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Alternatives to Free Time at the End of Class

Alternatives to Free Time at the End of Class
My first year of teaching, I would often end my lesson, check for understanding, have students fill out an exit ticket, review the homework assignment, breathe a sigh of relief, glance up at the clock, and develop immediate diarrhea upon realizing that I had a whole 10 minutes of class left. You see, I walk this weird, confusing line of being a teacher who hates giving students “free time” but also hates giving students busy work, so it was really hard for me to figure out what to do on the spot. This still happens every once in a while, but now, instead of succumbing to physical and emotional panic, I simply choose one of my weapons out of my Mildly-Academic-Things-You-Can-Do-With-10-Minutes-Left-of-Class Arsenal, which today I will be sharing with you. (Disclaimer: A good teacher would tell you, “Keep lecturing. 1) Show your students one of these videos and relate it back to your lesson/content somehow. 3) Play an ultra-quick round of Reviewsical Chairs. 5) Hold a limerick contest. Related:  EngelskaPARÉ

Glosmaskin Right on 5 Libers onlinebok + glosmaskin = sant Om du arbetar med Libers Onlineböcker så finns länkar till Libers glosmaskiner i Onlineböckerna. Du kan också göra egna gloslistor med just de glosor som är aktuella för dig och länka till dem från rätt ställe i Onlineboken. Författare: Om glosmaskinen Med Libers glosmaskin kan du träna glosorna från Libers språkböcker. Med bara några knapptryck kan du komma igång och träna glosorna till det avsnitt du jobbar med just nu. För varje gloslista du skapar får du en unik länk som du kan spara till senare eller dela med andra. Frågor och svar Varför får jag bara rätt om jag svarar med orden från bokens gloslista? Syftet med glosmaskinen är att träna de ord som hör till respektive avsnitt i boken. Hur får jag glosmaskinen i mobilen? För att öva med glosmaskinen i mobilen öppnar du mobilens webbläsare och skriver in i adressfältet. Kontakta oss Kopiera länken nedan och dela den med vem du vill, hur du vill.

49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child | Stress Better It happens to every child in one form or another – anxiety. As parents, we would like to shield our children from life’s anxious moments, but navigating anxiety is an essential life skill that will serve them in the years to come. In the heat of the moment, try these simple phrases to help your children identify, accept, and work through their anxious moments. 1. Drawing, painting or doodling about an anxiety provides kids with an outlet for their feelings when they can’t use their words. 2. Being told that you will be kept safe by the person you love the most is a powerful affirmation. 3. If you tell a child to take a deep breath in the middle of a panic attack, chances are you’ll hear, “I CAN’T!” 4. Marathon runners use this trick all of the time to get past “the wall.” 5. This is especially helpful for older kids who can better articulate the “Why” in what they are feeling. 6. 7. Separation is a powerful anxiety trigger for young children. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Engelska spel Det engelska språket omger oss alltmer i vardagen. Spela dessa engelskaspel så att du kan, vågar och vill använda engelska i olika situationer. Här har vi samlat alla spel inom ämnet Engelska. Food Årskurs 1 0 av 3 nivåer klara Para ihop olika matord på engelska med rätt bild i detta spel. Am / is / are 0 av 2 nivåer klara • Verbet är - am/are/is Träna verbet "är" som på engelska heter antingen am, is, eller are. Wild animals Ett spel där eleven får lära sig vilda djur på engelska. Engelska glassmaker • Glassorter• Frukter• Sötsaker Glassmaker på engelska. Glosor från Minecraft 0 av 5 nivåer klara • Stavning• Engelska• Glosor• Minecraft Stava rätt på glosor från MInecraft. Oregelbundna verb • Verb• Oregelbundna Träna tio oregelbundna verb i de tre formerna. Practise Colours • Igenkänning• Engelska• Färger Öva färger med hjälp av bilder. Engelska julord 0 av 16 nivåer klara • Engelsk jul• Engelsk nyår• Stavning julord Träna på engelska ord relaterat till julen. 0 av 20 nivåer klara Djur - animals Träna A och An

Commercial on DeRozan's busy offseason shows why he's on top of the NBA (YouTube) "Some people got the Beyonce syndrome, they wake up like this. Well he didn't wake up like this -- he had to put a lot of work in." It might be odd to hear Toronto Raptors guard DeMar DeRozan being compared to Beyonce. But when you take a closer look at the two-time All-Star's path to the NBA, it's crystal clear that DeRozan has put in a great deal of work to get where he is. DeRozan currently leads the league in points per game, and has shown no signs of slowing down. (H/T: YouTube - Spalding) Öjaby skolbibliotek - Engelska Engelska | | Läsa | Titta | Lyssna | Experimentera/Öva/Träna/Skapa | Spela | Länksamlingar | Undervisa/för pedagoger | På biblioteket News in levels - Läs nyheter sorterade efter olika svårighetsgrader. Har även översättnigsruta till svenska.Oxford Owl - Stor samling av gratis e-böcker för både skolan och hemma. Även övningar och frågor. Kräver inlogg men är gratis.The Game: Hello på (Finns även: Numbers, Sports, Animals, Senses, Time, Body and clothes, Food, Feelings, Family) F-6 (14 min)Go Yoyo go!

