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Bienvenue! (Welcome from the curator)

Bienvenue! (Welcome from the curator)
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Vintage Soviet Posters & Propaganda | International Poster Gallery Moor, Dimitri.1st of May - A Festival of Labor, 1920 Moor, Dimitri. Cossack - Who are you with, them or us?, 1920 Zvorykin, B. Moor, Dimitri.Be on Guard! Kochergin, Nikolai.Capitalism and Company, 1920 Cheremnych, Mikhail.Rosta Window #81 (Quickly Repair Agriculture), 1920 Tarkhov, D. Stenberg, Vladimir & Georgy. Anonymous. Stenberg, Vladimir & Georgy.Don Q Son of Zorro, 1929 Klutsis, Gustav. Blik, A. Koretsky, Viktor. Klutsis, Gustav. Koretsky, Viktor. Knoblok. Klutsis, Gustav. Artist Unknown.On Top - A film in 5 parts, circa 1928. Artist Unknown, Unmask Him! After Aleksander M. Artist Unknown, Let's Conquer Space! Gavrilov,Do Not Pollute Reservoirs With Oil, 1959. Lenin created the first truly modern propaganda machine, and its most colorful, dramatic and original form was the poster. Although posters were produced in Russia before the Revolution, they were overshadowed by the remarkable propaganda posters of the Soviets. The Soviet art of propaganda falls into six main periods: Back to top

Domaine de Chantilly Digital Archive of Art Index| Architecture | Painting | Sculpture | Art on the Web - links | Fine Arts department home page | Search the Fine Arts pages Slides by Prof. Jeffery Howe. These images are intended primarily for the educational use of Boston College students and others; please email any requests for other uses to: Jeffery Howe ( Architecture Digital Archive of American Architecture - American architecture 17th-20th centuries, Boston College Digital Archive of European Architecture Painting These pages created and maintained by Prof.

Architecture Design Architectural Images History Models and More - ArchitectureWeek Great Buildings MediaMente: Navigazione del 13 aprile 1999 Il Web è la grande festa degli espositori e le istituzioni museali si domandano se è meglio restare fuori da un ambito espositivo disseminato su tutto il mondo o se entrarci in modo marginale senza scoprirsi del tutto. Il museo del Louvre, ad esempio, nella sola pinacoteca conta circa 6000 opere tra la fine del XIII secolo e la metà del XIX secolo con una collezione estremamente varia che spazia su tutta la produzione europea. Di tutto questo in Rete resta una selezione molto accurata in cui i dipinti non superano le dimensioni di un pacchetto di sigarette. Nel museo degli Uffizi è possibile visitare virtualmente alcune zone del museo grazie alla tecnologia Quicktime Vr. Anche il Moma di New York che è stato uno dei primi musei al mondo ad entrare in Rete ha attuato la stessa scelta. Sul fronte italiano le cose stanno più o meno nello stesso modo. Museionline è strutturato per accogliere siti, immagini e gallerie provenienti da tutti i musei del nostro paese.

Digital Imaging Project: Art historical images of European and North American architecture and sculpture from classical Greek to Post-modern THIS SITE IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION--coming soon: images from Spain (Barcelona, Tarragona, Valencia, and Zaragoza) and from Sicily. See earlier featured sites here. Click here to go to the index of art historical sites. Click here to go to the index of artists and architects. Click here to go to the chronological index. NOTE: I will be adding pages regularly since I continue to travel and take more photographs. Web Creator's comments: philosophy, technical issues, use of images, etc. In Memoriam: Maggie, our English Springer Spaniel See OH WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DIFFERENCE MAKES: GENDER IN THE VISUAL ARTS--Bluffton College forum speech of October 8, 2002 Copyright © Mary Ann Sullivan. Tamayo on Ikebana Ikebana is not just about flower arranging. Through the act of ikebana, you become involved in the process of terminating the life of a botanical creature, of discovering the beauty, mystery and power of plants, and the variety of possible outcomes is simply enormous! By creating a momentary art piece, ikebana instills in us a positive attitude, a fortitude and an ability to concentrate deeply. This is one way to enrich our lifestyle. There are hundreds of Ikebana schools and styles. Ikeduende? Ikeduende is an amalgamation of the Japanese word ‘ike’ and the Spanish word ‘duende’. Ike, from ‘ikebana’, means living or life-giving, while duende is one of those words which defies explanation. Through practising ikebana, Tamayo believes one’s own duende can emerge, though it is the flowers who could be the audience here, listening or responding or refusing to us. About Tamayo Hussey Artist

Il portale dell'arte sul Web - - Gianni Paulis: Arte e Web Segnaliamo ai navigatori del nostro portale questo interessante libro: "Arte e Web" scritto da Gianni Paulis edito da Caravaggio Editore. Il libro, uscito a giugno, pone l'attenzione sulla rivoluzione che la nascita di Internet ha portato nel mondo dell'arte. "Arte digitale" e "Museo del web" sono i temi maggiormente trattati sia in ambito nazionale che mondiale. L'autore analizza i siti di diversi musei e gallerie internazionali e fornisce una breve descrizione e un'attenta valutazione sulla loro effettiva qualità. Per maggiori informazioni e per leggere l'introduzione del libro potete collegarvi al sito dell'editore all'indirizzo:

We are all homeless: The "WE ARE ALL HOMELESS" Project - an introduction This project began in 1993 when I started buying and collecting signs from the homeless. (More on that in the description of the art show HOME?) Over the past few years I have developed art work using the signs, which became focused while I was pursuing an MFA in Arts & Technology at UTDallas. In the Fall 2009 semester we were challenged to develop an art project that would be interventionist in nature, meaning that it would cause some interruption in our daily lives, which resulted in the development of WE ARE ALL HOMELESS. It began as a series of "flash mob happenings," where a few dozen people holding up authentic homeless signs converged on an intersection or other public location (2009-2010). Since then the project has resulted in a number of art installations and projects, some of which are described in this blog. The purpose of the project is to raise awareness about homelessness, and to change the preconceived ideas many people have about the homeless and their situations.
