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Wallace & Gromit - The Official Site
Related:  games

How to set-up the Guess-who game How to set-up the Guess-who game To set-up the guess who game for your students:Download and unzip the file into a directory called games. This will create a guessWho directory in it. When you click on "Play Game" with the origial people and images directories you will see To play the game ask a question by picking the gender, hair color, eye color, or earings? When you click on "Add people to game" you will see Link to this Page

I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! - ITV In honour of Edwina being the worst CIA agent ever, we're on the hunt for your kookaburra calls. It's very simple: just fire up your camera phone, film yourself screeching like a kookaburra in a jungle-style environment and then send it in to us. We might use the best on air, for guaranteed national fame*. Bienvenidos Games for the classroom Okay, these games have been modified to get the whole class involved. One of the worst things you can hear is, "I never get picked." The popular kids claim they don't get picked enough, the unpopular kids complain they never get picked. These games solve the problem. The Drawing Game (This is a game I made up) If you have a whiteboard, you can use 3 markers, if not use a chalkboard and 3 pieces of chalk.On the board you write the numbers 1, 2, and 3 near the top. Space the numbers about 2-3 feet apart. You don't want them to see the ones who you will pick now. That way,it is obvious who goes where. The person at the back turns around and picks their "favorite." And you pick something else to draw, and continue on as long as you like! You know the game. *Ticket system: Cut out colored pieces of construction paper, about the size of a raffle ticket. Who is missing? You pick one student to be "it." You then ask the person who is "it" to turn around and guess who is missing. Four corners

Blanca my aunts dog The Morph Files Early Years A basic numeral recognition activitiy. Develop your mouse control and number skills by matching number digits to words in the 1 to 10 range. © An initial sounds phonic activity that develops the link between letters and the initial sounds of some common objects. A counting and numeral recognition set of activities. Colouring and matching activity. Use the Simple Scales to weigh the bears. Dressing for the Weather is a drag and drop dressing activity. A drag and drop alien making activity to develop mouse control skills and to develop language. Drag and drop fun with the Scary Spuds. © Drag and drop the names of the single digit numbers on to the picture. Drag and drop the names of the colours on to the picture. This simple labelling activity can be used to reinforce the idea of labels and as a framework for children to begin to add their own captions and labels to familiar scenes such as a teddy bear's picnic.picnic lesson outline

santa Pâte à Modeler illustrations et personnages Lili&BekO C'est parce que la pâte à modeler trouve ses origines dans l'enfance qu'elle interpelle autant les jeunes que les adultes... Le rapport à la matière aux couleurs et à la fantaisie invite l'imagination dans toutes les directions. Ainsi, nous modelons personnages et autres décors en pâte à modeler aussi bien pour des illustrations, affiches, livres etc... que pour des films d'animation. En effet la pate à modeler (plastiline) est vivante et grace à la technique de l'image par image, réalisons des films, séquences animées et vidéos pour la TV, le web, DVD, CDRom et autres médias où les images peuvent bouger ! Nous partons de vos idées ou en trouvons pour vous.

Math Games and Puzzles Games and PuzzlesProduced byMary-Lynne Snedden The Esso Family Math online games require the Flash 6 Player. Download it for free from the Macromedia website. Instructions The object of the game is to correctly count the possums in the the tree and on the ground. There are ten possums in the tree. Click on one and while holding your mouse down, drag the possum out of the tree to the green grass. When you are finished with the possum game, try the Ten Hedgehogs in the Bed for an extra challenge. Have fun! There are ten hedgehogs in the bed. The object of the game is to use all of the coloured shapes to recreate the figure in the silhouette. Click on a shape, then drag the shape while holding down the mouse key, into position on top of the silhouette. When you think you have the puzzle complete, click on the answer button to check if you are correct. Crossing the River Game - Play now! Instructions There are twelve boats lined up on the right side of the screen.

pratique d'une langue vivante étrangère - répertoire de jeux en langues vivantes Ce dossier a été constitué au fil des années par le groupe départemental langues vivantes de Loire-Atlantique, composé de maîtres-animateurs et de conseillers pédagogiques en langues vivantes. La volonté du groupe était d’offrir à des enseignants du premier degré, expérimentés ou non dans l’enseignement des langues, la possibilité d’enrichir leurs pratiques de classe, à l’aide de jeux existants. Ce répertoire regroupe donc un certain nombre de jeux traditionnels ou classiques qui n’ont pas été conçus pour l’enseignement mais peuvent favorablement être exploités en classe de langues, pour différentes raisons : leur valeur ludique, leur intérêt culturel, et/ou leur intérêt pédagogique. Pour schématiser, on peut ranger ces jeux en différentes catégories : Les jeux « traditionnels » : Ce sont généralement des jeux anciens. Les jeux « classiques » sont des jeux populaires plus récents, souvent connus des jeunes apprenants français.

Game Based Learning: Zondle Il ruolo del gioco nella progettazione di percorsi formativi ha sempre avuto un peso molto rilevante. Paradossalmente, il ricorso al gioco con strumenti digitali non è ancora così diffuso, per il timore che la componente ludica prenda il sopravvento sui contenuti che vogliamo promuovere. In realtà il segreto del Game Based Learning sta proprio nel riconoscimento della potenzialità fortemente interattiva del videogioco come supporto e stimolo per l’apprendimento. Nasce da qui l’idea di utilizzare lo strumento videogame, per la sua popolarità e rilevanza nel vissuto degli studenti, in vari contesti educativi e di formazione per motivare gli alunni, attirare la loro attenzione e aiutarli a costruire strutture di apprendimento significative e permanenti. Un esempio di piattaforma per introdurre il GBL in classe è Zondle, progettata per costruire giochi didattici e supportare gli insegnanti nel monitoraggio dei progressi degli studenti in ambienti di apprendimento personalizzati.

10 PowerPoint Games There are several benefits to using PowerPoint games in the classroom. They provide an opportunity to model an activity or a game (especially with large classes), they can be fun to play, they are easy to create or edit and they don’t require an internet connection. Since tekhnologic started over two years ago, I have shared several PowerPoint games that I have created. Now, as 2016 draws to a close, I wanted to put together a bumper pack of PowerPoint games to thank everyone who has been following this blog. You’ll find a few some new games as well as some old favorites. I hope you will enjoy playing them. Game Number 1: Tic-Tac-Toe Download the tic-tac-toe PowerPoint I wrote about playing tic-tac-toe to set discussion goals back in April 2015, but I originally designed the template in Excel. When you open the template, you will see nine numbered squares. Divide your students into two teams. Circles go first. Click on the square once to reveal a circle. Then it’s the crosses turn. Pair Up