INSPIRATIONAL SHORT STORY WITH MORAL : THE BLACK SPOT | Inspirational Quotes - Pictures - Motivational Thoughts |Quotes and Pictures - Beautiful Thoughts, Inspirational, Motivational, Success, Friendship, Positive Thinking, Attitude, Trust, Perseverance, One day a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor handed out the question paper, with the text facing down as usual. “I want you to write what you see there.” The students confused, got started on the inexplicable task. At the end of the class, the professor took all the answer papers and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students. “I am not going to grade on you this, I just wanted to give you something to think about. However we insist on focusing only on the dark spots – the health issues that bother us, the lack of money, the complicated relationship with a family member, the disappointment with a friend etc The dark spots are very small compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds. Take your eyes away from the black spots in your life. Be happy and live a life positively!

London Strategies to Help Slow-Working Students A parent recently asked me for advice about her son. Although his academic skills are strong, he feels the need to complete every task to absolute perfection; this means he finishes his work long, long after the rest of his peers. Not only are his teachers frustrated by the time it takes him to complete assignments, he doesn’t especially enjoy spending hours every night making all of his work just right. It’s easy enough to say we want all our students to work at their own pace, and in most classrooms, some flexibility is built in to allow for this. To help this parent and her son’s teachers come up with some ways to help him, I did a bit of research, pulled together some of my own suggestions, and added strategies offered by other teachers. Your first step in finding the best way to help this student is to determine whether a more serious issue is at the root of the problem. Instead, if we begin by validating her feelings, we can help her manage the behavior that comes from them.

Eductia How to Teach Happiness at School | The Huffington Post Health is part of every public-school education. But what is health? It’s more than just nutrition and gym class. As early as 1947, the World Health Organization defined health as a state of mental and social—not just physical—well-being. Today, more and more schools worldwide are integrating social-emotional learning into their curriculum, teaching skills such as self-awareness, empathy, and active listening. Research demonstrates that happy people are successful across multiple life domains, including marriage, relationships, health, longevity, income, and academic and work performance. So how do we teach the skills of well-being to students? A few years ago, working with my colleague Lucy Ryan, we developed a comprehensive Well-Being Curriculum that is now being implemented in many elementary schools and high schools in the UK, France, Japan, and Australia. In other words, focusing on well-being can even contribute to the core mission of education. Teaching positive emotions

1000s FREE Primary Teaching Resources & Printables - EYFS, KS1 and KS2 Teaching Good Study Habits, Minute by Minute Nobody said that raising an adolescent was easy, and schooling one is even more of a challenge! Parents are taking on a lot of school responsibility, and let's face it -- things are different than they used to be. How are parents supposed to know how to handle the homework load without some guidance? Take studying, for example. The task does not have to be daunting. Getting Started Determine when tests will happen. Use school websites, email, planners, etc. to help you and your adolescent pinpoint an effective way to get tests on the calendar. Set a goal. Work with your student to determine how many days of studying he needs, and make a session-minute goal (one minute per grade level) and a target for him to study twice daily. Determine the study material. Notes, study guides, worksheets, or quizzes from the chapter or unit are all good choices. Ask and answer. Do it again. Set aside the same time increment before bed, and repeat the entire exercise. Minute-by-Minute Study Strategies 1. 2. 3.

Språkträningssidor Här finns länkar till olika typer av sidor som är skapade just för språkträning. Du hittar allt från väldigt enkelt uppbyggda ”fylla-i-övningar” för träning av vokabulär och grammatik, som kanske passar somliga av dina elever, till mer kreativa övningar. Några favoriter: Babelnet Theme Park (tematiskt baserade övningar på olika nivåer - i kategorin Blandat) BBC Learning English (mängder av aktiviteter av olika slag, många knutna till aktuella nyheter - i kategorin Blandat) Breaking News English (färdiga nyhetsbaserade lektionsplaneringar skapade av engelskläraren Sean Banvilkle med övningar av olika slag - i kategorin Blandat) British Council Learning English (massor av aktiviteter för såväl yngre elever (Kids) och äldre (Adults) - i kategorin Blandat) ESL Discussion (mer än sexhundra diskussionsämnen från Sean Banville som även gör Breaking News English - i kategorin Kommunikationsövningar) Film English (lektionsplaneringar för olika nivåer baserat på korta filmer från bl.a.
