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Top Influencers Weigh In: Social Media's (Measurable) Impact on Sales

Top Influencers Weigh In: Social Media's (Measurable) Impact on Sales
Related:  Technology TrendsSocial Media Marketing

Content Marketing Statistics and Trends 2017 Although we’re well into 2017 by now, it’s never too late to start working on improving your marketing for this year but also for future. Content marketing has been on the rise for a while and it’s definitely here to stay, as one of the key parts in every online marketing campaign. Content is everywhere around us and it’s one of the rare parts of online marketing that is continuously important. These days when ad blockers are being used every day by millions of people. Traditional online advertising might not get marketers the results they want and expect. If you look at the stats, you can see that online marketers recognized that 75% of them are planning to increase their budget for content marketing in 2017. As for what types of content are popular, marketers predict blogging is the best way to do content marketing in 2017, but anyone who is serious about it should try more than one tactic. Read more marketing and tech news today!

Callbox Solves Software Company’s Marketing Conundrum The Client is known in the cloud-based communications and security software industry in the continental US. It plans to increase its market share by targeting all industries, offering high-availability global communications, collaboration, secured services, and advanced analytics. It asked the help of Callbox in finding interested companies to engage with their services for the long term. The Client wanted Callbox to provide them with a list of accurate contacts and quality appointments with interested prospects whose pain points it can thoroughly address, and who would consider a long-term partnership.Callbox started by updating existing data to improve its quality, and then rolled out the trusted Callbox Pipeline Lead Nurture Tool to automate the other tasks that followed. Find out how Callbox took full advantage of its multi channel marketing program to produce positive results for the The Client and win for itself a new contract.

How Marketing Automation Helps You Outgrow Your Competitors B2B enterprises are focused mainly on one thing: Increase the amount of B2B leads they can generate. But more important than that, they want to make sure these leads can translate to actual sales. This explains why B2B companies across various industries are hard-pressed to find ways to increase their marketing gains. Marketing automation is a new concept. If you belong to a highly contested industry, look no further than marketing automation to streamline how you manage your audience engagement. #1: Efficient lead nurturing Implementing a system to oversee the journey of B2B leads through the sales cycle can be daunting. #2: Shortened sales cycle These help by allowing you to score your leads better so you can have a better view of what they want to hear from you. #3: Accurate and cost-saving marketing Marketing automation also provides B2B vendors power over how much they spend in their marketing campaigns by doing just that: focusing on high-potential leads.

The Search Evolution: Link Building to Link Earning Way back 2000 to 2006, SEO was all about exchanging and buying links and directory submissions. As Google aims to provide the best and relevant search results for its users, SEO strategies must conform to certain guidelines. However Google spammers didn’t stop to exploit the algorithm, formulating tricks to manipulate the king of all the search engines. It didn’t take long when manual penalties were passed and had affected many websites. It was just the latter that SEO peeps realized that link building was actually about ‘earning‘ and only those who keep up with the changes stays. A nicely crafted infographic from globe runner illustrates the evolution. Related: How to Make Friends with Search Engines: Tips for Greater Online Visibility and Better IT Sales Leads Aside from search marketing, find other ways to generate IT leads!

5 New (And Effective) Ways To Measure Event ROI Events drive leads for sales and are a powerful networking tool that enables companies and brands to connect with their audiences and clients face to face. At least, that’s what we know. But as any marketer, sales rep and event organizer will tell you, qualifying those collected leads is anything but certain. Why? Because not all leads are created equal, and every individual at your event has their own unique journey to the final sale. According to Statista, only 14% of B2B marketers’ budgets are being allocated for in-person trade shows in 2015. Traditionally most event organizers and sales reps have focused on the data that is generated before and after an event, which gives a good picture of who showed up, but not much else. Here are 5 ways that event marketers can use the data that is being generated before, during, and after their events to create a richer experience for their attendees, while providing insights into the value of their show. 1. 2. 3. Image Source 4. 5. Conclusion

The Multi-Channel Attribution Problem and How to Solve It Measuring the effectiveness of an advertisement has always been a necessary evil in any marketing campaign. With the advent of social media and the rise in mobile usage, it is even harder to track user behavior. Businesses are essentially marketing blindly, unable to answer the question: Which advertising channel produces the highest ROI? The Current Marketing Challenge Imagine a maze of never-ending trails, misleading turns, and paths that lead to nowhere. This is how a consumer’s purchase journey looks like in our current digital age: A maze where the consumer bounces around on various sites, social platforms, and devices before he decides whether the brand or product is worth purchasing. As the advertising landscape continues to grow and is split between online, offline, earned, and paid media, it is incredibly difficult to track the different touch points in a consumer’s purchase journey – and it’s not going to get any easier. The Change In Online Marketing Attribution

