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Use pop songs to learn connected speech and sound more fluent in English Colm Boyd, a materials writer and British Council teacher in Barcelona shows how attention to connected speech in pop music can help improve fluency in spoken English. What is connected speech? When people are learning English, they often pronounce words as they appear in print: Where do you live? → /wɛr/ /du/ /ju/ /lɪv/ An English speaker who is very fluent will pronounce the sentence differently. Writing - Advanced C1 Some people think that some types of criminals should not go to prison. Instead they should do unpaid work in the community. To what extent do you agree? Owing to the great variety of crimes that can be punishable by prison, some people argue that not all criminals are the same and it would therefore be more appropriate to give certain criminals community service instead. I agree that in some cases, prison may not be the best solution and community service would probably have more benefits. One justification given for prisons is to keep society safe by removing criminals from the outside world.

Practice Reading Tests Scoring The Practice Reading Tests in this book are scored on a point system that differs slightly by grade level. Grades 1 and 2 have fewer questions and no short- or long-answer questions. Grade 1 is based on a scoring rage of 0–6 points. Grade 2 is based on a scoring range of 0–12 points. Owl Eyes Offers a Good Way to Guide Students Through Classic Literature Owl Eyes is a relatively new tool that provides teachers with a good way to provide students with guidance while they are reading classic literature. Owl Eyes provides teachers with tools to insert annotations and questions into classic literature. Students can see the annotations and questions that their teachers add to the digital text. Teachers have the option to create online classrooms through which they can monitor their students' progress through a text and view their students' annotations and answers to questions. The texts available through Owl Eyes are mostly classic works that are in the public domain. The short videos embedded below will help you get started with Owl Eyes.

My family Submitted 7 months 2 weeks ago by Paul Braddock. This lesson provides teachers and primary children with an opportunity to see different kinds of families that might better reflect their own experiences. Introduction Level Test - Reading Sarah is 36 years old, and she lives in Canada. She has two young daughters. She works two days a week as a teacher. Her husband’s name is Nathan, and he’s a sales manager. - Introduction Introduction Academic writing is divided into paragraphs. If your writing is one continuous piece of text, it will be very difficult for any reader to follow your argument.

Levels / Series The Extensive Reading Foundation Graded Reader Level Scale: Chart This table is (and will always be) a work in progress and gives approximate levels for each graded reader series by most of the major publishers. Sorry it's so big! For details of the scale itself click here. I listed here only books written specifically for foreign and second language learners, not materials written for first language reading. Sebastian and the troll This is a short story I wrote in December 2017. It’s about pain. It’s been translated by my friend Vanja Vinter and is published here on my blog for now because I’m not really sure where else to put it yet. If you read it and find something you like with it you’re welcome to donate whatever you think it’s worth to a charity of your choice. SEBASTIAN AND THE TROLL A little story about how it feels

Canzoncina in inglese per la festa della Mamma La festa della mamma è una occasione in cui i bambini posso dire grazie alla loro mamma per tutto ciò che ogni giorno fa per loro. Ecco una canzoncina in inglese adatta a questa occasione. E’ solo un piccolo cuore quello che la bambina nella canzone dona alla sua mamma, ma contiene un messaggio importante: un ringraziamento speciale per tutto l’amore che la mamma dona ogni giorno ai suoi bambini. Black Friday and Buy Nothing Day What is Black Friday? Black Friday is the day after the American holiday of Thanksgiving, which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Because it is a holiday in the United States, it has long been a popular day for consumers to start shopping for Christmas.

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