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12 Surprising Things Your Child Can Learn from Minecraft

12 Surprising Things Your Child Can Learn from Minecraft
Video gaming has been seen by some detractors as a passive, mind-numbing activity that has an adverse effect on children’s social development. In fact, research indicates the exact opposite. There are a number of benefits to playing video games, including cognitive development, motor skill development, and creative problem solving. In particular, games like Minecraft have been shown to affect cognitive skills in a variety of positive ways, and is now being used in schools across the globe for its surprising educational benefits. With this infographic we explore 12 Surprising Things Your Child Can Learn From Minecraft, and in doing so, unlock some of the most important reasons why the game is considered the greatest educational game of its generation. Please include attribution to with this graphic. Links for 12 Surprising Things that Your Child Can Learn from Minecraft Are there any other academic concepts or learning lessons that kids can learn from playing Minecraft?

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