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12 of the World’s Most Mysterious Monuments & Ruins

12 of the World’s Most Mysterious Monuments & Ruins
12 of the World’s Most Mysterious Monuments & Ruins Article by Steph, filed under Abandoned Places in the Architecture category. Around the world, in places as diverse as Homestead, Florida and Yonaguni, Japan stand monuments and ruins whose origins are shrouded in mystery. Nobody knows exactly why Stonehenge was built, how a set of manmade ruins came to be submerged deep in the ocean or who commissioned a giant carved granite set of post-apocalyptic instructions for rebuilding society on a remote hill in Georgia. Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse (images via: Wired) On a barren knoll in northeastern Georgia stands one of the world’s most bizarre and mysterious monuments. Lake Michigan Stonehenge (image via: io9) A group of researchers using sonar to look for shipwrecks at the bottom of Lake Michigan got quite a surprise when they found what appears to be an ancient Stonehenge-like structure 40 feet beneath the surface of the water. Underwater Ruins in Japan (images via: Hottnez) Related:  pmw

Without borders... The 100 most beautiful places in the world The 100 most beautiful places in the world (click a screenshot to enlarge it) - 1 - The inca city of Machu Picchu country : Peru place : near Cuzco - 2 - The Iguazu waterfalls country : Argentina - Brazil place : borders between the two countries - 3 - The Tadj Mahall country : India place : Agra, south-west of Delhi - 4 - The pyramids and the sphinx country : Egypt place : Giseh, south-west of Cairo - 5 - The great canyon of Colorado country : United States of America place : south-west of the country, Arizona state - 6 - Migrating animals in the Serengeti park country : Tanzania place : north of the country, east of Victoria lake - 7 - The Nabatean city of Petra country : Jordania place : south-west of the country, near Israel - 8 - The big wall of China country : China place : north-east of the country, along Inner Mongolia - 9 - The Victoria waterfalls country : Zimbabwe - Zambia place : border between the two countries - 26 - Bali island country : Indonesia place : east of Java island

Peruvian tomb discovery deemed 'as important as Machu Picchu' The discovery of nine ancient tombs in the Peruvian jungle is being called the most important find since Machu Picchu. The tombs belong to the Wari, a pre-Incan civilisation, and were unearthed in the highland province of Cuzco (pictured above). Experts expect to also unearth a city in the area, possibly that of the legendary lost city of riches, Paititi. "It opens a new chapter on archaeological research and forces us to re-write history," Juan Garcia from Peru's ministry of culture said. The site, known as Vilcabamba, was the Inca's last foothold of resistance against the Spanish before their nearly 400-year reign over the region came to an end in 1572AD. The find -- the first evidence of the Wari inhabiting Peru's jungles -- suggests the civilisation may have dominated other areas later taken over by the Incas, and indicates that the Incas will have inherited much of the Wari culture. Nazca culture appears to have been passed on to the Wari, and likewise the Wari to the Incan.

This free online encyclopedia has achieved what Wikipedia can only dream of The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy may be the most interesting website on the internet. Not because of the content—which includes fascinating entries on everything from ambiguity to zombies—but because of the site itself. Its creators have solved one of the internet’s fundamental problems: How to provide authoritative, rigorously accurate knowledge, at no cost to readers. It’s something the encyclopedia, or SEP, has managed to do for two decades. The internet is an information landfill. Somewhere in it—buried under piles of opinion, speculation, and misinformation—is virtually all of human knowledge. The story of how the SEP is run, and how it came to be, shows that it is possible to create a less trashy internet—or at least a less trashy corner of it. The impossible trinity of information The online SEP has humble beginnings. That makes it positively ancient in internet years. The SEP is neither pre-internet, nor is it ossified. Where other encyclopedias fall short Landfill no more

65 verrückte Bilder auf Google Street View (Update) - Witzig & skurril - Online Wenn Google mit seinen Autos für Google Street View durch die Straßen fährt, fangen die Kameras auch oft witzige oder skurrile Szenen ein. Wir haben die witzigsten Fundstücke gesammelt. In diesem Fun-Special stellen wir Ihnen die witzigsten Situationen, die die Kameras der Google-Street-View-Autos weltweit eingefangen haben. Google Maps, Google Earth und Google Street View laden gerade dazu ein, auf der Welt virtuell auf Entdeckungstour zu gehen. Dabei stoßen die Anwender immer wieder auf kuriose Aufnahmen der Google-Autos. Update: Aktuell haben wir die Google Street View Galerie um weitere irre Momentaufnahmen erweitert. witzige Google Street View Impressionen Verrückte Google-Street-View-Impressionen witzige Google Street View Impressionen Witzige Google Street View Impressionen Witzige Google Street View ImpressionenWitzige Google Street View Impressionen 50 witzige Google Street View Impressionen - Bild 22 50 witzige Google Street View Impressionen - Bild 23

10 Most Fascinating Castles and Palaces The Potala Palace: Tibet's greatest monumental structure Perched upon Marpo Ri hill, 130 meters above the Lhasa valley, the Potala Palace rises a further 170 meters and is the greatest monumental structure in all of Tibet. In 637 Emperor Songtsen Gampo decided to build this palace on a hill, and the structure stood until the seventeenth century, when it was incorporated into the foundations of the greater buildings still standing today. Mont Saint-Michel: a Medieval Castle on a Small Island Mont St Michel France is situated on a quasi-island on the Normandy coast, near Brittany, which at high tide is almost entirely separated from the mainland. Predjamski Castle: Integrated in a Cave Every castle in the world is unique in some way, no two are the same, but this one --even though it's rather small and humble compared to some-- is probably the only one in the world who is integrated in a cave, precisely the second largest cave system in Slovenia.

Everything You Need to Know About “Click and Drag” If you’re a regular reader of the brilliant xkcd, then you probably got lost in today’s comic, “Click and Drag.” It features three short panels sitting above a seemingly larger, finite panel. However, when you perform the comic’s titular action, click and drag, the larger, bottom panels seems to sprawl on forever in various directions, revealing amusing quips, sad stories, and what is essentially an entire world. There are many impressive facets about “Click and Drag,” such as the panel measuring in at 1.3 terapixels, as well as small community of coders creating applets to help readers better navigate the behemoth. Head on past the break for some stellar info, and maybe set aside some time later today to explore the enormous comic. Comic Size We have some pretty interesting numbers regarding the xkcd comic. Different Ways to View the Image In this image, you can treat the comic like Google Street View, zooming in and out until the actual bits and pieces of the comic are indecipherable.

Fotos aus aller Welt Japanese Folktales selected and edited by D. L. Contents Return to D. The Two Frogs Once upon a time in the country of Japan there lived two frogs, one of whom made his home in a ditch near the town of Osaka, on the sea coast, while the other dwelt in a clear little stream which ran through the city of Kyoto. So one fine morning in the spring they both set out along the road that led from Kyoto to Osaka, one from one end and the other from the other. They looked at each other for a moment without speaking, and then fell into conversation, explaining the cause of their meeting so far from their homes. "What a pity we are not bigger," said the Osaka frog; "for then we could see both towns from here, and tell if it is worth our while going on." "Oh, that is easily managed," returned the Kyoto frog. This idea pleased the Osaka frog so much that he at once jumped up and put his front paws on the shoulder of his friend, who had risen also. "Dear me!" The Mirror of Matsuyama "What have you hidden in your sleeve?"
