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If you haven't checked out the work of Yulia Brodskaya, which I first saw on Cake Wrecks, click this link NOW. Seriously, you will want to look for hours. I was so inspired by her, I knew I wanted to create a monogram, ala Yulia's amazing work. Quilling takes patience and some time, but the skill needed is pretty minimal. This is my end result: I'm thrilled with it. Ok, supplies needed: Frame Colored Paper (I used scrapbook paper because it's what I had on hand, but quilling actually works much better with non-textured paper) Print Out of Outline of Letter Craft Knife Mod Podge Scrapbook Paper Backing Medium Painter's Brush Step One: Print out an outline for your monogram. Step Two: Pick a color to go around your letter and cut out 1/4" strips of paper. Step Three: Start measuring and folding your paper, using your print out as a guide. It's important to be completely accurate. Oh yeah, another tip. Once you've got the outline done, it will look something like this: Mine a bit more done: Related:  quilling

Doodle Craft Upcycled Rolled Paper Frame! This frame is visually stunning with lots of texture and pops of color!'s menace runs deeper. It was the most tedious and time consuming project I've ever wrangled my kids into doing. It all started like this. Famous last words. I similarly convinced my 10 year old daughter to play along as well... so we had the whole crafty family working together. We begun this escapade at 4:02 pm...and finished with the last shutter click at 8:49 pm. But we made it through all of: Barbie the Island Princess Brave Frozen and part way into Wreck it Ralph. for this: It's a great way to recycle old magazines, paper the kids brought home from school...or junk mail! You will need: Paper Wooden frame (upcycle one you have on hand, or get one to refinish at the craft advice: think small!) Paper cutter (you could use scissors...but that would make this project suck even more) Tape roller (you could use glue...but that would make this project suck even more) Half way!

T. J. Potter, Sling Maker - 6 strand flat braid Instructions for a 6-strand Flat Braid I have included two ways to make this flat braid. The first is simply the normal braiding method, and the second is more of a finger weaving method. The structure of the braid is basically the same for both methods, but because of the difference in the way tension is put on the strands, the two methods produce somewhat different looking results. Method #1 To start the braid, hold three strands in each hand. Now take the outside left-hand strand and bring it through the other three left-hand strands going under-over-under, and transfer it to the right hand, keeping it to the inside of the other right-hand strands. Here you can see both steps have been done. Here you can see several passes of the braid completed. Method #2 For this method, hold all six strands in the left hand. The weaving process is repteated with each strand in sequence. Here you can see what it looks like after two steps are done without being pulled tight.

50+ Shrink Plastic Crafts to Make — Saved By Love Creations Shrink plastic, shrinky dinks, shrink film… whatever you call it, it is a fun and versatile medium used to create all kinds of jewelry and art. I hope you find this week’s 50+ shrink plastic crafts as inspiring as I do. It amazes me the jewelry that you can make with this stuff. Sky is the limit. Grab your stamps, colored pencils and markers and lets go! Ideas Art & Crafts Projects Ouilling is the amazing forms of art created with paper. Quilling , the coiling and shaping of narrow to create a design. In quilling thin strips are rolled giving rise to beautiful twirls. Nowadays paper quilling not only just a craft project for children but can also become a beautiful artwork that can be a home decor. Paper quilling for home decor

Recipe for Homemade Mod Podge Hello Friends! For those of you who don’t already know, I’ve had to leave sunny Florida and come to Maine to help out my son and daughter-in-law. She is going through some medical problems and needs my help with the children. A few days before I left home in early April, I had been swimming in the pool and enjoying the sunshine. Since then, there has only been 2 sunny days that were warm enough to get outside…until today! I do have something great to share with you, though!! patterns, crafts, etc. on there. All you need is a bottle of Elmer’s Glue (I will be buying lots of them when the school supplies go on sale in August!) Pour equal parts of the Elmer’s Glue and water in the jar, screw the lid on and shake it up good. quite a bit to get it mixed up well. One of the things I use it for is to make wall art. Another thing I use it for is to alter clipboards! of fun to make. I also cover a lot of boxes with paper and cloth…It works great on those, too!

TrashN2Tees: Now we're melting plastic bags. I've been wanting to try this for a while.. but alas there are not enough hours in the day for all of my wishful crafting endeavors. Go now and turn simple plastic grocery bags into tote bags and wallets—by fusing them together with an iron. Melt on fellow DIY'er and Recyclers. I'll live vicariously through you on this one. How to: Cut, flatten and layer six to eight bags on the ironing board, place parchment paper over them, and iron the whole stack to meld it into a useful, reusable thicker plastic for sewing together every which way. Theres no wrong way to craft, but I've included some awesome Etsy finds in this post. Long Overdue Fusing Plastic Bag Tutorial from EtsyLabs So what do you think?

