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Funders and Founders - Visual Startup Blog

Funders and Founders - Visual Startup Blog
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The British Library Puts 1,000,000 Images into the Public Domain, Making Them Free to Reuse & Remix Earlier this week, Oxford's Bodleian Library announced that it had digitized a 550 year old copy of the Gutenberg Bible along with a number of other ancient bibles, some of them quite beautiful. Not to be outdone, the British Library came out with its own announcement on Thursday: We have released over a million images onto Flickr Commons for anyone to use, remix and repurpose. The librarians behind the project freely admit that they don't exactly have a great handle on the images in the collection. You can jump into the entire collection here, or view a set of highlights here. To learn more about this British Library initiative, read this other Open Culture post which takes a deeper dive into the image collection. Related Content: The Rijksmuseum Puts 125,000 Dutch Masterpieces Online, and Lets You Remix Its Art The Getty Puts 4600 Art Images Into the Public Domain (and There’s More to Come) The Digital Public Library of America Launches Today, Opening Up Knowledge for All

Mes traces, mon image : une identité numérique subie ou construite ? Titre : Mes traces définissent mon image, dessinent ma silhouette Présentation de l’action Lou sur son profil facebook indique qu’elle “aime” les jeux “Cromimi” et “amour sucré” or elle nous affirme qu’elle n’y joue plus depuis quatre ans. Quelle utilisation les élèves ont-ils d’Internet ? Cette séance a pour objectif de sensibiliser les élèves aux traces qu’ils laissent au fil du temps sur la toile et à la possibilité qu’ils ont d’agir dès maintenant pour se constituer un profil positif. Déroulement de la séquence : La séance commence par un questionnement sur leurs habitudes afin d’enquêter sur leurs parcours numériques. La première production proposée aux élèves est de montrer, à partir de cercles les lieux qu’ils fréquentent sur la toile. La seconde activité sera de comparer deux profils très différents, celui d’Omar Sy et celui de Franck Ribéry par exemple. Pour chacun d’eux, les élèves devront chercher un certain nombre d’informations et remplir une fiche guide.

Google Arabia Blog Cameron Hummels Cosmological Evolution A simulation following the evolution of a large representative volume of the Universe from just after the Big Bang to the present day. We're looking at the projected gas density from the side of the cube, and our view follows the reference frame of the expanding Universe over this time. As you can see, initially the Universe starts out dense and uniform, but over time slight overdensities in the gas are amplified by the attractive effects of gravity to form the walls, filaments, and clusters seen here. Also note the axes scales change over time as the Universe expands by a factor of 100 between z=100 and z=0, and observe the significant drop in the general column density over that period. Disk Galaxy This is a fly-around of an output from an Enzo hydrodynamics simulation which followed the evolution of a Milky-Way-like galaxy from just after the Big Bang to present (z=99 to z=0). Lastly, the movie changes modes to displaying the stellar component of the galaxy.

How to curate content: The best ideas, resources, and tools | Aaron Hoos Have you ever walked into a restaurant and been unsure what to order because there are so many options? People can become overwhelmed by choice to the point where they cannot easily make decisions or act. A similar thing is happening on the web today. There is so much content out there on the web, and even more is pouring in daily. Enter content curation. Different sites are approaching content curation in different ways: Google is constantly tweaking its algorithm and in a way, they are very much in the content curation business. Just to clear the air for those of us who see ourselves as content creators: I think there is still room for that. So how do you curate content? First of all, you should download and read Seth Godin’s ebook Everyone Is An Expert. Once you’ve done that, watch this video. Next, read this “content curation 101″ blog post by Beth Kanter, which is one of the best examples of content curation I’ve seen. Curation gives you some valuable benefits as a business owner:

