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Ecoregions 2017 ©

Ecoregions 2017 ©
Related:  Økosystemer

Red Danmarks natur: Slip bison, elefanter og vilde heste løs | Viden For 100.000 år siden - dengang Danmark endnu ikke var et land, og vi mennesker stadig havde vores indtog til gode - så naturen og dyrelivet ganske anderledes ud. Læs også: Kokasser, biodiversitet og uddøde dronter: I dag åbner Naturmødet 2017 Bison, kæmpehjorte og sågar elefanter vandrede det jyske landskab tyndt, mens det nuværende Sjælland var dækket af højere vandstand. Naturmøde i Hirtshals Rapporten fra DCE offentliggøres torsdag på Naturmødet i Hirtshals. Naturmødet er et slags Folkemøde for natur - et årligt nationalt event om og i naturen. Der er omkring 25 stande på mødet. Læs mere på I dag bliver mange af os begejstrede ved et glimt af en kronhjort, men tænk engang hvis du kunne gå en tur i Nationalpark Thy og fange et glimt af en flok vildheste eller sågar et næsehorn. Utopi - tænker du måske, men det gør forskere fra Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi på Aarhus Universitet (DCE) ikke. Biodiversiteten skrumper og skrumper Kilder: Miljøstyrelsen, Camilla Fløjgaard.

Video: The Solar System to Scale I guess I've been a bit of a space kick lately as over the weekend I shared an augmented reality app about spacecraft and yesterday I featured the NASA selfies app. This morning I found an interesting video about creating a true-to-scale model of the solar system. The video is titled To Scale: The Solar System. To Scale: The Solar System begins by explaining why most pictures (like the one in the featured image in this post) and models of the solar system are not accurate. From there the video transitions into documenting how a small group of people made a scale model of the solar system in Black Rock Desert in Nevada. Applications for Education One of the YouTube comments below this video reads, "I had to watch this for school and I actually found something that my teacher told me to watch interesting." There's potential for using this video in mathematics classes to talk about scale and calculating the relative size of objects as well as calculating relative distance between objects.

Tour Builder Important: As of July 2021, Google Tour Builder is no longer available. On July 15, 2021, Tour Builder was shut down and the following associated data will be deleted: Links to tours that you created or were shared with you Publicly available tours Information in the Tour Builder Gallery If you want to create new 3D maps and stories about places that matter to you, use the expanded functionality of Google Earth’s creation tools. With Google Drive, you can collaborate with others on any projects you create in Google Earth. About Tour Builder When Tour Builder launched in 2013, Google wanted to share a web-based tool that made it easy to add and share photos and videos to a sequence of locations on Earth. With Projects, you can turn our digital globe into your own storytelling canvas and collaborate with others through Google Drive. Learn about Google Earth & Google Earth Pro You can learn more with the Google Earth help center articles and frequently asked questions.

NOBANIS - European Network on Invasive Species Expedition Everest - 360 Video from National Geographic National Geographic has one of my favorite YouTube channels. I've been fascinated with Mount Everest for as long as I can remember That's why I was excited yesterday when Nat Geo published a new 360 video about a scientific expedition to Mount Everest. Expedition Everest: The Mission is a five minute overview and introduction to a scientific expedition to Mount Everest. When you watch Expedition Everest: The Mission in your computer's web browser, you can click and drag to move the viewing angle while listening to the narration. National Geographic has some companion photographs of the expedition available on their website, but they're only available to paid National Geographic subscribers. On a related note, Google Expeditions includes a terrific tour of Mount Everest base camp.

