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IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyssey

IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyssey
Related:  Effetto risorse & collateralsDrawing

The Soft Belly of The Oil Industry: an Upcoming Seneca Collapse? Ugo Bardi explains his idea of an impending "Seneca Collapse" of the world's oil industry at the session on climate change of the meeting of the Club of Rome in Vienna, on 10 Nov 2017. What follows are not the exact words said, but a text which maintains the gist of this brief comment. It was focused on the concept that the oil industry has a "soft belly" in the fact that it produces mainly fuel for engines used for transportation. If this market were reduced by the introduction of electric vehicles and other transportation innovations, the whole industry could collapse. Dear colleagues, we are having an interesting discussion on how to stop climate change and I think I could add some thoughts of mine on the basis of my recent work that I published in the form of the book titled "The Seneca Effect". The problem we have been discussing is how to limit emissions and we saw that it needs to be done fast and even drastically if we want to avoid the worse effects of climate change. Notes:

Papier Machine Effetto Cassandra: Pelagus. Il Mare al tempo dell'Antropocene. Un post di Max Strata Sono nato e cresciuto in una città di mare. La mia casa si trovava a meno di un chilometro dalla spiaggia e fin da bambino, ogni giorno ed in ogni stagione, con il sole o con la pioggia, nell'afa estiva o sotto l'umido vento autunnale, potevo passeggiare lungo l'interminabile lido sabbioso e guardare i colori cangianti del Mediterraneo, le nuvole bianche e sottili, i grigi e turbolenti cumulonembi, il profilo aguzzo delle montagne che si trovano a poca distanza. Nei miei ricordi più lontani ho bene impresso l'odore che il mare aveva e il sapore sapido e pulito dei frangenti. Ricordo che nelle pozze che si formavano sulla spiaggia dopo una mareggiata, potevo trovare decine di cavallucci marini (Hippocampus ramulosus) e una grande quantità di granchi, mentre dalla sabbia bagnata, scavando solo un po’, uscivano arenicole (Arenicola marina) lunghe fino 20 centimetri. Il mare era la città e la città aveva il sapore del mare. Max Strata è consulente ambientale e saggista

Comme convenu Science update on climate change: from bad to worse Scientists monitoring the Earth's climate and environment have delivered a cascade of grim news this year, adding a sense of urgency to UN talks on how best to draw down the greenhouse gases that drive global warming. Here is a summary of recent findings: 1.1 degrees Earth's average surface temperature last year was a record 1.1 degree Celsius (1.98 Fahrenheit) above the preindustrial era. The planet's rising fever is caused by the accumulation of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) cast off when fossil fuels are burned to produce energy. Sixteen of the hottest years on record have occurred since the start of the 21st century, and 2017 is on track to be the warmest year not affected by the El Nino weather phenomenon. The 196-nation Paris Agreement calls on humanity to block the rise in temperature at "well below" 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 F) compared to preindustrial levels, and to strive for a cap of 1.5 C. 403.3 ppm Melting ice Extreme events

Grand Comics Database The Oil Crash: World Energy Outlook 2017: Mirando más allá del pico Queridos lectores, Como cada año por estas fechas, la Agencia Internacional de la Energía (AIE) ha hecho público su informe anual sobre el estado de la energía en el mundo, el World Energy Outlook (WEO), y como cada año me dispongo a ofrecerles una visión rápida de los hechos más relevantes contenidos en este informe, reservándome para futuros posts un análisis en más profundidad de algunos de sus aspectos. Otros años conseguía sacar mi valoración en un par de días, pero lo hacía a costa de dormir muy poco y de centrarme en pocos aspectos. Sin embargo, dada la complejidad de la situación que se está comenzando a dibujar, esta vez me he tomado una semana para estudiarme bien el texto (que fue publicado el 14 de noviembre), intentando ver más claro entre las muchas sombras y distracciones que se proyectan en el WEO 2017. Como en todos los WEOs anteriores, la AIE dibuja las tendencias para los próximos 25 años basándose en los resultados de sus modelos de economía-energía. Electricidad:

Interview : Maud Amoretti, auteure de bandes dessinées – Nina a lu Maud Amoretti, auteure de BD J’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer Maud lorsque j’étais en alternance chez Ankama éditions. J’avais beaucoup aimé le style et la sensibilité de sa Burlesque Girrrl. Je souhaitais vous faire découvrir son parcours, ses albums, son expérience en tant qu’auteure publiée, et ce qu’elle pense du mouvement #payetonauteur et de la reconnaissance des auteurs. Peux-tu nous parler de ton parcours ? J’ai commencé par un deug de droit puis je suis allée à Paris à l’ESAG (Académie de Penninghen) pour apprendre l’illustration. 3 titres pour te découvrir ? Les Destructeurs : mon livre le plus personnel et de loin mon préféré, Alice au pays des merveilles : j’ai adoré le faire malgré le délai de commande très court (3 mois), je pense qu’il y a de jolies illustrations et Burlesque Girrrl : en le regardant aujourd’hui, je le trouve très bancal niveau dessin mais l’histoire, simple peut être, me plait toujours. Comment définirais-tu ton style en tant qu’auteure ? Merci Maud !
