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ABC Online Indigenous - Interactive Map

ABC Online Indigenous - Interactive Map
Related:  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resourcesImportance of Country and Place to Aboriginal PeopleMappe socioculturali

General - Aboriginal Education - The Department of Education Aboriginal English & ESL Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC)Free database of resources that may assist teachers with teaching ESL/D students. Details Aboriginal Parent Easy Guides Parent Easy Guides (or PEGs as they are affectionately known) bring simple, easy-to-read information on many of the issues faced by parents from birth through adolescence. Details Aboriginal Studies Virtual Library Links to resources in a variety of categories are suggested. Details Aboriginal astronomy - ABC Science ABC The Indigenous people of Australia have their own knowledge of the solar system which has been accumulated over many thousands of years. Details Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Promotes Aboriginal studies through research, publications, training, and the establishment and maintenance of cultural resource collections. Details Black Pages Details Bush Food Books that discuss surviving in the bush and how you can live off the land on bush tucker and water.

Why a connection to country is so important to Aboriginal communities | NITV Trying to frame this concept in modern language, is like trying to grasp a two dimensional cup out of a piece of paper, it's the layers that make the cup palpable, not the drawing of it. Connection to country is inherent, we are born to it, it is how we identify ourselves, it is our family, our laws, our responsibility, our inheritance and our legacy. To not know your country causes a painful disconnection, the impact of which is well documented in studies relating to health, wellbeing and life outcomes. Modern constructs of identification do not work for us, in fact they dismantle the fabric that holds us together. For example, it matters not that my licence says that I live in Sydney, it matters that I am guest in this place, I respect it because I am from the Arrente and Luritja lands, and it is this knowledge that enables me to identify who I am, who my family is, who my ancestors were and what my stories are. What if I told you I can travel through time and worlds?

The Map Of Native American Tribes - kplu Finding an address on a map can be taken for granted in the age of GPS and smartphones. But centuries of forced relocation, disease and genocide have made it difficult to find where many Native American tribes once lived. Aaron Carapella, a self-taught mapmaker in Warner, Okla., has pinpointed the locations and original names of hundreds of American Indian nations before their first contact with Europeans. As a teenager, Carapella says he could never get his hands on a continental U.S. map like this, depicting more than 600 tribes — many now forgotten and lost to history. "I think a lot of people get blown away by, 'Wow, there were a lot of tribes, and they covered the whole country!' For more than a decade, he consulted history books and library archives, called up tribal members and visited reservations as part of research for his map project, which began as pencil-marked poster boards on his bedroom wall. "This isn't really a protest," he explains. Copyright 2014 NPR. Transcript

Creative Spirits - Aboriginal Australia, Photography and Poems Indigenous Weather Knowledge - Bureau of Meteorology Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have developed an intricate understanding of the environment over many thousands of years. Artist: Laurie Nilsen The artwork used in the design of this website represents the relationships between seasonal, meteorological and astronomical changes - and how the Mandandanji people read these changes to inform life on country. About the Indigenous Weather Knowledge website Learn more about the Indigenous Weather Knowledge (IWK) website and the Bureau of Meteorology's commitment to strengthening respectful and collaborative relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. About the Indigenous Weather Knowledge website Language, culture and environmental knowledge See an overview of the relationships between language, culture and environmental knowledge. Language, culture and environmental knowledge Reconciliation Action Plan Download our RAP

Importance of Land | Australians Together More than soil, rocks or minerals For many Indigenous people in Australia, land is much more than soil, rocks or minerals. It’s a living environment that sustains and is sustained by people and culture. Traditionally, this reciprocal relationship between people and the land underpinned all other aspects of life for Indigenous people. In the video below, Indigenous people from across Australia share about the way they understand and relate to land. Connection to Country For many Indigenous people, land relates to all aspects of existence - culture, spirituality, language, law, family and identity. “The land and the people are one, ‘cause the land is also related,” explains Dhanggal Gurruwiwi, a Galpu Elder from Nhulunbuy in the Northern Territory. The way we treat land matters “(The land) is our life”, says Andrew Johnson, a community member from Lajamanu in the Northern Territory. Djapirri Muninggirrity, Nhulunbuy Northern Territory Disconnection from Country Living together on land

40 maps that explain the world By Max Fisher By Max Fisher August 12, 2013 Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled "40 maps they didn't teach you in school," one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. Some of these are pretty nerdy, but I think they're no less fascinating and easily understandable. [Additional read: How Ukraine became Ukraine and 40 more maps that explain the world] Click to enlarge. Aboriginal Cultural and Education Centre 1780s | A History of Aboriginal Sydney There is good evidence of a high Aboriginal population density at contact. Australia has a naturally occurring diversity of plant resources, rather than a few specific staples as in Papua New Guinea. These are easier to exploit if not planted. That is to say, Koori people are Polyculturists. The population may have been increasing at the time of the invasion. Butlin has calculated that the population certainly did not survive on kangaroos alone as a meat source. ‘From what we can glimpse, the closest links and associations between Sydney clans and bands seemed to run north-south along the coast, rather than east-west between the coast and inland mountains.

Guide to Aboriginal sites and places - Creative Spirits You can find Aboriginal sites everywhere in Australia. Even in heavily urbanised environments like Sydney many Aboriginal places survive. This guide outlines different Aboriginal sites and explains what Aboriginal people used them for . Occupation site 'Occupation site' is a general term for a place where Aboriginal people lived and used the natural resources, for example rock shelters, quarry sites, middens and open camp sites. Midden A 'midden' is an occupation site where Aboriginal people left the remains of their meals. When Aboriginal people had visited a certain area, they sometimes intentionally left the waste remains of the food they had consumed as the top layer of the midden pile so that the next people to visit could see what had just been harvested and would choose something else to eat so they didn't over-use the resource. Middens thus represent a blueprint for sustainable harvesting of coastal resources, but are also an archaeological treasure trove. Video: Exploring stone tools
