in elections in this case is the prospect of enforcing a purposefully discriminatory law, one that likely imposes an unconstitutional poll tax and risks denying the right to vote to hundreds of thousands of eligible voters,”

CREEPS ON A MISSION: Michael Horowitz is Really Investigating the Investigators Since at least July 2016, the upper echelon of the FBI and the Department of Justice began a stealth operation—with the complicity if not instigation of President Obama—to taint and destroy Candidate Trump with a concocted “Russia collusion” narrative. Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice, has been running a little-watched parallel investigation that is already producing results—when he is not manipulated or overborn by Robert Mueller. His name is not familiar to most Americans, but Mr. Horowitz has played an important role since President Obama named him Inspector General (IG) for the Department of Justice in 2012. Forbidden History This site is intended to be a central repository and discussion place for the numerous problematica and "Out-Of-Place" (OOP) artifacts that have been discovered. OOP artifacts are those items that, according to our tenets of evolutionary science and historical theory, simply should not exist; typically they are items too advanced for the level of civilization that we believe existed at the time, or items that indicate human presence far before humans were supposed to exist. I've tried hard to ensure all OOPs listed here are validated ones, as well as addressing common skeptic arguments.

US Humanitarian Aid Flowing To ISIS Significant US and international humanitarian aid has been flowing to ISIS-even as bombs rain down from US warplanes on ISIS positions. The aid is mostly food and medical equipment. A debate has been sparked between Western officials over whether to continue it or not. 'Common Sense Coalition' sets centrist Senate tone Senators in the 25-member Common Sense Coalition on Monday said their work in developing a deal to help end the government shutdown shows the road to getting big-ticket items passed in the future needs to run through the middle of both parties, rather than the extremes. Though senators in the bipartisan group cautioned that the final deal to fund the government through Feb. 8 was ultimately brokered by their respective leaders, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, the coalition’s input was critical in helping break the stalemate.

Google Map Pedometer You can use online mapping tools to draw a walking route and automatically show the distance and incline. Some of these tools can also be paired with a phone app so you can take the routes along with you. Gmap Pedometer: This free online tool was one of the first to debut.

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