30 Tech Influencers You Should Know by Now Today, there’s a thin line that separates the tech market and commodities in terms of purchasing volume. No wonder vendors are like mushroom sprouting every where. Every new stuff has unique features to brag and to compete with the other. Correlated to this, a few tech savvy and marketing experts had made their honest opinion when reviewing IT products. “My goal is to explore the best that technology has to offer, and share those experiences with the world.” says Lewis Hilsenteger on “I hope my reviews and analysis of consumer tech can help shine the spotlight on companies doing things right, and get everyone to step up their game.” says Marques Brownlee on Follow these tech influencers on social media and get a heck of their viewpoints towards premier products and devices. Paying attention will somehow refresh IT and Software businesses with tech trends, market competition as well as on how to improve one’s product, after all that’s where the main focus should be.

7 Creative & Cost Effective Ways To Find New Clients For many small business owners, attracting new clients can seem like a daunting (and expensive) challenge. Traditional advertising methods like television and newspapers are costly and in today’s tech-based world the bang for the buck simply doesn’t justify the investment. But there are countless other ways to attract new clients to your business and many of them don’t require shelling out big bucks. 1. 2. One of the easiest ways to get new business from old clients is by periodically sending them beautiful and effective newsletters. 3. When your business is listed in popular directories like Foursquare, TripAdvisor, Yelp and Bing Places, potential clients will be more likely to find you when they search online. 4. To get the word out about your free promotion, create fliers and post them in popular spots around town. 5. 6. But the truth is, you can often find your way onto the radio without spending any money at all. Are you a wedding planner? 7.

Powerful Social Media Management Tools for Savvy Digital Marketers No ratings yet. The dawn of the Internet and the proliferation of different social media platforms have widened the space for the interaction of people around the world. The number of social networking sites is ever growing - they've even changed in purpose and scope. Social networking sites might even be parts of our businesses, especially in marketing or selling products. So, you are convinced now with the fact that social media could be one platform to bring your business the success you desire most, however, knowing how to manage your accounts is also vital. Mention This tool is the best Google Alerts alternative and it’s also one of the best tools to monitor your brand's presence across the web. Buffer Buffer is one of the best streamlined social media management platforms trusted by many brands, businesses, agencies, and individuals to help drive meaningful engagement and results on social media. Feedly TwitterCounter Zapier Bottlenose Followerwonk Quintly Bitly Hootsuite Related Posts P.S.

Marketing Technology Products: Things You Need to Know It is not always a simple matter marketing technology products. IT firms with ideas to sell have a lot to understand about their industry. Because with the way things are right now, making an impact in the IT services market can take on brutal proportions. Consider the main challenges that presently grip the technology marketing landscape. As the marketplace grows more hypercompetitive than ever before, effective IT marketing becomes absolutely essential. To truly succeed in this highly contested arena, firms may have to bypass several urgent issues. Attracting and developing new business – 63.8% Finding/keeping good people – 42.6% Innovation/new ideas – 29.8% Dealing with a difficult economy/competitive marketplace – 27.7% Dealing with client demands/expectations – 27.7% According to Harr, these challenges are influenced by transformative trends that are currently shaping the way products are promoted. Featured Blog of the Week: 4 Effective Ways to Make your Brand Standout Social media

Future Trends in the Hospitality Industry: Millennials and Social Media Rule For the longest time, the hospitality industry has been this stable, undisturbed market where progress is steady and revenue is pouring in consistently, year in and year out. Big names keep on getting bigger, widening their breadth, tightening their hold on the market. And then Airbnb happened. Needless to say, it caused a stir within the hospitality industry.It might even have shaken up a few organizations which were more passive than proactive in their business approach. But this was more than five years ago. Priority on Millennials Millennial. According to, the Millennial traveller, already makes up over one third of the world’s hotel guests, with predictions that they will reach over 50 per cent by 2020. Companies need to be aware of this trend and craft a strategy based on these demographic’s habits and traits — they’re young and enthusiastic and spontaneous and most that have substantial savings take advantage of the cheaper travel and accommodation rates.
