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Samuele Cattabriga

Space Shelter: un gioco per imparare a proteggersi meglio online. Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps.


Computer Science Field Guide. Social Warning Movimento Etico Digitale - Potenzialità e Rischi del Web. Python: impara a programmare con questo linguaggio (tutorial 2020) Scratch-Based Machine Learning - STEAM STUDIO CURRICULUM. Artificial Intelligence - Scratch Wiki. Artificial Intelligence, commonly abbreviated as AI, has a popular connotation within Scratch relating to a computerized mind that consists entirely of programming code.

Artificial Intelligence - Scratch Wiki

Its usage in Scratch, albeit somewhat misleading, is most common in projects in which a user can play a game against the computer. Tutorial Simple AIs Most projects that use AI use special techniques, such as using variables to store different values. Those values may be previous locations, user input, and so on. Perfect AIs A practical and optimal AI system will use recursion[citation needed] to try to adapt to the circumstances itself. Python: costruire un chatbot in meno di un’ora prima di San Valentino - Apogeo Editore. Alcune persone non amano veramente l’interazione umana.

Python: costruire un chatbot in meno di un’ora prima di San Valentino - Apogeo Editore

Ogni volta che sono costretti a socializzare o andare ad eventi che coinvolgono molte persone, si sentono fuori posto e imbarazzati. Personalmente, ho attraversato quella fase e ne sono uscita sana e salva, e ora non disprezzo più la socialità. Use Cognitive Services extension. The Cognitive Services extension provides more images, sounds, and knowledge functions for sprites, which allows you to have more fun with sprite programming.

Use Cognitive Services extension

Add "Cognitive Services" (1) Click the Sprites tab and click + extension at the bottom of the Blocks area. (2) In the Extension center dialog box that appears, click + Add at the bottom of Cognitive Services. (3) On the editing page, Cognitive Services blocks are displayed. Use "Cognitive Services" Blocks. Use teachable machine extension in mBlock. Machine learning is not as far away from our life as you think.

Use teachable machine extension in mBlock

With the Teachable Machine extension of mBlock 5, you can create a training model, instead of programming, to enable your computer to learn. Add "Teachable Machine" (1) Click the Sprites tab and click + extension at the bottom of the Blocks area. Moodle. 12 Paper 16. Artificial Intelligence Tutorial. This tutorial provides introductory knowledge on Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Tutorial

It would come to a great help if you are about to select Artificial Intelligence as a course subject. You can briefly know about the areas of AI in which research is prospering. This tutorial is prepared for the students at beginner level who aspire to learn Artificial Intelligence. The basic knowledge of Computer Science is mandatory. The knowledge of Mathematics, Languages, Science, Mechanical or Electrical engineering is a plus.

Artificial Intelligence Tutorial for Beginners. This Artificial Intelligence tutorial provides basic and intermediate information on concepts of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Tutorial for Beginners

It is designed to help students and working professionals who are complete beginners. In this tutorial, our focus will be on artificial intelligence, if you wish to learn more about machine learning, you can check out this tutorial for complete beginners tutorial of Machine Learning. Intelligenza Artificiale in 30 Minuti per esempi pratici. Jezhiggins/ A cheesy little Eliza knock-off. Eliza the Chatterbot. Smart Classroom con Scratch 3. Computational Thinking for Youth in Practice. ComputingInTheCurriculum2016. Imagery and Verbal Processes. Allan Paivio. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1971. xii, 596 pp., illus. $13. Principles of Multimedia Learning - Center for Teaching and Learning. Richard Mayer’s seminal book Multimedia Learning details his extensive research on how to structure multimedia materials effectively to maximize learning.

Principles of Multimedia Learning - Center for Teaching and Learning

Relying on numerous experiments, he distills his findings into 12 principles that constitute (in part) what he refers to as the “cognitive theory of multimedia learning.” This theory and its principles provide guidance on how to create effective multimedia presentations for learning. Cognitive load during problem solving: Effects on learning. Wiggins McTighe Progettare apprendimento significativo. Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. EJ1125504. Digital Storytelling A Powerful. La progettazione significativa. Didattica, la progettazione a ritroso di Wiggins e McTighe. TEDxSanGiovanniInPersiceto. Nuovi metodi e strumenti per lorientamento professionale. MotivatingProgrammingCACM. Storytelling: Student Activities. Teaching Computer Science through Storytelling. Presenters’ Choice Participate.

