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Listen to our series LearnEnglish Podcasts

Listen to our series LearnEnglish Podcasts

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Listening Comprehension – Toilet Training the Cat – Stuart McLean Last year, Canada lost a national treasure – Stuart McLean. He began his radio program The Vinyl Cafe in 1994, and to date has recorded more than 400 stories on CBC radio (Canadian Broadcast Company). It got to be so popular that he traveled throughout small town Canada with musical acts and shared his stories about Dave, Morley, Sam and Stephanie on the Vinyl Cafe with that old radio voice that captivated so many. Now, thanks to the wonder of Spotfiy – The Vinyl Cafe, I get to sit in my kitchen every Sunday morning with my coffee and become entranced once more… now it is even more special because sometimes my 8 year old daughter sits with me too. The Vinyl Cafe is perfect for higher level listening comprehension exercises. It is also one of those “I have nothing planned – PANIC!!”

10 Best Free Listening Websites with Quizzes to Practise for Listening Exams So what do you do to practise listening for exams? Growing up, I never had the opportunity to do any extra practice to improve my listening skills. We didn’t have the Internet and the thousand possibilities it offers to learners of any language nowadays. The teachers had an old tape player that sometimes stopped and started on its own and old tapes that ended up sounding distorted and most of the times unlistenable so if you wanted to get better at listening, you just listened to the radio and struggled to understand the lyrics and sing along. Not that I ever complained.

Food Vocabulary Writing and Speaking Prompts- Tell about your favourite food. What is it? the ultimate listening game: ask Google assistant – Keep It Simple Activities Here is a listening game that you will fall in love with and, most importantly, your A1- A2 students will too. You may also try this with higher levels with the suggested items below or with more specific searches. You need Google assistant on your computer or a phone and a set of speakers. Arrange your students in groups of three or four and decide on lexical items you would like to review. Let’s say your students have been learning words for jobs. Then go on Google and click on the microphone icon and say (or have a student say) “names of jobs beginning with t”.

Countable and uncountable nouns In this post, I try to explain what countable and uncountable nouns are. When I speak with native speakers of English they often tell me that the concept of countability in English is absolutely natural. “You simply know which noun is countable and which is not.” Picture dictation Submitted 16 years 6 months ago by admin. This is a low preparation fun activity that works well with large classes, especially with young learners and teens. All your students need is a blank piece of paper and all the teacher needs is a little bit of imagination. Procedure

Teach English with Word Games Need to fill a 20-minute gap with an engaging activity that helps students learn and review English vocabulary? Try one of these high interest word games. These word games help students learn and review vocabulary based on a fun puzzle format. As a puzzle, there is an objective and challenge. Teachers can be most productive by resisting the urge to give the answers away to quickly. Most of my students seem to enjoy the challenge of muddling through the brain game, with the occasional hint from the teacher.

Compound Words Foldable Here is a simple foldable, that students can make, to demonstrate compound words. You can also use this same foldable to show contractions. All you need is A4 paper, scissors, and pencils. Like this: Like Loading... Independent English podcast (noun)a recording of a radio broadcast or a video that can be taken from the InternetTo listen to the podcast, click on the link below.I download podcasts of radio shows and listen to them in the car.[Definition from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary] Although the word podcast was originally taken from ‘iPod’ and ‘broadcast’, you don’t need an iPod to listen to one.

Worksheet-free Vocab Revision Activities – Clare's ELT Compendium What do you do in those last 5 minutes of class when you’ve finished everything that was planned? Or when energy levels hit a low during a lesson? Or in that lull while the next student gets ready to present, or whatever? We all know about the need to revise and recycle new vocabulary in language lessons, and in this post I want to share a few vocabulary revision activities that teachers can slot into any downtime that might occur in a lesson! I’ve built up my repertoire of this kind of quick review activity over the years, so many are borrowed or adapted from colleagues, and others are based on popular board games. ESL English Listening & Adult Literacy - News - Audiobooks - Songs - Radio Dr... Laurie by Stephen King Part One (25 min. at normal speed - Various speeds available) Part Two (28 min. at normal speed - Various speeds available) Laurie is a beautiful and heartwarming story. It is a story about hope and life in general.

Intermediate Archives Intermediate Archives - Dreamreader Other Featured Articles The Hand of God July 05, 2019 World Refugee Day The 10 Best Places to Find ELT Listening Materials If, like me, you find that one of the most commonly heard requests from your learners is to provide them with additional listening materials to study with outside of class, this post is definitely for you. I’ve trawled the internet and the result of my extensive labors is the list of ten great resources you see below… enjoy! 1) Link Eng Park 14 Song-Based Lesson Plans and Activities Although I know I like using music in my teaching, I never thought there would be so much of it on this blog when I started it over a year ago. Songs are fun, authentic sources with multiple possibilities in the classroom, but the main reason for having published 14 lesson plans and activities based on songs here is to a large extent due to copyright issues: while lyrics and songs are easily available for everyone online, access to other types of authentic texts is more limited because of copyright constraints. I also think the key to a successful song-based lesson is to deal with the text as you would with any other type of short text, whether written or oral, to practise a variety of comprehension skills, work on specific grammar and vocabulary, or introduce a topic for discussion. Choosing a song that meets the students’ needs is not always easy, though. Listening for specific information 1.
