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Vers un monde altruiste ?

Vers un monde altruiste ?
Related:  Méditation - Cohérence cardiaqueEt l'homme là-dedans ?

Soulager la douleur avec la méditation de pleine conscience La méditation de pleine conscience améliore la dépression, le stress, l’anxiété et la cognition. Une nouvelle étude parue dans la revue Neuroscience rapporte qu’elle réduit également significativement la douleur auto-évaluée par les patients et ceci de manière plus efficace qu’un placebo. L’étude montre que les mécanismes neuronaux utilisés par les différentes interventions de soulagement de la douleur sont différents. La méditation de pleine conscience consiste à se focaliser sur l’instant présent en se concentrant sur les sensations corporelles et les perceptions. Méditation : lire un extrait du livre de David O'Hare, "5 minutes le matin" Dans un premier temps les participants ont complété la forme courte du Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory puis ils ont suivi un entrainement psycho-physique dans lequel ils se sont familiarisés avec l’application pendant 5 secondes sur le bras gauche de stimuli thermiques allant de 35°C à 49°C. Source

'What Have I Done?': Ex Pig Farmer Talks About the Reality of Killing Animals for a Living It’s not often that you hear the internal dialogue of someone who is directly involved with the farming and killing of animals, so when Bob Comis released extracts from his diary, it makes for compelling stuff. Having become dismayed at the way in which factory farmed animals were treated, Bob decided that the only way to eat meat, without having a guilty conscience, was to raise them and kill them himself. Going all out to give the pigs the best life possible, Bob’s free range farming operation was supposed to be a solution to the ethical void which exists inside factory farms, but his private thoughts, and eventual decision to go vegan show that the reality behind ‘humane farming’ is not as the industry would have us believe. A Society Conditioned to Ignore Our Own Feelings From when we are children, we’re conditioned to override our feelings and get on with it. This is a huge part of our psyche when animal agriculture is concerned. Love This? And then I thought, What have I done?

Lek, Sowat, Dem189 Lek et Sowat se sont emparés des entrailles du Palais de Tokyo : les espaces secondaires qui n’ont pas vocation à accueillir des expositions et sont habituellement fermés au public. Ces lieux n’existent que pour assurer le bon fonctionnement du centre d’art et répondre aux normes de sécurité. Leur architecture minimaliste marquée par le temps rappelle les lieux précaires et périphériques empruntés par les graffeurs: les friches industrielles, les dépôts de trains. Reproduisant le processus déployé lors du projet «Mausolée» (une résidence artistique clandestine d’un an dans 40.000 m2 de ruines d’un supermarché), Lek, Sowat et Dem189 ont invité des artistes issus du graffiti à intervenir dans un vaste escalier en plongée. Une sortie de secours, comme une ligne de fuite: la ligne de fuite architecturale, la fuite d’un graffeur. Lek et Sowat mènent en commun une pratique de l’Urbex, l’investissement de lieux en friche, chargés d’histoire - non sans rappeler le Palais de Tokyo.

Mindfulness Techniques to Reduce Stress | Care2 Healthy Living As the pace of life seems to be constantly accelerating, it’s all too easy to fall prey to the ravages of stress on our physical and emotional wellbeing. But did you know that something as easy as practicing mindfulness can have tangible health benefits, including the following: Reduced stressImproved attentionBetter working memoryMore positive emotionsReduced blood pressure What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is essentially awareness. Contrary to popular belief, mindfulness isn’t about trying to attain some sort of nirvana or enlightened state. Meditation: Traditional meditation typically involves sitting, relaxed but attentive with your eyes closed, in a quiet place conducive to peacefulness. Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of awareness in itself. Got a busy schedule? Mindful Breathing What you’ll need: A time during your day when you have fewer demands on your attention. Why it works to reduce stress: Focusing on a single sensation can help still a racing mind. Source:

Children Taken On Deer Hunt Decide To Befriend Deer Instead Here’s a feel-good story for the holidays: Earlier this month, Hunter Jung and his cousin Briell, from Shawano County, Wisconsin, were out on the last day of deer season, with his dad and aunt, who were supposed to be teaching the youngsters how to hunt. Hunter spotted a small deer in the brush, and as he tells it, ”I was bringing my pellet gun out and I was pointing at it and I thought it was a buck, but it wasn’t. It was a fawn and I tried to shoot it and my dad didn’t let me.” It turned out that the young buck was really a fawn, so too small to shoot, which is why Hunter’s dad stopped him. What happened next is awesome: instead of being spooked by the group of hunters, and running off, the deer made his way over to Hunter and Briell, who weren’t sure what to make of the situation until the deer nuzzled up to them, apparently wanting to be stroked. So instead of murdering this young deer, the two children spent some time petting him and posing for photos with their new friend.

