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English In A Minute - Episodes

Related:  Ressources pour les classes inversées en HGRessources anglais : continuité pédagogiqueVocabulary/games/idioms/grammar

Ressources pour travailler le thème de la Saint Patrick Des documents persos pour célébrer la Saint-Patrick avec les 6èmes : * Une fiche de vocabulaire : Write the words under the correct picture * Des applis sur ce site pour rebrasser le vocabulaire de la fiche : English Words Used in French: Your Complete Guide to "Anglicismes" Warning: This is not your parents’ French! No, what we’re dealing with today is an altogether different, highly-evolved, complex creature. Maybe your teachers haven’t told you, but recent French borrows lots of English words. And this notable phenomenon isn’t just limited to tech words or online pop culture.

5 chaînes YouTube pour progresser en anglais La vidéo est un formidable moyen pour progresser en anglais et d’excellentes chaînes YouTube t’attendent pour t’aider. En voici une petite sélection. Des chaînes YouTube pour améliorer son anglais, il en existe des dizaines. Tu n’as que l’embarras du choix. Les 5 chaînes que nous avons sélectionnées sont très différentes les unes des autres.

101 French Words You Regularly Use in English Even if you’re just starting to study French, believe it or not, you’ve already got a pretty extensive vocabulary! The reason for this is over 10,000 English words come from French. Many others come from Latin, the language from which French originated. This means that a significant number of English words have either exact French counterparts or very similar equivalents in French. That’s something to celebrate!

Tests Anglais - Vocable Cette semaine Drôle d’oiseau Saurez-vous trouver le nom de ces oiseaux en anglais ? Grammaire Complétez ces citations avec le démonstratif correspondant : that, thi ... The, a ou Ø ? 1000 Examples of Compound Words in English - English Grammar Here 1000 Examples of Compound Words in English 1. aboveboard 2. afterbirth 3. afterburner 4. afterglow 5. afterimage 6. afterlife 7. aftermath 8. afternoon 9. airbrush 10. aircraft 11. aircraft 12. airfield 13. airfield 14. airlift 15. airline 16. airliner 17. airmail 18. airman 19. airmen 20. airplane 21. airport 22. airport 23. airship 24. airtime 25. allover 26. allspice 27. alongside 28. also 29. another 30. anybody 31. anyhow 32. anymore 33. anyone 34. anyplace 35. anything 36. anytime 37. anyway 38. anywhere 39. armchair 40. armpit 41. around 42. arrowhead 43. ashtray 44. authorship 45. babysitter 46. backache

50 Different Words You Can Use Instead of "Nice" Spice up your “nice”! He’s nice. What a nice dress. Boring! You are now probably thinking what is another word for nice? We are here to help. Marvellous & Mischievous: Literature’s Young Rebels A free, family-friendly exhibition bringing together young rebels from children’s literature Anyone can be a rebel, whether they are standing up for their beliefs, saving the planet or battling against the odds. See how characters from Pippi Longstocking to Princess Pearl break rules and defy conventions to make the world a better place for others. Rediscover your favourite characters and the youthful optimism you share with them. Roald Dahl’s handwritten drafts of Matilda sit alongside Quentin Blake’s iconic illustrations, as well as other enduring classics from The Secret Garden to Where the Wild Things Are. Not all rebels are mischievous rogues, some are spirited survivors.

The 50 most important English proverbs The 50 most important English proverbs What are proverbs? Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. English Short Stories – Simple and Illustrated Improve your English with English short stories. This is the fun way! Important Note Make sure you start with stories at your level, and go gradually up. Do not start with difficult stories that you can't really understand, OK? You can also check out the Learn English Video section.

teatime magazine Canada’s slang borrows from dozens of languages and heritages from coast to coast. Writer Martha Nelson takes us on a linguistic tour. Text by: Martha NelsonCountry: Canada nyone who has ventured to Canada, or the Great White North, as it is affectionately known, will be familiar with a few special words and phrases unique to this part of the world.
