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Una hermosa serie animada de cuentos indígenas mexicanos Foto destacada: INAH La zona arqueológica de Xochitécatl es un puente de la Gran Diosa Madre Teotihuacana. Xochitécatl es una zona arqueológica ?con el conjunto de asentamientos más antiguos en el valle de Tlaxcala-Puebla. Los monumentos y las piezas arqueológicas procedentes de este sitio constituyen una muestra ejemplar del culto a las montañas y a la fertilidad, rasgos muy característicos de las religiones mesoamericanas. Xochitécatl fue el centro ceremonial más relevante de la población del valle y hogar de muchas generaciones de personas a lo largo de nueve siglos. El nombre de Xochitecatl proviene de las palabras xochitl, flor y tecatl, lugar, es decir «Lugar de las Flores», o «Lugar del Linaje de las flores». Adoratorio al culto femenino En la Pirámide de las Flores fueron encontradas más de dos mil figuras femenina de barro, así como 15 esculturas de piedra con representaciones Zoomorfas y Antropomorfas. Monumentos en la zona arqueológica Museo de sitio de Xochitécatl

TV411 - Tune In To Learning How to use Jamboard in the classroom: 20+ tips and ideas - Ditch That Textbook Whiteboards and chalkboards have been a fixture in classrooms for ages. They're great for gathering ideas and making thinking visible. But there are drawbacks ... Having to write "DON'T ERASE!" If you can sympathize, you've got to check out Google's Jamboard app. The Jamboard app is a fantastic tool for learning in face to face environments and for virtual/remote learning. What is Google Jamboard? You can find Jamboard by going to Don't have touchscreens? When you open Jamboard, you'll see all of the recent jams you've opened. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Note: If you watch videos or read documentation about Jamboard, you might get excited about some features that you can't access by just using the free app. Student collaboration with Jamboard Jamboard is made for collaboration! Students can interact in jams in lots of ways: In lots of the ideas below, you can add a layer of collaboration by giving students an "anyone can edit" link. - Search and find captioned / subtitled videos from across the web Hear and see videos with authentic word pronunciations and example sentences. Español: Pronunciación en Inglés con vídeo · Italiano: Pronuncia in inglese con video Português: Pronúncia em Inglês com vídeo · Français: Prononciation en anglais avec la vidéo Press play to watch and hear the speaker use 'salmon,' and then use the instant replay/loop button to review the pronunciation as many times as you need. Search for a word and you'll not only get audio of how to pronounce it, but also tagged videos of real people in real situations naturally speaking and using the word in context. Try it on the left for the word "salmon" which is often mispronounced. Virtual Face-to-Face Pronunciations: With videos like the above, you get to not only hear the word but actually see facial gestures that different people use to produce pronunciations. Non-isolated Pronunciations: In real life, words are typically not pronounced in isolation. Why a pronunciation dictionary? - EmbedPlus Team

Confinement : raconte-nous ! - Okapi 100% ADO – Le blog des années collège mariona 5 mai 2020 à 18h47 Bonjour je suis Mariona. Le matin je me réveille à neuf heures, et je me lève, après je prends mon petit déjeuner. je m’habille et je fais du sport. Ju 10 4 mai 2020 à 19h01 Bonjour Okapi ! Júlia P 2 mai 2020 à 20h35 Bonjour ! marti77 2 mai 2020 à 19h50 Je me réveille à 11 heures et demie, tout de suite j'ai mon petit déjeuner et après que je me brosse les dents je m’habille et je promène mon chien. mellili 2 mai 2020 à 19h15 Bonjour ! gerard 29 avr. 2020 à 11h06 Bonjour ! Au revoir Laura 28 avr. 2020 à 18h12 Tous les jours de la semaine, je me lève à neuf heures du matin. Zoé 28 avr. 2020 à 14h51 Le matin, je me réveille vers 8h00, je lis jusqu'à ce que mes parents se lèvent (c'est à dire vers 8h30). Clara 27 avr. 2020 à 10h33 Le matin je me lève à dix heures, je m'habille et je prends un petit déjeuner. Amandine 25 avr. 2020 à 16h55 Moi le 16 mars : "Je vais profiter du confinement pour prendre soin de mon corps et de mon esprit." #confinement #coronavirus 25 avr. 2020 à 11h50 Noa

Compelling and Comprehensible Input YEAR by YEAR – TOWARD PROFICIENCY CONFESSION: I don’t like being prescriptive. I completely understand the need to follow a recipe especially when you begin your journey but I hesitate to provide a “one size fit all” recipe. There are so many ways to cook a delicious meal! — I am talking about language acquisition here Yet, so many teachers have been asking “what do I do?” Based on my 10+year journey in many different school settings, this is my attempt at balancing what I have learned about language acquisition, what I have seen in my own classrooms, what I am good at, and the feed back I have collected from my students and my peers year after year. Like this: Like Loading...

