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5 Minute Introduction

5 Minute Introduction
• What is Buddhism? Buddhism is a religion to about 300 million people around the world. The word comes from 'budhi', 'to awaken'. It has its origins about 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gotama, known as the Buddha, was himself awakened (enlightened) at the age of 35. • Is Buddhism a Religion? To many, Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or 'way of life'. (1) to lead a moral life, (2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and (3) to develop wisdom and understanding. • How Can Buddhism Help Me? Buddhism explains a purpose to life, it explains apparent injustice and inequality around the world, and it provides a code of practice or way of life that leads to true happiness. • Why is Buddhism Becoming Popular? Buddhism is becoming popular in western countries for a number of reasons, The first good reason is Buddhism has answers to many of the problems in modern materialistic societies. • Who Was the Buddha? • Was the Buddha a God? • Do Buddhists Worship Idols? Related:  World

Lecture Notes: Early Indian and Chinese Civilizations The Rise and Spread of Civilization in India and China, c. 2500 BC-AD 535 Introduction and Overview: Early Indian Civilization 1) The third of the great river valley civilizations developed along the Indus River in present-day Pakistan. It flourished from about 2400 BC to about 1500 BC. 2) Shortly before its collapse, Indo-European or Aryan invaders entered the Indian sub-continent. 3) Over the course of the following centuries, these two civilizations blended and evolved, forming Indian civilization. 4) During this period, two great religious traditions — Hinduism and Buddhism — had their origins and then spread outwards. 5) Rise of Maurya and Gupta Empires. 6) Establishment of fundamental patterns of Indian civilization. Indus Valley Civilization View of Mohenjo-Daro towards the Great Bath. Street in Mohenjo-Daro with Covered Drain. Little is known about Harappan political life. Scholars can only speculate on the causes of the decline of Harappan civilization. Nature of the caste system

Film protests: US orders Tunisia and Sudan withdrawal 16 September 2012Last updated at 03:29 ET The US State Department has now advised US citizens against all travel to Tunisia The United States has ordered non-essential diplomatic staff and their families to leave Sudan and Tunisia. In a statement, the state department also urged US citizens in Tunisia to make their way out of the country. The US embassies in the Tunisian and Sudanese capitals have both been attacked in the wave of anti-US protests in the Muslim world over an anti-Islam film made in the US. Earlier, Sudan refused to allow the US to send Marines to protect its embassy. Sudanese officials said the country's security forces were capable of providing protection to the embassy. Three people were killed when the US embassy was attacked in Khartoum on Friday. Americans were also warned against all travel to Tunisia, after two people lost their lives during attacks on the embassy in Tunis and a neighbouring American school. 'Unacceptable' insult Low-budget production Calls for calm

The Middle Ages | Feudalism Characteristics of the Feudal World Timeline The Middle Ages or medieval time is believed to have started with the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 and to have lasted about 1,000 years until about 1450. The beginning of the Middle Ages is called the Dark Ages because the great civilizations of Rome and Greece had been conquered. The end of the Middle Ages in about 1450 led to the beginning of the Renaissance. The principal features of the Renaissance were that learning became important, the lords and the church were both becoming powerful forces for change, the art world was flourishing with innovations like the development of perspective in painting and there was great advancement in science. The barbarians were prevalent in most of the European nations of the Middle Ages. It should be noted that other parts of the world were thriving in this era. The People Life was very hard in the Middle Ages. The Family Family life was governed by the place one held in society.

Iranian commander: Nothing will remain of Israel if it attacks In unusually strongly worded, detailed statement, Revolutionary Guard Chief Mohammad Ali Jafari warns Israel against consequences of proceeding with military strike against Tehran's nuclear program The top commander in Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard warned Sunday that "nothing will remain" of Israel if it takes military action against Tehran over its controversial nuclear program. General Mohammad Ali Jafari said Iran's response to any attack will begin near the Israeli border. The Islamic Republic has close ties with terrorists in Gaza and Lebanon, both of which border Israel. Related stories: Iran has in the past made reference to the destruction of Israel but his comments at a Tehran news conference were unusually strongly worded and detailed. He also said that Iran warned that oil shipments through the strategic Strait of Hormuz will be in jeopardy if a war breaks out between Iran and the United States. Gen. "But it does not mean that we have a military presence there," he said.

History 266: World History from the Renaissance to Imperialism--Lecture Notes Lecture Notes Developed by Lee M. Pappas and Nicholas C. Lecture 1: An Introduction to History. A. Lecture 2: The World in the 15th Century. A. Lecture 3: Fifteenth Century Europe: Social and Economic Changes A. Lecture 4: Fifteenth Century Europe: Cultural Changes: The Renaissance. A. Lecture 5: Sixteenth Century Europe: Cultural Changes--The Reformation. A. Lecture 6: Lecture Protestants, Catholics and the Wars of Religion. While Lutheranism was essentially sober, restrained, and moderate in nature as it spread throughout Germany and Scandinavia, the Protestant wave produced far reaching religious change in other areas in Europe. Lecture 7: The Ottoman Empire and the Muscovy. A. Lecture 8: The Expansion of Europe: Initial Phase and General effects, 1400-1600. Overview: The European discovery of America was a complete accident: a momentous piece of serendipity on the part of men who had set out to look for something else. A. Lecture 10: State Formation in Early Modern Europe.

Servpro Franchise Information At a Glance Products & Services: Insurance/disaster restoration and cleaning Number of Locations: 1,614 Total Investment: $134.8K - $183.5K Founded: 1967 Began Franchising: 1969 About Servpro Servpro started out in 1967 as a painting business. Servpro franchisees specialize in disaster restoration, offering cleanup and repairs to both commercial and residential customers whose property has suffered fire or water damage. Franchise Units Where Seeking Franchisees: Franchisor is seeking new franchise units throughout the U.S. and Canada. Startup Costs, Ongoing Fees and Financing Total Investment: $134,800 - $183,450 Franchise Fee: $43,000 Ongoing Royalty Fee: 3-10% Term of Franchise Agreement: 5 years, renewable Financial Requirements Net Worth: $100,000 Liquid Cash Available: $85,000 Operations 40% of all franchisees own more than one unit. How This Franchise Supports Franchisees Training: Available at headquarters: 2-1/2 weeks. Other marketing support: National accounts marketing

Prof. John Paul Adams Department of Modern and Classical Languages and LiteraturesCollege of Humanities OFFICE HOURS: None. "Adding to the store of human knowledge ... is one of the noblest activities of a public University." - Lee Bollinger, President, Columbia University "Universities should be safe havens where ruthless examination of realities will not be distorted by the aim to please or inhibited by the risk of displeasure." - Kingman Brewster, Jr. (1919-1988) President, Yale University (1963-1977) "I've worked in an economy that rewards someone who saves lives on a battlefield with a medal, rewards a great teacher with thank-you notes, but rewards those who can make money in securities with sums reaching into the billions. - Warren Buffet, Chair, Berkshire Hathaway "A professorship of theology should have no place in our institution."

FDR Framework For new readers of this blog, your humble blogger would like to suggest the following posts as they provide the intellectual foundation to the the FDR Framework. The FDR Framework recognizes that our capital markets reflect a philosophy of disclosure combined with the principle of caveat emptor [buyer beware]. For the capital markets to function properly, each must be present: Governments are responsible for insuring that investors have access to all the useful, relevant information in an appropriate, timely manner and not endorsing a specific investment.Investors are responsible for doing their own homework prior to investing and so long as they hold the investment. Finally, there is The Brown Paper Bag Challenge.

Muhlberger's World History