Vincent Schoepfer Black Smocking Polo on sale at L'Exception Our suggestions Available sizes: Out of stock Vincent Schoepfer Vincent Schoepfer started in his hometown of Avignon were he sold his own designs in fashion fairs of young designers. The strongest piece of the Spring Summer 2012 collection is the man jumpsuit from Vincent Schoepfer. Discover the world of Vincent Schoepfer

Mindfulness & Meditation: What’s The Difference? Mindfulness and meditation are often used to mean the same thing, which can be confusing, while not many are clear on what “mindfulness meditation” is and how it differs from either of the above. So here’s our version: Mindfulness is being aware. Mindfulness is noticing and paying attention to thoughts, feelings, behavior, and everything else. Mindfulness can be practiced at any time, wherever we are, whoever we are with, and whatever we are doing, by showing up and being fully engaged in the here and now. That means being free of both the past and future—the what if’s and what maybe’s—and free of judgment of right or wrong—the I’m-the-best or I’m-no-good scenarios—so that we can be totally present without distraction. “Mindfulness is the awareness that arises when we non-judgmentally pay attention in the present moment. Love This? Thanks for subscribing! Mindfulness also releases “happy” chemicals in the brain; it lowers blood pressure, improves digestion, and relaxes tension around pain.

Free Activist Who Gave Water to Dying Pigs and Faces 10 Years in Jail Target: Justin Trudeau, Prime Minster of Canada Goal: Free the activist who gave water to slaughter-bound pigs. Anita Krajnc faces up to 10 years in prison for giving water to dying pigs. Her kind offerings are the only comfort the pigs receive before they face an inhumane death behind slaughterhouse doors. Urge Prime Minster Justin Trudeau to stand behind Krajnc and encourage the Ontario Court of Justice to drop the charges. As a co-founder of Toronto Pig Save, Krajnc participates in daily vigils outside of a local slaughterhouse. Now, Krajnc faces a criminal mischief charge that carries a $5,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison. Dear Prime Minster Trudeau, Anita Krajnc is facing up to 10 years in prison for her compassionate care of animals. Krajnc is a co-founder of Toronto Pig Save. Compassion should not be rewarded with a prison sentence. Sincerely, [Your Name Here] Photo Credit: Louise-Jorgensen

The 10 best house documentaries of all time House music has a legacy unlike any other genre of dance music. Born in Chicago in the ’80s, the style grew outward to Detroit, New York, the UK, Paris, South Africa, and all points in between, and, some 30 years later, it’s touched just about every aspect of popular music as we know it. As part of our Legends of Electronic Music series, today we take a look at some must-see documentaries that track house music’s growth and popularity—from Chi-Town to Johannesburg. And while we couldn’t quite include Lil Louis’ The House that Chicago Built since it’s still in production, here are our 10 favorites up to now. 10. Boy George leads us through the story of how acid house, raves, and drug use are all came together during the late ’80s and ’90s in the UK. 9. This low-budget documentary consists of interview after interview with DJs like Kerri Chandler, DJ Gregory, and Jay-Jay in a bar setting. 8. 7. The name says it all. 6. 5. Chicago was the birthplace of house music as we know it. 4. 3. 2.

Pour garder un cerveau jeune, méditez Les personnes qui pratiquent la méditation perdent moins de tissu cérébral avec l'âge. Si la perte de tissu cérébral semble inexorable avec l’âge, elle pourrait être compensée par une activité relaxante et peu coûteuse : la méditation. D’après des chercheurs de l’université de Californie Los Angeles qui publient leurs résultats dans Frontiers in Psychology, les personnes qui pratiquent la méditation perdent moins de matière grise que les autres. Depuis les années 70, l’espérance de vie a beaucoup augmenté dans le monde, où l’on a gagné au moins dix années d'existence. Mais le cerveau commence à montrer des signes de vieillissement avant 30 ans, avec un volume et un poids qui se mettent à diminuer, entraînant progressivement la perte de capacités. Lire : Les trous de mémoire sont-ils annonciateurs d'un Alzheimer ? Dans cet article, les chercheurs ont étudié les effets de la méditation à long terme sur la perte de matière grise au cours du vieillissement. Source

Des chimpanzés de laboratoire découvrent la nature pour la première fois au sanctuaire Chimp Haven Le gouvernement américain a décidé le mois dernier de libérer ses derniers chimpanzés utilisés pour des recherches scientifiques. Les singes rejoindront ainsi bientôt le sanctuaire Chimp Haven. Un endroit où ils pourront découvrir la nature et vivre parmi des congénères, pour la première fois. C'est une retraite bien méritée que prendront bientôt 50 chimpanzés, après la décision prise par les autorités sanitaires américaines. Bientôt, ces spécimens rejoindront ainsi des congénères au sein du sanctuaire Chimp Haven. Vivre en liberté et en communauté Le sanctuaire permet aux singes de retrouver leur liberté tout en répondant à leurs besoins. "Voir les chimpanzés sortir de l'enceinte pour la première fois et faire face à tout cet espace immense, où ils peuvent s'asseoir et regarder vers le ciel, avec cet air de stupéfaction "oh il n'y a pas de barreau au-dessus de moi"... A ce jour, Chimp Haven a accueilli quelque 300 chimpanzés provenant de laboratoires américains. Vous êtes déjà abonné ?

SONG1 - Doug Aitken Workshop Installation Walkthrough 1-3 Doug Aitken, SONG 1, 2012, courtesy Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution and 303 Gallery, photo ©Frederick Charles

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