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Cal Lane

Cal Lane
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Joshua Pennings - Sculptures and metal art John Lopez Studio Accueil imaginaire spontané : Gérard Collas Taille directe, pierre de Borrèze 42cm/ 20cm/18cm l°Atelier palois Ethan Hayes-Chute Old ships from “new” materials — John Taylor | Detour Art John Taylor 1954 — San Juan Capistrano, CA Sculptures from found objects When you look at John Taylor’s ships, is hard to believe that they haven’t just been pulled from the ocean floor. (OK – you can believe it, but the patina is even more amazing once you realize that many of the parts that John uses to create these intricate sculptures are pulled from computer parts and treated to look like rusty metal…no easy feat with plastic. John is a landscape architect by trade, and spends his evenings and weekends working on his ships in his garage, while he keeps an eye on his kids playing hockey in the drive. His ships are based on actual vessels, from Civil War-era river boats to WWI battleships. Working with found objects collected from around his southern California surroundings, John works in his garage on evenings and weekends. “There is only one family ancestor that I resemble, and in the photograph I have of him he wears the military cap and uniform of the Spanish-American War.

James Corbett | Car Part Sculptor veo robots por todas partes. Me llamo Javier Arcos Pitarque y desde pequeño me gustan los robots, creo que esta afición me viene desde que veía una serie de T.V: que se llamaba “Perdidos en el espacio” allí el personaje llamado will robinson tenía un amigo robot, ahora después de coleccionar robots de hojalata he empezado a fabricarlos yo mismo. Espero vuestras opiniones y colaboraciones con alguna antigua pieza de radio, T.V, etc. Gracias por ver este blog. teléfono de contacto 629 457 448( Madrid España) ó por e-mail: My name is Javier Arcos Pitarque and since childhood I like robots, I think this hobby is coming since I saw a TV show: it was called "Lost in Space" there the character named will robinson had a robot friend, now after collect tin robots I have started to manufacture them myself. I hope your opinions and collaborations with some old piece of radio, TV, etc.. Thanks for viewing this blog.

J.W. Kinsey's Artifice Portfolio "the Hesterion: a wall sconce" - industrial grade resin, assorted electronics This is the Hesterion Wall Sconce. These are intended to be installed in multiples, surrounding a window or running down a hallway or library, for example. The knob at the bottom of the fixture is the rotary On/Off switch. The master pattern was entirely handmade in cherry wood, then molds were made for casting. If you purchase the "Unfinished" variant, you will receive a cleaned casting ready for paint. The electrical components included in the package are two UL listed light sockets, a rotary on/off switch, and two 40 watt Edison light bulbs. For questions about purchasing your own Hesterion Wall Sconce, please contact me for details, or go to my ETSY store. Photos by Curtis Almquist Studios.

SCULPTURES LUMINEUSES | Fabienne Yvert LA NAISSANCE DE LA LUMIÈRE Une dizaine de jours sans néons ni ampoules de 100 W, le soir à côté du sapin de Noël, éclairé par les guirlandes lumineuses et le reflet des boules rouges & guirlandes argentées. Avec l’odeur enivrante des aiguilles de pin, l’ombre géante de l’étoile filante accrochée tout-en-haut & des branches qui se découpent sur le mur. Accroupis au pied avec mon frère, on regarde. Des fois on la fait clignoter mais ça énerve un peu. Dans la crèche, arrivé là le 25 décembre, un Jésus en plastique phosphorescent sur son lit de paille, aussi fascinant qu’un vers luisant. L’USINE DES RÊVES 1989 – La petite usine est la lampe initiale. AU COURANT Dans la nuit, réveillée par une très forte lumière, un moteur de bateau & des voix énervées qui guettent les rochers tout près du bord.

City Series — JAMES MCNABB A collection of cityscape inspired sculptures that explore sociological concepts regarding transformations of cities and urban landscapes, their beauty, uniqueness, and over-development. James McNabb uses discarded pieces of wood to create sculptures, some with very unique and alluring characteristics, that are contextualized to draw new meaning out of the material and force viewers to create their own perspective of the urban landscape. McNabb blends traditional woodworking techniques with experimental mark making using a bandsaw. This intuitive process, referred to as “sketching with a bandsaw” allows the artist to generate forms rapidly, working through new and exciting ideas without preliminary design development. This approach to woodworking is an attempt to capture the fast paced, crude mark-making that is commonly found in contemporary urban art.