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. Séance sur l'objet livre : la couverture Séance préparée en collaboration avec Mme Vernier, enseignante de Lettres. Elle est composée en deux temps et se déroule au C.D.I. Tout d'abord présentation des acteurs du livre à partir de sources indiquées sur le document puis réalisation par les élèves de couvertures de livre sur le thèmes des monstres. Présentation du travail à réaliser : *Réaliser la 1ère et la 4ème pages de couverture d’un roman dont le monstre choisi serait le héros. *1ère page : titre inventé à partir du monstre choisi, prénom et nom de l’auteur (élève), image coloriée, éditeur / collection (facultatif). *4ème page : rappel du titre, résumé de l’histoire qui donne envie au lecteur de choisir ce roman (10 lignes maximum, verbes au présent). Etapes du travail : * Maquette de 1ère page au brouillon, sans illustration (disposition, lisibilité, cohérence image / titre) * Maquette de 4ème page : texte cohérent, accrocheur – Verbes au présent Recopiage au propre Evaluation * Respecter les consignes * Soigner son travail

Shabayek مؤخرا نشرت مجلة Inc مقالة لطيفة بعنوان خمس شركات تدر عوائد بليونية بدأت كعمل جانبي / ثانوي، وهي تركز على فلسفة الفشل بسرعة أو Fail Fast، والتي تقوم على أن يجرب المرء منا الأفكار التجارية التي تشغل باله، وألا يحرم نفسه من تجربة هذه الأفكار، لعل أحدها تكون الناجحة التي تشكل بقية حياته المهنية والتجارية. الشركات التالية – كما سنرى – أسسها أصحابها على سبيل التجربة، تجربة تحويل هوايتهم وشغفهم لعمل تجاري رابح. إنه وقت مقالات مارك وانجل من جديد، وهذه المرة اخترت لكم مقالة بعنوان أحد عشر خطأ ننسى أننا نفعله، وخلاصة المقالة تقوم على مبدأ بسيط: حين يتوقف الواحد منا عن ارتكاب الأخطاء في حياته، ساعتها تبدأ القرارات الصحيحة تأخذ فرصتها وتعطي ثمارها. في هذه التدوينة يشرح لنا مارك تفاصيل العديد من الأشياء التي نفعلها دون وعي منا، أفعال سلبية هدامة يجب أن نتوقف عن فعلها وهي تبدأ بـ: 1 – إصدار أحكام مسبقة على غير أساس مثال تينا سيلج معضلة التسويق (ضمن معضلاته الكثيرة) هي أنك لا تستطيع أن تصنع شهرة راسخة مستمرة ناجحة لمنتج (أو خدمة) فاشل.

Seán O'Donoghue The Brand Building Power Of Personalization Some time ago, I checked into a hotel in Hong Kong. The receptionist handed me a bunch of business cards. They weren't the hotel's business cards but my own, complete with my phone and fax numbers and contact details while staying at the hotel. It was a gesture that kind of made me feel special. I know we can all be cynical and see through this ploy, but it works. Time after time, when evaluating what makes service unique, I conclude it comes down to two simple factors: attention to the individual and a personal twist. A while back, I wrote a post on how important it is to personalize a brand's dialogue with the customer. Dutch marketing journal Tijdschrift voor Marketing published some hot-off-the-press data showing the personal touch can be even more effective than anticipated. According to their article, if you simply begin a missive with "Dear X" (inserting the recipient's name), the response rate will be 42 percent. Here's a simple example. Let's be honest. Sponsored By: Brand Aid

Businessballs free online learning for careers, work, management, business training and education: find materials, articles, ideas, people and providers for teaching, career training, self-help, ethical business education and leadership; for personal, car Explorez les sciences du numérique - Accueil VizbiPlus - Visualising the Future of Biomedicine The VizbiPlus project aims to improve how life science is communicated by creating exemplary scientifically-accurate animations designed to inspire and educate the public about cutting-edge biomedical research. Animations Clostridium tetani & Tetanus. How infection with Clostridium tetani interrupts nervous control of our muscles, leading to tetanus. Created by Maja Divjak (Gene Technology Access Centre, Melbourne). Bordetella pertussis & Whooping Cough. The FODMAP Grand Tour Down Under: IBS Relief. The Hungry Microbiome. Alzheimer's Enigma. Cancer Is Not One Disease. Tagging DNA: Mislabelling the Cancer Genome. Inflammation & Type 2 Diabetes. Insulin Receptor & Type 2 Diabetes.

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