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What Is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is when someone uses technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. It happens on devices like smartphones, computers, tablets, and gaming systems. Cyberbullying hurts people, and in some cases is against the law. Sometimes cyberbullying can be easy to spot — for example, if your child shows you a text, comment, or post that is harsh, mean, or cruel. Other acts are less obvious, like posting someone's personal information, or using photos or videos that hurt or embarrass another person. What Are the Effects of Cyberbullying? Kids have almost constant access to their devices, so cyberbullying is hard to escape. Cyberbullying that is severe, long-lasting, or happens a lot can cause anxiety, depression, and other stress-related disorders in victims and bullies. Cyberbullies also can be suspended or expelled from school or kicked off of sports teams. What Are the Signs of Cyberbullying? Signs of cyberbullying vary, but may include:

Related:  CiberbullingEthical Online Behavior

Cyberbullying - National Bullying Prevention Center Just as the use of technology itself has evolved, so has the ability to bully. Bullying, once restricted to the school or neighborhood, has now moved into the online world. Bullying through the use of technology is referred to as “cyberbullying.” Cyberbullying is the use of technology to repeatedly and intentionally harass, hurt, embarrass, humiliate, or intimidate another person. Monica Lewinsky releases new anti-cyberbullying campaign Monica Lewinsky has released a new anti-cyberbullying campaign video in an attempt to stop the 'silent' epidemic from impacting more people's lives, while detailing her own personal experience with bullying. The campaign video is the third in a powerful series of ads aiming to inform the public about the dangers of cyberbullying and why it should be considered a health epidemic. For Monica, the message is a personal one after the bullying she experienced in 1998 when she went from a private citizen to a public figure after the affair between herself and President Bill Clinton was revealed.

Introducción - Ciberbullying o Ciberacoso Introducción Ciberbullying o Ciberacoso El Bullying consiste en conductas hostiles sostenidas de forma reiterada y deliberada por parte de un individuo o grupo, con la finalidad de producir daño a otro, mediante la utilización de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC). La violencia no es algo nuevo, ha existido desde siempre, aunque sus manifestaciones han ido evolucionando, sirviéndose de las posibilidades o los mecanismos que los avances tecnológicos ofrecen. De todas las formas de violencia que existen en la red, nos centraremos en el acoso escolar "digitalizado" o ciberbullying, entendido como el uso que hacen los escolares de Internet, los teléfonos móviles, videoconsolas con acceso on-line u otras tecnologías telemáticas de comunicación, para intimidar, acosar, hostigar, agredir y humillar repetidamente a un compañero que convierten en el foco de todos sus males o simplemente por el placer de sentirse superior en el sometimiento del otro.

Cyber Bullying Statistics - Bullying Statistics Cyber bullying statistics refers to Internet bullying. Cyber bullying is a form of teen violence that can do lasting harm to young people. Bullying statistics show that cyber bullying is a serious problem among teens. By being more aware of cyber bullying, teens and adults can help to fight it. Cyber bullying affects many adolescents and teens on a daily basis. Online disinhibition effect Online disinhibition is the lack of restraint one feels when communicating online in comparison to communicating in-person.[1] Possible influencing factors toward online disinhibition include anonymity, invisibility, asynchronous communication, empathy deficit, in addition to individual factors like personality and culture background.[2][3][4] The manifestations of such effect could be in both positive and negative directions. Thus online disinhibition could be classified as benign disinhibition or toxic disinhibition.[1] Classifications[edit] Another type of online disinhibition is called toxic disinhibition which represents a phenomenon of online flaming and inappropriate behaviors that often contain hostile language, swearing, and even threats.[1] This norm describes the negative side effect of the loss of inhibition on the cyberspace. However, the distinction between benign and toxic online disinhibition is not always clear.

Internet Piracy Internet piracy of software and content products can take many forms: Auction Site Piracy Classified Ad Sites Newsgroups Piracy FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Sites P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Torrent Sites Sharehosting Sites IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Cracks/Serials Sites Auction Site Piracy Is internet piracy a bad thing? Piracy is bad We would be robbing the company of their profits. Put yourself in their shoes. You would really feel frustrated right? What is Plagiarism? - Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense: According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to "plagiarize" means: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own to use (another's production) without crediting the source to commit literary theft to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud.

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