Teaching Computer Science through Storytelling

KelleherThesis CSD. I 6 KILLER DELL'ATTENZIONE IN CLASSE CHE EVITANO LA NOIA. Acquisire nuove competenze: usare i giochi nell’apprendimento. Image: yoppy /

Acquisire nuove competenze: usare i giochi nell’apprendimento

Chi siamo - Trashware Cesena. Il progetto è realizzato dall’associazione studentesca S.P.R.I.Te. – “Studenti Polo Romagnolo in Informatica e Tecnologie”.

Chi siamo - Trashware Cesena

Informatici Senza Frontiere. BITeB. AFTRR – Alliance for Technology Refurbishing & Reuse. World’s largest non-profit supplier of refurbished computers launches campaign for action against toxic trade. The Agile Classroom: Embracing an Agile Mindset In Education. The beauty of Agile being a culture is that you can apply it to any organization, and to any aspect of work. And that’s precisely what we’ve ventured out to do at Laboratoria.

We are applying Agile values and principles to education. What follows describes how the Agile culture has shaped our approach towards teaching coding at Laboratoria. I. Running Sprints, not Marathons. Scrum In School - Michael Vizdos. Scrum in School - WHY I am convinced our current educational system — worldwide — is a relic of the Industrial Age where people (children) are still taught:​DO NOT think criticallyDO NOT question authorityDO NOT learn the love of learningDO NOT create or explore new ideas.In April (2016) I co-facilitated a group of educators — from around the world — in creating their version of an “Agile Manifesto” (and they did not call it another manifesto).​This is the main outcome our three days together in Orlando, Florida: EduScrum Homepage.

Agilereloaded – L'azienda Italiana per il Coaching Agile. Better learning in Italian high schools using lean and Scrum - Planet Lean. FEATURE – Is the traditional teaching model used in our schools obsolete? A high school in Italy has been experimenting with lean thinking and Scrum applied to students’ learning, and the results have been enlightening. Words: Giuseppe Acquasaliente, lean coach, Istituto Lean Management – Italy Education systems around the world are under mounting pressure to provide students with the knowledge and skills they will really need to become productive members of society and tap into their full potential. Didamatica17 paper 26. "Scrummize Your Classroom" - Education Elements. “Scrum in teaching? Duh, why haven’t I thought of this earlier!”

When I came across the thought-provoking article on EdSurge by Gayle Allen describing how Scrum can be applied in k-12 education, this was my very first reaction (I highly recommend reading her article before reading this blog if you’re not familiar with Scrum methodology). Scrum: The Future for Education? - Scrum Inc. Kaizen. Stephen Ritz. SlidesCarnival: Free PPT templates for presentations, Google Slides themes and Canva templates. Iconmonstr - Free simple icons for your next project. Free Icons for Everything - Noun Project.

Corso strumenti per la didattica

Alternanza Scuola Lavoro. Unpluggedteachersact01. CSEDbinary. 28.3. NP-Completeness — OpenDSA Data Structures and Algorithms Modules Collection. Hard Problems There are several ways that a problem could be considered hard. For example, we might have trouble understanding the definition of the problem itself. At the beginning of a large data collection and analysis project, developers and their clients might have only a hazy notion of what their goals actually are, and need to work that out over time.

For other types of problems, we might have trouble finding or understanding an algorithm to solve the problem. None of these is what is commonly meant when a computer theoretician uses the word "hard". The Towers of Hanoi problem takes exponential time, that is, its running time is . Consider what happens if you buy a computer that is twice as fast and try to solve a bigger Towers of Hanoi problem in a given amount of time. There are a number of other fundamental differences between polynomial running times and exponential running times that argues for treating them as qualitatively different.

Esercizi macchine a stati 1 soluzioni. Ea1. Esercizi sugli automi. Problemi olimpici 2 12. Dispensa automi. Le organizzazioni nello stato di Flow. Perché la cultura aziendale è importante. Il futuro del lavoro. Corso Web App Lugo.