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Online Proofreader: Pre-grade your paper

Online Proofreader: Pre-grade your paper
Last Updated Date: February 14, 2024 Welcome to the e-commerce shops, digital platforms, websites, applications ("apps"), widgets, blogs, or other online offerings owned or operated by Learneo, Inc.; and any of their affiliates or subsidiary companies (collectively, “Student Brands,” “we,” “our,” or “us”), including but not limited to (“Bartleby”);,,, and all other online offerings (collectively, the “Services”) that post links to these Service Terms (the “Service Terms”). Your use of and access to our Services is governed by these specific Service Terms and the Learneo Terms of Service available here (the “Learneo Terms of Service”) (collectively, as amended from time to time, the “Terms”). Please review the Terms carefully before using the Services. By using or accessing the Services, you acknowledge and agree that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Terms. 1. Ownership. 2. User-Generated Content. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Related:  History of PsychologyENGLISH - Writingsamuele_cattabriga

Mimosa Plants Have Long Term Memory, Can Learn, Biologists Say By using the same experimental framework normally applied to test learnt behavioral responses in animals, biologists from Australia and Italy have successfully demonstrated that Mimosa pudica – an exotic herb native to South America and Central America – can learn and remember just as well as it would be expected of animals. Mimosa pudica at the Botanical Garden KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany. Image credit: H. Zell / CC BY-SA 3.0. Mimosa pudica is known as the Sensitive plant or a touch-me-not. They trained Mimosa‘s short- and long-term memories under both high and low-light environments by repeatedly dropping water on them using a custom-designed apparatus. The scientists show how Mimosa plants stopped closing their leaves when they learnt that the repeated disturbance had no real damaging consequence. The plants were able to acquire the learnt behavior in a matter of seconds and as in animals, learning was faster in less favorable environment. Gagliano M et al. 2014.

OWL Coming Soon: A new look for our same great content! We're working hard this summer on a redesign of the Purdue OWL. Worry not! If you are having trouble locating a specific resource, please visit the search page or the Site Map. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue. For more information about services for the Purdue University community, including one-to-one consultations, ESL conversation groups and workshops, please visit the Writing Lab site. Mission The Purdue University Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement.

Proofread Bot | Free Online Grammar, Style, Plagiarism and Spell Checker Gestalt therapy - children, define, functioning, adults, withdrawal, drug, examples, person Photo by: Andrea Berger Definition Gestalt therapy is a complex psychological system that stresses the development of client self-awareness and personal responsibility. Purpose The goal of Gestalt therapy is to raise clients' awareness regarding how they function in their environment (with family, at work, school, friends). In therapy, clients become aware of what they are doing, how they are doing it, and how they change themselves, and at the same time, learn to accept and value themselves. Gestalt therapy is "unpredictable" in that the therapist and client follow moment-to-moment experience and neither knows exactly where this will take them. Holism. The current practice of Gestalt therapy includes treatment of a wide range of problems and has been successfully employed in the treatment of a wide range of "psychosomatic" disorders including migraine, ulcerative colitis, and spastic neck and back. Description Exercises and experiments CLIENT'S VERBAL BEHAVIOR OR LANGUAGE. SELF-DIALOGUE.

Digital Is Didattica, così i videogame aiutano l'apprendimento - Agenda Digitale L’ingresso dei videogame nella didattica è meno recente di quanto si possa immaginare e in molti casi, a livello internazionale, è già diventata una prassi consolidata. Proviamo a considerare alcuni aspetti pedagogici del videogioco e il loro ruolo della scuola digitale, con l’obiettivo di spostare il centro dell’attenzione da un passatempo, spesso considerato pericoloso, imputato di portare distrazione, futile, ad un’attività che sostiene e promuove l’apprendimento. In una ricerca della University of Denver Business School, citata anche da Yann Teyssier (2016, eLearning Industry) viene dimostrata l’efficacia delle game based learning platforms, le piattaforme gamificate, che promuovono il coinvolgimento nelle fasi dell’apprendimento. Nell’utilizzare le piattaforme gamificate in processi di formazione e insegnamento, emerge che L’importanza delle regole del gioco Smart working: perché conviene avere i device giusti Risorse Umane/Organizzazione Competenze promosse dai videogame Bibliografia

An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments A reader recently wrote in asking if I could share a bit about the process of putting the book together and talk about how the project started. Certainly. I go on two solitary walks every day. There is a small park off the Embarcadero that is tucked away in a quiet spot. It has a pleasant stream flowing through it and an unassuming bench beside that stream. It was on a day in October of last year when, during one of those quiet moments on that bench, I recalled my college years and how outspoken I happened to be during them, an observation only made interesting by the fact that I have since turned into the quietest of beings. A realization that coincided with that nostalgic whiff was that a sizable amount of the discourse nowadays continues to be plagued with bad reasoning. Hence, the idea that finally shook me into soberness was one that had been fermenting for a while. The cover is inspired by one of my favorite games growing up: LucasArts' Monkey Island series.

