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ClassVR – Virtual Reality for the Classroom

ClassVR – Virtual Reality for the Classroom
Related:  edWebet90 - AR/VR/MRRealitat virtual

Home - XZIMG Real Uses of Virtual Reality in Education: How Schools are Using VR I'm attending UB Tech 2017 as I write this. Over the last few days, I've been enjoying lot of great breakout sessions, some good keynotes, learning about new and evolving offerings from vendors, and of course, meeting new colleagues and networking. Yesterday I attending a session titled, “Real Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education”, delivered by Ben Fineman. In his session he focused more on schools using Virtual Reality (versus Augmented) which I thought was great since that's the area where I've really been wondering if and when it might begin to make an impact. A Quick Overview of Today's Augmented Reality Hardware Fineman started with an overview of these technologies and some of the key players. Virtual Reality took what has probably been its biggest step towards public recognition when Facebook bought the Oculus Rift, which had its consumer release in 2016. Fineman also noted that AR and VR are, “different ends of the same spectrum”. Virtual Fields Trips

La realidad virtual en las aulas: ¿Realidad o virtual? Mucho se ha dicho –y escrito– sobre cómo la realidad virtual puede cambiar el modelo educativo actual. Sin ir más lejos, en este mismo espacio os contábamos hace ahora un año todo lo que la realidad virtual podría hacer algún día por la educación de los jóvenes y también por la forma de enseñar de los docentes. Casi todo se reduce a ese “algún día”. Pero resulta que ese día ha llegado. El primer y más significativo cambio que supone el uso de un ecosistema basado en la realidad virtual es que el entorno de aprendizaje pasa de ser un aula cerrada con pupitres y sillas a uno generado por ordenador –o vídeo– mucho más inmersivo cuyas experiencias sensoriales se aproximan enormemente a la realidad. ¿Qué ocurre si introducimos todo un sistema de realidad virtual en las aulas? Estamos en Estados Unidos. Utilizando equipos HTC Vive y ordenadores de AMD, el instituto habilitó cuatro aulas por completo en las que 1.700 alumnos aceptaron participar en el experimento. Caso de éxito Caso de éxito

Vuforia Developer Portal When Virtual Reality Meets Education Elizabeth Reede Contributor Elizabeth Reede is a co-founder of WoofbertVR, provider of arts and culture experiences that are educationally driven and developed by professional museum curators and educators. Larissa Bailiff Contributor Larissa Bailiff is the senior editor of education and content for WoofbertVR. Since the 1950s, virtual reality (VR) has been hovering on the periphery of technology without achieving accepted mainstream application or commercial adoption. Since 2012, VR startups have raised more than $1.46 billion in venture capital, including more than $100 million in funding during the last four consecutive quarters. According to Citi analyst Kota Ezawa, 2016 is the year that VR will take off in earnest, with the VR market expected to grow to a $15.9 billion industry by 2019. The content share of this market is of particular interest, as this segment of the tech industry has historically been dedicated to gaming — but the world is changing.

Las mejores experiencias con realidad virtual en el aula La realidad virtual sigue haciéndose hueco en las aulas gracias a sus beneficios en el ámbito educativo. Esta tecnología permite sumergirse en escenarios digitales en primera persona con el fin de explorarlos e interactuar con ellos. Así, los estudiantes logran una mejor conciencia de sí mismos, estimulan su creatividad, adquieren habilidades sociales y emocionales a la vez que disfrutan de un aprendizaje más personalizado. Perder el miedo a hablar el público. Sus creadores, Inés, Soledad y Jorge resultaron finalistas de la 3º edición del certamen Audi Creativity Challenge, un concurso que ha recorrido centenares de centros educativos de toda España buscando proyectos en los que la creatividad, la innovación y la tecnología se unan con el objetivo de revolucionar y mejorar la educación. ¿Cómo aplicar Google Expeditions a las aulas?

Introducing Wikitude SDK 8 - Wikitude The newest version of the Wikitude AR development platform is out! Equipped with the largest variety of augmented reality features on the market, Wikitude SDK 8.0 is the go-to tool for developers and businesses that wish to create endless AR possibilities and solutions. Wikitude SDK 8 introduces Scene Recognition, Instant Targets, Unity Live Preview, Windows Support, Extended Object Tracking and even more improvements in stability and performance. The final version of SDK 8 is now available for developers on the download page. Continue reading below to explore the new features and advancements of SDK 8 or access Wikitude CTO Philipp Nagele’s article for an in-depth technical review. SDK 8 expands the recognition and tracking spectrum of SLAM-based augmented reality experiences by introducing ‘Scene Recognition’, a feature long-awaited by the augmented reality market. Wikitude’s updated engine introduces a revised and more simplified method for map input creation. NATIVE APIs FOR WINDOWS

The Top 10 Companies Working on Education in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Touchstone Research List updated on 9/16/2016 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are new technologies which have been making all kinds of waves recently; but VR and AR are not only going to be used for gaming, several companies are exploring applications for VR and AR to be used in education. Around 90% of what we see and do is retained, which is something that has always been missing from education; students do not retain as much information if they are just reading a textbook compared to having more real applications of what they’re learning. Which is why VR and AR in education are so beneficial; these technologies engage students in a completely new way which is more fun and engaging for them, and it increases retention. Several companies are currently working on innovations in this space; and the work we’ve seen so far is surely a good sign of things to come. UnimersivUnimersiv is a VR learning platform which releases educational content on a monthly basis.

Lo que la realidad virtual puede aportar a la educación Hace unas semanas hablábamos del mundo de los hologramas en educación, una tecnología al alza pero un tanto alejada de las aulas. Sin embargo, lo que sí está mucho más cerca de hacerse realidad es la realidad virtual en educación. Unas simples gafas de cartón son el elemento fundamental para comenzar tu andadura en este mundo, del que existe múltiple contenido adaptado para clase. La entrada a un mundo infinito Los mundos que se disfrutan a través de la realidad virtual han de ser creados desde cero, ya sea adaptándolos de entornos reales o siendo completamente ficticios. Dentro de educación ya hay algunos fabricantes que están poniéndolo todo en este campo. Por otro lado, la realidad virtual es un mundo transversal en el que caben todo tipo de ideas e invenciones, y por tanto podremos utilizarlo en todas las materias existentes de la etapa educativa. Descubrir sin moverte de clase Aunque no lo parezca ya hay mucho material de realidad virtual ahí fuera.

Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality - Augment News One of the biggest confusions in the world of augmented reality is the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality. Both are earning a lot of media attention and are promising tremendous growth. So what is the difference between virtual reality vs. augmented reality? What is Virtual Reality? Virtual reality (VR) is an artificial, computer-generated simulation or recreation of a real life environment or situation. VR is typically achieved by wearing a headset like Facebook’s Oculus equipped with the technology, and is used prominently in two different ways: To create and enhance an imaginary reality for gaming, entertainment, and play (Such as video and computer games, or 3D movies, head mounted display).To enhance training for real life environments by creating a simulation of reality where people can practice beforehand (Such as flight simulators for pilots). What is Augmented Reality? AR technology is quickly coming into the mainstream. Augmented Reality vs. Technology Purpose

La realidad virtual en la educación es un gran avance! Los alumnos tienen mucha más motivación con esta plataforma que hace aprender contenidos de manera más amena. by sanbosch_ Nov 20

ClassVR consiste en una plataforma interactiva que pretende potenciar el aprendizaje en clase mediante la realidad virtual.

Ofrece equipamiento, formación al profesorado y currículo alineado con la plataforma para poder implementarse correctamente en los espacios de aprendizaje. by josepdelale Nov 20