Bricolage automne : arbre en quilling simple – ronds et arabesques en papier par Rachel, le 26 septembre 2012 (...couleurs d'automne pour une activité manuelle en papier roulé...) Le bricolage d'automne est de rigueur aujourd'hui, avec le temps triste et gris qui s'est installé, me faisant ressortir la polaire de la penderie ! C'est donc un arbre d'automne en papier que je vous propose de réaliser avec la méthode du quilling (les paperolles de papier roulé) avec la technique la plus simple : les ronds ! Voici le résultat de cet assemblage, qui pourra par exemple être décliné en un travail collectif à l'école. Tout commence par le découpage de bandes de papier, dans les couleurs choisies. Je tourne une douzaine de bandes avec la pince à quilling, laisse les cercles se desserrer librement, une fois enlevés de la pince, et les ferme d'un point de colle. Quand ils sont tous prêts, je les pose sur ma feuille support, après les avoir encollés à l'aide d'un pinceau brosse. J'ai choisi de ne pas coller les arabesques pour l'instant, pour faciliter la pose du feuillage.

How to Make Paper Look Old - wikiHow Steps Method 1 of 7: Solvent (tea, coffee, OJ) and Baking <img alt="Make Paper Look Old Step 1 Version 2.jpg" src=" width="670" height="447"> Paper Look Old Step 1 Version 2.360p.mp4- Watch a 10 second video1Pick a solvent. To age your paper, you can soak it in coffee (darker color), tea (medium color) or orange juice (light color), or a combination of brewed tea and coffee grounds. If you choose orange juice, you may want to skip the next step.There are a few ways you can make the paper look old, even if its new fresh paper.

Red Ted Art's Blog Kids Crafts » Red Ted Art's Blog Did you like this? Share it: My tutorials in English Husking Clematis Husking quilling is quite simple and nicely looking technique. There are some tutorials in Web, but today I want to present my own version for quilled clematis. You will need:1. Pins2. You will need one "a" element, two of "b" elements and 2 of "c" elements. Preserve the template with the tape and stick it to the board. Glue the end of strip and make a loop to fix the strip. Put the pin with the strip into the board, put another one and make a loop. Make several simple petals and glue it together. Fix it on the board and wind the whole shape by the paper strip. And now we have nice clematis. You can use different number of pins and different layouts. Happy quilling! Bee hive tutorial 1. - 2-3 strips of yellow paper (width – 5 mm; 130-160 gsm); -a knife; -tweezers; -a ruler; -tissue paper to make soft surface; -glue; -decorations (in my case it is micro-beads for nail-art and acrylic polish). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. You can also make rhombus, hexagon or rectangle shape. 8. Maple leaf tutorial

Dollar Store Crafts » Blog Archive » Make a PB-Inspired Tiled Mirror Home » $10 and Beyond, Decor, Headline Make a PB-Inspired Tiled Mirror 30 June 2010 3,252,932 views 28 Comments by heather Welcome to Dollar Store Crafts - the internet's original site for all Dollar Store Crafts! Keep track of us and never miss another awesome dollar store craft idea: Follow us on Pinterest! Subscribe for weekly Dollar Store Craft-Inspiration You might also enjoy our most popular posts:Make a Beaded Chandelier for $9Mind-Blowing Cake Decorating Tip Make a Pottery Barn-Inspired Tiled Mirror for $11: One of the best ways to get the look for less from the dollar store is to combine small components into a larger piece that makes a single statement. Mia at Cottage Love's PB-Inspired Tiled Mirror was one of my top 10 picks for awesome dollar store crafting at the recent CSI Project dollar store challenge. Tiled Mirror Tutorial: Original Project Estimate: Total: $11 and up To Make: The original project (that isn't online anymore) used a poster frame that the crafter had on hand.

Joanne's Paperdoll Page I have been doing the Paperdoll thing about eleven plus years now. I used to do it all the time when I was small, BUT whoever heard of an old? (I beg to differ) lady doing it? My Link Image is from way back in the late 1800's. It is a paper doll advertisement for Barbour's Irish Flax Threads. It belonged to my Great-Aunt Alice. Click on Image to get a bigger view. Last updated Jan 2011 If you want to print or view some Paperdolls, click on the links below. ******When you email me, I will not fail to answer, although it may take me a couple of days,****** as I don't always check my email every day, and usually only once a day. Click on images to see and print bigger pictures Please be Patient on paperdolls-Large Graphics to print,
