DO vs MAKE - The Difference between Do and Make in English Do and Make are two verbs which frequently confuse students. Here we will learn about the difference between Do and Make and when to use each one. When do you use DO? DO is used as follows: 1. Have you done your homework? 2. Hurry up! 3. Do I need to do my hair? Remember Do can also be as an auxiliary verb (for making questions in the present tense - Do you like chocolate?) When do you use MAKE? Make is for producing, constructing, creating or building something new. It is also used to indicate the origin of a product or the materials that are used to make something. His wedding ring is made of gold. We also use Make for producing an action or reaction: Onions make your eyes water. You make before certain nouns about plans and decisions: He has made arrangements to finish work early. We use Make with nouns about speaking and certain sounds: She made a nice comment about my dress. We use Make with Food, Drink and Meals: I made a cake for her birthday. Compare Do and Make B: I’ll do it later.
Startuppgifter till engelskan I början av en lektion kan det vara bra att börja med en startuppgift innan man börjar med det man tänkt sig. Detta för att samla ihop klassen. Jag har frågat en av mina klasser vad de vill börja med och det kom på en himla massa bra saker som: My name is Annika and I am a Swedish and English teacher at Gröna Dalenskolan in Bålsta, Sweden. I teach year 7-9 with 13 to 15-year-old pupils. Europeisk språkportfolio Europeisk språkportfolio, ESP, är ett stöd för undervisningen i språk. Den hjälper elever att följa och dokumentera vad de kan i alla språk som de lär sig. Det finns en utförlig handledning för lärare. pråkportfolion hjälper eleven att bli mer medveten om sitt eget lärande. I språkpasset dokumenterar eleven vilka språk hon eller han kan, hur väl hon/han behärskar dessa och var hon/han har lärt sig dem. I språkbiografin planerar, bedömer och reflekterar eleven kring sin inlärning av olika språk och sina kulturella erfarenheter. I dossiern samlar eleven ett urval av sina arbeten. Handledning för lärare Handledningen innehåller förslag och instruktioner hur du och dina elever kan planera och arbeta med språkportfolion. OBS! Nedanstående filer kan bara öppnas i Acrobat Reader och inte direkt i webbläsaren. Europeisk språkportfolio för elever 6-11 år Här får du förslag och instruktioner om hur du och dina elever kan arbeta med Europeisk språkportfolio för elever 6 -11 år.
Grammar + Songs | Songs and Activities for English Language Learners Songs can be an effective way to introduce or reinforce a grammar topic. Click on the topics below for companion songs and activities. Adjectives in the Song “True Colors”Adverb Clauses in the Song “Baby, I’m Yours”Adverbial Phrase “At All”Comparisons with LikeFeel LikeGerunds as Objects of PrepositionsGerund or Infinitive after begin, start, continue, like, love, hate, can’t standGet to Do SomethingGotta: Informal Spoken English for Got ToInfinitives as AdjectivesI’ve Got It and I’ve Got ‘EmMust Have + Past ParticipleNoun ClausesParticipial PhrasesReflexive PronounsShould Have + Past ParticipleThird Person Singular: Mistakes in the Song “Memories” by Maroon 5Used to + a Verb in the Simple FormUsed to vs. Verb Tenses: The lyrics gap-fill exercise below targets the 10 adjectives in the song. true colors, lyrics gap-fill.docx true colors, lyrics gap-fill.pdf The lyrics gap-fill exercise below targets the many adverb clauses beginning with the word until in the song. at all, worksheet.pdf 1.
Inference Riddle Game by Phil and David Tulga Inference Riddles- having fun with inference and prediction - Welcome to my page on inference riddles. It includes my free Inference Riddle Game that you can play right now on your computer. You will also find information on my expanded activity featuring 101 Inference Riddles . If you already have access to the expanded activity, please click here! Inference Riddle Game 101 Inference Riddles Phil and his son, David, have developed an expanded version of their popular Inference Riddle Game. Riddles are an excellent way to practice interpreting figurative language, idioms, and homographs. In the “101 Inference Riddles” activity, your students progress through a graduated sequence of riddles, with riddle #1 being the easiest, and riddle #101 being the most difficult. “101 Inference Riddles” is a web-based application that is available to use on your computer, smartphone or mobile device. To purchase access to the “101 Inference Riddles” web activity, click the “Buy Now” button below. Home
Monsters, 4-5 Warm-up Top Ten Movie Monsters Ask the students which Monsters they think are the scariest. Games Make Your Own Monster An interactive game with body parts and colours. The Gruffalo The Gruffalo Book Trailer Watch the trailer to learn what the book is about. The Gruffalo’s Child The Gruffalo’s Child Trailer Watch the trailer to learn what the book is about. Where the Wild Things Are Where the Wild Things Are – Trailer Watch the trailer to learn what the book is about. Other Stories Go Away, Big Green Monster! More Viewing Kids’ Scariest Movie Monsters (6:40) A funny interview with kids talking about scary monsters Writing Minibook: The Friendly Monster Printable book to write in Draw your own monster and write about it: (Click on the image to make it visible on an interactive whiteboard) More Materials ESL and have worksheets, Power Point Presentations and Smartboard activities about monsters for registered members. Related
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