Gapminder downloads (2019) Gapminder Slides Download Gapminder’s slides, free to modify and use in any way you like! Here are the slides used in our public presentations and TED talks. Gapminder Tools Offline This software allows you to show animated statistics from your own laptop. You can use it without internet access Updates automatically when new data is available Download Factfulness Posters Put this on your wall to keep reminding yourself of the Factfulness rules of thumb. Handouts & Lesson plans (PDF) Interactive presentations (Flash, PowerPoint etc.) Life expectancy is a very important measure when we compare the health of different countries. Use this animated presentation when you lecture about HIV. A complete package of animations for your lecture. Is the world a better place? Från Liberia till Singapore. A clickable presentation on MDG4. Arabic version of Human Development Trends. Karolinska Institutet awards the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Barnadödlighet och antal barn per kvinna. For the Tellberg Forum.

Økologi for grunnskolelærerutdanningen: Kapitler Interesantes aplicaciones de educación física para su fomento patrocinador Si buscas aplicaciones de educación física para el aula, echa un vistazo a este pequeño listado. Las nuevas tecnologías nos hacen la vida más cómoda. ¿Cuál de estas app te gusta más? Algunas aplicaciones de educación física: Team Shake, grupos aleatorios Estupenda aplicación que proporciona una forma tecnológica e innovadora de escoger los equipos para juegos de mesa, eventos deportivos, torneos, proyectos escolares o grupos en cualquier momento y de forma aleatoria. La versión más reciente, de esta aplicación, trae bastantes características nuevas, entre ellas incluyen: compatibilidad completa con la pantalla del teléfono y la tableta, equipos de balanceo por habilidad o género, importación de usuarios desde un archivo y equipos compartidos a través de Facebook, Twitter, correo electrónico y más. Video Delay Instant Replay Si lo que quieres es conseguir resultados mas rápidos en tus clases de educación física, los alumnos deben entrenar de manera inteligente. Endomondo Munzee

Living Planet Report 2016 | Pages What can we do to change our course and help protect life on Earth? Though the Living Planet Report paints a challenging picture, there’s still plenty of room for optimism. We’re already undergoing major transitions that will make for a healthier, safer, and more resilient planet. WWF is working with governments, businesses, and communities to reduce carbon emissions, prevent habitat loss, and advance policies to fight climate change. We’re focused on protecting wildlife and conserving natural resources like forests, oceans, fresh water, and grasslands. Together we can advocate for change and find solutions that will safeguard our planet and future. Download the Full Report h

Avogadro molekulen deseinatzailea Avogadro molekulak hiru dimentsiotan (3D) irudikatzeko software libreko aplikazioa da. Euskaraz dago eta Linux, Windows eta MacOS-en funtzionatzen du. Ubuntu eta deribatuetan instalatzeko Software-zentrotik egin daiteke edo terminalean hau itsatsita: Programa ahaltsua bada ere DBHko 2. mailatik erabiltzeko modukoa da zeren eta oinarrizko atazak errazak dira. Beste aplikazio interesgarriak UbuntunHezkuntzarako software-bilduma Nedbrydning | Hvad er nedbrydning Døde blade, grene og dyr - ja, alt naturens affald - er hele tiden ved at blive nedbrudt til mindre dele. Nedbrydning sker ikke af sig selv, men skal ofte have hjælp fra noget andet. Hjælperne kan være små dyr, bakterier eller svampe - og det kan også være solens lys, vind eller vand. Nedbrydere Hvad er nedbrydere I jorden lever en masse forskellige organismer, som man kalder for nedbrydere. Hvad spiser nedbrydere Nedbryderne lever af døde dyr og planter - eller det man kalder dødt organisk materiale. Hvad kræver nedbrydere De fleste nedbrydere lever i de øverste jordlag. Nedbryderkæde og -net Tit arbejder nedbryderne sammen i en nedbryder-kæde eller et nedbryder-net. Nedbryderkæde Når et blad lander på jorden om efteråret, så vil flere nedbrydere gå i gang med at nedbryde det samtidig. De små dyr river bladet i mindre stykker. Fra blad til molekyle I starten af nedbrydningen kan man godt se at bladet var et blad. Humus Hvor hurtig er nedbrydningen C/N forhold Kilde: Wikipedia
