Don’t Fear the Internet HTML Tutorials HTML Beginner Tutorial A step-by-step guide to HTML basics. If you’re completely new to web design, start here. Getting Started: What you need to do to get going and make your first HTML page.Tags, Attributes and Elements: The stuff that makes up HTML.Page Titles: Titles. For Pages. A difficult concept, we know…Paragraphs: Structuring your content with paragraphs.Headings: The six levels of headings.Lists: How to define ordered and unordered lists.Links: How to makes links to other pages, and elsewhere.Images: Adding something a bit more than text…Tables: How to use tabular data.Forms: Text boxes and other user-input thingamajigs.Putting It All Together: Taking all of the above stuff and shoving it together. HTML Intermediate Tutorial Some HTML bits-and-bobs that might be useful to beginners and advanced HTMLers alike. HTML Advanced Tutorial Pushing HTML to its full standards-compliant, semantic, accessible potential.
CSS Tooltip If you need a really simple and basic cross-browser tooltip on your website, this pure CSS tooltip is the one for you. It is light-weight, cross browser compatible, and easy to use. Choose a skin and hover the Tooltip links below. Tooltip Most Light-weight Tooltip This is the easy-to-use Tooltip driven purely by CSS. CSS only Tooltip Pure CSS popup tooltips with clean semantic XHTML. Notice that the following source codes will also be updated when the skin option is changed. CSS3 extras The later part of the CSS is CSS3 extras. HTML markup <! Images The images used by the tooltip box: Callout icon: Background image: none
CSS Tutorials CSS Beginner Tutorial A step-by-step guide to CSS basics. Go here if you’re comfortable with basic HTML. Applying CSS - The different ways you can apply CSS to HTML.Selectors, Properties, and Values - The bits that make up CSS.Colors - How to use color.Text - How to manipulate the size and shape of text.Margins and Padding - How to space things out.Borders - Erm. Borders. CSS Intermediate Tutorial Various odds-and-sods building on the basics of CSS. Class and ID Selectors: Make your own selectors without the need for sticky-backed plastic! CSS Advanced Tutorial Exploiting the versatile depths of CSS. Rounded Corners: Corners.
Learn HTML5 and CSS3 Latest Discussions by Feii Momo hi recently i've began to code in c# and i wanted to create a login system. i've been trying to link access database with the form to read data of the db but somehow it just doesn't work... :( here are my codes: What I have tried: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using... by Member 13597916 x=int(input("Enter the number:")) y=int(input("Enter second number:")) if x>y: print("positive") else: print("negative") print(input("The number will be:")) What I have tried: It shows Indentation error...what does that mean and how do i prevent it? by Member 13597897 Problem is on '' need to like this in order to copie the value $('').attr('type', 'hidden') Can someone helpe? by Member 13427032 by THE-CODER-SALEH i made a console app and i want to control it from a form What I have tried: dim c as console or dim c as module1 but it will not work of course what can i put instead of that
Buttons · Bootstrap Use Bootstrap’s custom button styles for actions in forms, dialogs, and more. Includes support for a handful of contextual variations, sizes, states, and more. Contents Examples Bootstrap includes six predefined button styles, each serving its own semantic purpose. Copy <! Conveying meaning to assistive technologies Using color to add meaning only provides a visual indication, which will not be conveyed to users of assistive technologies – such as screen readers. The .btn classes are designed to be used with the <button> element. When using button classes on <a> elements that are used to trigger in-page functionality (like collapsing content), rather than linking to new pages or sections within the current page, these links should be given a role="button" to appropriately convey their purpose to assistive technologies such as screen readers. Outline buttons In need of a button, but not the hefty background colors they bring? Sizes Fancy larger or smaller buttons? Active state Disabled state
Avoir plusieurs présentations alternatives pour votre site On peut définir une présentation alternative comme : « une présentation adaptée à un autre support » que le traditionnel navigateur graphique (exemple : les mobiles). un autre design d'un site pour un support donné (exemple : pour un navigateur graphique). Il y a quelques années, l'idée même d'avoir un site avec plusieurs présentations alternatives faisait simplement sourire les « habitués ». la conception en était difficile ou lourde, faute de technologies appropriées séparant structure et présentation, et faute de techniques permettant d'avoir une structure unique adaptée à plusieurs présentations. l'utilité d'avoir plusieurs présentations alternatives n'était pas évidente : par exemple, on ne pouvait pas accéder au Web de toutes les manières actuelles (mobile, télévision, etc.). les débits n'étaient pas très élevés (RTC 28,8 Ko par exemple), et ne permettaient pas un téléchargement supplémentaire de données. Pourquoi avoir un site avec plusieurs présentations ? Mise en page par tableaux
Qu'est-ce qu'un élément remplacé ? Avez-vous déjà entendu parler des éléments HTML remplacés ? Vous les utilisez pourtant tous les jours sans le savoir, et connaître leur nature peut vous éviter quelques soucis. Par Dudley Storey. Par Dudley Storey On ne trouve pas beaucoup d’information en ligne sur les éléments remplacés HTML. Pour l’essentiel, les éléments remplacés sont des éléments HTML ayant une largeur et une hauteur prédéterminées en l’absence de CSS précis. ...l’input apparaît, sans que vous n’ayez rien à faire, aux dimensions qui conviennent à la saisie d’une ligne unique. Sans autre information, bison.jpg sera chargé dans la page et la balise <img> remplacée par le contenu de ce fichier, aux dimensions originales de l’image. <br>, <hr> et <object> sont des éléments remplacés, de même que <input>, <button> et <textarea>. Mais puisque l’apparence de ces éléments peut être modifiée via CSS, en quoi le fait que ce soit des éléments remplacés pose-t-il problème ? Pensons-y un instant. Ce serait parfait !
Streamlining CSS Print Design with Sass However, as we completed a critical mass of templates and moved from the proof-of-concept phase to production, CSS maintenance considerations rose to the fore. In our initial rollout of Paged Media designs, we built one set of core CSS files that contained a complete implementation of the styling for all standard book elements (headers, footers, chapter openers, tables, figures, etc.) for one of our simplest and most popular interior designs. CSS for all other interiors designs then @imported this core.css and performed selective overrides to adjust styling as appropriate. This approach served us well for a while, but as we added more and more templates, the monolithic nature of our CSS architecture became a liability. Now, happily, each design was completely siloed. It was clear we needed a more nuanced, middle-ground approach to CSS development. Encapsulate shared code using mixins that can then be inserted via @include statements: h1, h2, h3 { @include heading-style;} Conclusion