Institut Français and AFCA Brings You The Best Of Francophone Animated Films | French Culture For the 10th consecutive year, the Institut Français has joined forces with AFCA (Association française du cinéma d'animation) to offer new international programs. From October 14th to 31st, a selection of one feature and eleven shorts from French and francophone filmmakers will be available online from the U.S., free of charge and without registration, via the page dedicated to this event. Adama by Simon Rouby, 2015, 85 min Twelve-year-old Adama lives in a remote village in Western Africa. Beyond the cliffs, the World of Breaths can be found, where the Nassaras reign. One night, Samba, his older brother, disappears. Tales of Africa – 6 animated short films made in different African countries (Cinémathèque Afrique offer): Shamazulu by Jérémie Nsingui, Shamazulu has just married the man of her dreams. Le Chasseur et l'antilope by Narcisse Youmbi, the first pilot episode of the series was elected Best Animated Film at the Night of the Short Film in Cameroon. Beuaaark!

Script Episode 1 Extra French - French Circles This script episode 1 Extra French will help a lot in your pronunciation skills. This is the story of Bridget and Annie who share an apartment in France. They Have a neighbour, Nico, who is in love with Sasha and Annie is in love with Nico. The series covers all the main programs of study and grammatical areas needed for success learning beginning French. The language is simple and accessible at all levels and it combines strong character identification and a good dose of physical humour, excellent elements for Core French! C’est l’histoire de Sacha et d’Annie qui partagent un appartement en France…elles ont un voisin……Nico, qui est amoureux de Sacha et Annie est amoureuse de Nico. SASHA : Patrick, c’est FINI entre nous. SACHA : Super! SACHA : Ben, mon correspondant. NICO : Je vous ai ramené votre lait… SACHA : Notre lait? ANNIE : Sam, d'Amérique! ANNIE : C’est pas « elle », c’est « il ». SAM : Hi. SAM : Hi Mom! Check out others Extra French videos here: Script episode 1 - extra french

Freebie-Reflexives verbs & habits of teens 3 Activities-Reading -Interview El bienestar de los jóvenes- Is an interview between two students. Mario, is trying to collect data for a school project and he interviews Silvia about her habits and routines. The text uses many reflexives verbs and discusses some of the habits of teens such as lack of sleep, eating poorly and their over dependence on technology. This resource is part of the La vida sana packet. Part 1 is a comprehensible informational text on the sleep habits of teens. It features many - Ar verbs in the present tense. Part 1- Informational Text on "Why Teens Need Sleep to Function in School." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Honoring diverse identities and amplifying #Ownvoices in my Story Listening stories – TOWARD PROFICIENCY When I started using Story Listening (SL) on a regular basis to provide rich language in context to my Novice learners, I heavily relied on Grimm tales, Aesop fables, and children stories with personified animal characters. And so, while the rest of my curriculum had been steadily providing more and more mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors to all my students, my SL stories continued to primarily feature either cis straight body-abled neurotypical white characters or personified animals. In 2018, my SL stories were even worse than the percentage of books depicting characters from diverse backgrounds (see below): 64% of the characters in my SL stories were cis straight body-abled neurotypical white and 30% were personified animals. I have been working make deep changes in my stories. Hair Love by Matthew A. In a Heartbeat by Beth David and Esteban Bravo The Easy Life by Jiaqi Xiong Float (PIXAR short) by Bobby Rubio Like this: Like Loading...

A2 – Litté-FLE Une activité de compréhension orale et d’expression orale ou écrite, à partir d‘un court-métrage à l’ambiance inquiétante et à la chute rigolote pour commencer à parler des faits-divers au niveau A2. Lire la suite de « « Minuit : voici l’heure du crime… » » Une petite série d’activités pour faire le bilan du niveau A1, à partir d’une adaptation du poème « Je suis comme je suis » de Jacques Prévert en court-métrage d’animation par Marion Auvin. Lire la suite de « Je suis comme je suis » C’est bientôt Halloween ! Lire la suite de « Autour du Horla… » …non, il ne s’agit pas d’un article-confession, mais d’une activité sur les changements de vie, à partir d’une série de la photographe argentine Irina Werning, pour travailler à l’oral l’imparfait, le passé composé et le présent. Lire la suite de « Comment ma vie a changé » Dans La femme qui fuit, Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette raconte la vie de sa grand-mère. Lire la suite de « Écrire un portrait »

Le FLE à la Une Pour signaler la fête de la Francophonie à l'école de Arcos de Valdevez, tous les élèves de français de 5ème, 4ème et 3ème ont visualisé le film La famille Bélier, le 18 mars, dernier jour de cours avant les vacances de Pâques. Comme promis, les premiers cours du 3ème trimestre seront dédiés à l'exploitation du film, grâce à la réalisation de différentes activités. Commence par jeter un coup d'oeil à cette image interactive pour en savoir plus sur les acteurs et les tournages du film. Maintenant, prépare la description de l'affiche (nº de personnages, description physique, vêtements, relation, etc) pour la présenter lors du premier cours et choisis les mots du nuage qui vont te permettre d'élaborer le portrait de cette famille. Maintenant, voici les activités pour l'exploitation du film.

Parent Teacher Conference Forms Editable | Student Led Conferences | Digital Get parent teacher conference ready with this editable bundle of forms, surveys, checklists, reflection sheets, parent conference reminders and more! Student led conference resources are included! English and Spanish versions available. *NEW!* DIGITAL VERSIONS TO BE USED WITH GOOGLE SLIDES™ ARE NOW ALSO INCLUDED FOR ENGLISH (Spanish coming soon!) The file comes in a printable PDF form OR a PowerPoint file for you to *add* your own text. Please let me know if you have any questions about this resource!