Common Transition Words and Phrases in Writing: Free Guide Common Transition Words and Phrases The information presented in any academic paper must be structured and well-organized in order to convey its meaning clearly. To make readers’ attention flow from one idea to another smoothly, and to make the paper readable by connecting its semantic parts and indicating their relationships, transition words and phrases are used. The material you describe can be divided into two parts: facts which you introduce, and the relationships which you construct between them. There are a variety of transitions, and this guide observes those which are used most commonly. Types of Transitions Transitions can be divided into several categories: Addition, Compare and Contrast, Time, Cause and Effect, Summary and Conclusion, and Example. Addition transitions are needed to indicate another piece of information is going to be introduced in addition to what has been presented already. Most Common Transitions Free Essay Pre-Grading for a “Share”

La Scuola Oltre la Siepe - KIT DIDATTICO per superare i pregiudizi con Harper Lee - Razzismo Brutta Storia Ispirati dall’agenzia educativa internazionale Facing History and Ourselves e supportati dal Consolato Generale USA di Milano, abbiamo prodotto una risorsa didattica per insegnanti ed educatori che vogliono riscoprire Il buio oltre la siepe di Harper Lee.La Scuola Oltre la Siepe si rivolge agli studenti tra gli 11 e i 18 anni, per imparare a combattere i nostri pregiudizi quotidiani e diventare promotori attivi della cultura della non-discriminazione e dell’inclusione, esattamente come Atticus insegna alla figlia Scout: «Voglio insegnarti un trucco, Scout, se vuoi capire una persona devi considerare le cose dal suo punto di vista» «E cioè?» «Devi cercare di metterti nei suoi panni e andarci a spasso» Qui il kit didattico da scaricare insieme ad alcune strategie educative dell’agenzia Facing History and Ourselves che abbiamo tradotto e adattato per le scuole italiane. Qui sotto altri materiali integrativi.

Kraepelin and Eugenics, Just Like a Dog Returning to its Vomit This poster [on the right] reads: “60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the People's community during his lifetime. Fellow German, that is your money too. Read '[A] New People', the monthly magazines of the Bureau for Race Politics of the NSDAP.” (about 1938) Thanks, and a tip of the hat to Wikipedia.If you don’t recognize the guy on the left, we’ll, he’s the punchline of this post. Since the sick-sweet, dead rat stench of Psychiatry is rooted in the mass murdering moronics of German, Austrian and Swiss Eugenicists, it’s incumbent upon us to make sure that Psychiatrists aren’t allowed to step out in public divorced from their German, Austrian and Swiss Eugenicist heroes: the A’holes who brought us Auschwitz, Dachau, Bergen Belsen, Treblinka, Sobibor and a raft of others. Kraepelin posited that all non-statistically ‘normal’ thoughts were the result of physical abnormalities in human brains due to ‘bad breeding’. Informed consent is the LAW.

Words to Avoid in Academic Writing There are some words that students use in academic writing that could be said to be overused or unnecessary. Whether you are writing a paper for a class, or you are submitting a business proposal as an entrepreneur, there are particular words that you should avoid in order to maintain a professional writing appearance. There is an exception, though, if you are specifically told by the person who assigned your work that the presence of colloquial and casual language is allowed. But this rarely happens, and it is best to avoid the following list of words even in the case of getting permission to use a freer language than usually practiced in academic writing: 1. “Very” creates an overstatement. Words to use instead: genuinely, veritably, undoubtedly, profoundly, indubitably. 2. A reader is often unfamiliar with the material you are presenting. Words to use instead: clearly, definitely, indeed, naturally, surely. 3. What to write instead: Discuss your subject directly. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

SIC Italia - No Hate Speech Il web è un ambiente vario e vasto, in grado di rappresentare e dare voce alle diversità, sensibilizzando sul rispetto e l’inclusione. Tuttavia proliferano anche, che possono pericolosamente diventare portatori di rappresentazioni stereotipate, contenuti razzisti e discriminatori. Il fenomeno di “incitamento all’odio” o “discorso d’odio”, indica discorsi (post, immagini, commenti, …) e pratiche (non solo online) che esprimono odio e intolleranza verso un gruppo o una persona (identificate come appartenente a un gruppo o categoria) e che rischiano di provocare reazioni violente, a catena. Più ampiamente il termine “hate speech” indica un’offesa fondata su una qualsiasi discriminazione (razziale, etnica, religiosa, di genere o di orientamento sessuale, di disabilità, eccetera) ai danni di una persona o di un gruppo. Per approfondire ulteriormente, rimandiamo al documento prodotto dal Consiglio d’Europa #Tags: No Hate Speech

ISAR - Rewriting Mental Testing History Rewriting Mental Testing History: The View from the American Psychologist Note: This article, first published in 1986, is a critique of Mark Snyderman and Richard J. Herrnstein, "Intelligence Tests and the Immigration Act of 1924," American Psychologist 38 (September 1983): 986-995, in which the authors argue: "The testing community did not generally view its findings as favoring restrictive immigration policies like those of the 1924 Act, and Congress took virtually no notice of intelligence testing, as far as one can ascertain from the records and publications of the time." Steven A. The American Psychologist is the official journal of the American Psychological Association, reaching all of its 58,000 members on a monthly basis. But have mental testers been unjustly maligned in writings about the movement's early history? Round One: Hebb vs. In December 1978, the American Psychologist published an "Open Letter: To a Friend Who Thinks the IQ is a Social Evil", by D.
